. Fruits of sweet cherries are tasty and useful. However, not everyone can get a good crop: the plant is quite demanding in nursing. One of the mandatory activities is pruning.. . Table of conten...
Read More. The word "cherry" is associated with the hot southern sun, the Black Sea and the ancient Greek town of Kerasund. It was there several millennia ago this plant was seen by the Romans and given it ...
Read More. For a long time, cherry was traditionally considered a southern culture, which significantly limited the geography of its cultivation. Breeding by breeders relatively adapted to the harsh environ...
Read More. Cherry, as a woody plant, has been known since ancient times. Juicy and sweet fruits are a favorite treat for children and adults.Among the southern varieties of cherry variety is Valery Chkalov-...
Read MoreThis garden tree today can be found on almost every backyard. Sweet cherry is popular due to its sweet and tasty berries. It is quite natural that any gardener wants to grow only the best crops, ...
Read MoreCherries have long conquered the hearts of gardeners and those who like to feast on it. There are many varieties of its varieties of colors: yellow, white, dark red and black. A few decades ag...
Read More. Sweet cherry is in every garden, so every owner chooses for himself those varieties that are most to his liking.If you are interested in delicious, fragrant and large berries, then the sweet hear...
Read More. Giving priority in the gardens of apple, cherry, plum and pear, cherry does not lag behind in the selection of new varieties. A special place is occupied by colonial trees. They allow you to get ...
Read More. One of the first berries that ripens in the country is the cherry. She has many fans, thanks to juicy, bright, sweet berries. Cherry is not a common type of garden tree. This is due to the fact t...
Read More. Cherry is a rather capricious culture, and even recently it seemed that it was impossible to grow it in central Russia. But the grade Fatezh is distinguished by increased frost resistance and dro...
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