Planting of sweet cherry, like any other fruit tree, has its own characteristics.
It can be held in both spring and autumn, so every gardener should be aware of the differences in these types of work.
.Table of contents
- When to plant cherries - in the spring or in the fall?
- Why advise planting in the fall: the advantages
- Simple rules for proper cultivation
- How to plant a tree
- Preparation of seedlings
- Selecting and preparing a place
- Landing in open ground
- Care in the first year after planting
- How to transplant the sweet cherry
When to plant cherries - in the spring or in the fall?
For garden plots that are located in the south of Russia or in the Central region,the most preferable is the autumn landing.
These terms are due to the fact thatDuring this period, the trees are at rest, and all their forces will be directed to rooting in a new place, rather than blooming and foliage formation.
If the acquired seedling is not transplanted into the open ground before the end of October, then during the winter period it is buried in the ground and planted in the spring.
Spring planting is optimal forSiberia and other regions with a sharp and cold climate, usually this procedure is carried out from late April until early May.
.Why advise planting in the fall: the advantages
In the autumn periodmany sellers of seedlings make discounts on their goods. In addition, for those who have not yet decided on the variety, in autumn you can see the expected result and taste the fruits of different varieties.
As is known,fall fallout heavy rainfall, so the grower gets rid of the need to constantly water the planted tree and monitor the level of soil moisture.
Seedlings planted in autumn,will have time to build up young roots for the winter period. Because of this, they will grow much faster than the trees planted in the spring.
In the southern regionsautumn landing has much more advantages than spring. Because the risk of a sudden heat wave is excluded.
Young trees can not be prepared for winter cold. Therefore, they can die because of too low temperatures, gusty winds or snowfalls.
More often it happens thattree survives after winter season, but there are broken or frozen branches. Also, the danger can be represented by rodents, which gnaw the bark of the tree trunk.
.Simple rules for proper cultivation
In the northern regions it is not recommended to use the autumn landing, because with a greater probability young trees can not survive the harsh winter climate and simply perish.
When you acquire several seedlings, they are linked together. When digging them into the ground, you need to make sure that the tip is directed to the south.
When the cold comes, the tree needs to be protected from their negative influence.Branches are sprinkled with earth and snow, they will be a reliable protection against frost. Also, to avoid sunburn, the cherry is covered with plywood.
.How to plant a tree
In order for the cherry to develop well after the autumn planting and give a rich harvest,all training rules must be observed, both the soil and the seedling itself.
Preparation of seedlings
Cherry differs from other fruit crops in thatif you grow a seedling from a bone, it will not inherit the characteristics of the parent tree. The quality and quantity of the harvest will be either greater or less.
Therefore, to obtain the desired resultit is recommended to buy an already grown seedling in the garden nursery. To make the purchase successful, you need to pay attention to the following indicators:
- On the trunk of the tree, the trunk of the scion should be well visible. It is these seedlings will have all the characteristics of the acquired variety.
- When choosing a seedling, you need to pay attention to the presence of the main conductor, if it is missing, then the tree will be strongly branching and poorly growing, there is also a risk of fracture of the crown into several parts after a plentiful fruiting. If the conductor is broken, then in the future he may have competitors, such competition will adversely affect the condition of the sweet cherry.
- The roots of the seedlings must be well developed and reach a length of at least 15 centimeters. Also you need to pay attention to the condition of the root system, the absence of mechanical damage and excessive dryness speaks about the quality of the seedling, and about proper care of it. The cut location should be painted in a light, creamy shade.
- It is best to take root in a new place trees aged 1-2 years.
The roots of the seedlingwith the open root system during transportation wrapped in a wet rag, and then in an oilcloth.
Before planting, the roots of the seedling are examined again andeliminate all the shortcomings:
- cut off all razmochalennye ends;
- Also it is necessary to remove all those roots that do not fit into the excavated pit. Too long roots can freeze in winter;
- before planting, the root system is placed in water for 2 hours to humidify it, in the presence of dry roots this procedure is increased to 10 hours.
If there are foliage on the acquired seedlings, it must be removed immediatelyso that it does not dehydrate it.
Selecting and preparing a place
Place for planting and growing a seedlingare chosen based on the following cherry preferences:
- The cherry grows best in loam or in sandy loamy soils, because they can provide good water and air permeability. Also, fertilizers brought to such a land will flow much faster to the root system and ensure its growth.
- The optimal level of occurrence of groundwater is, meter, if it rises higher, that is, the risk of moisture stagnation and subsequently decay of the root system. But such a problem can be solved by digging a drainage ditch, in which all the excess moisture will be collected.
- Also cherry likes sunny and lighted areas, it is best to plant it on the south or south-west side of the garden.
2-3 weeks before landing pit preparationyou need to thoroughly dig out the entire area, which is planned to plant the cherry and make the following fertilizers under the digging:
.- one kilogram of manure or compost is applied per square meter;
- 180 grams of superphosphate will be used for the same area;
- 100 grams of potassium fertilizers;
- acidic soils must first be limed with lime or dolomite flour. For sandy loam soil, 400-500 grams of composition per square meter is used, and for loamy soils 600-700 grams.
If there is a sandy type of soil, then a few years before planting, the cherries are mixed with clay, and vice versa. At the same time throughout the time before planting the land must be thoroughly fertilized, what would make it more fertile.
2-3 weeks before planting cherries dig a planting pit, the depth of which will be 60-80 centimeters, and the width can vary from 60 to 100 centimeters.
When excavating a pit, two layers of soil must be divided:Fertile (upper) fold in one direction, and infertile in another.
After the pit is ready, a stake is driven into its bottom, which will serve as a support for the future tree. Then the top layer of soil is mixed with the following fertilizers:
- 2-3 buckets of humus or not sour peat;
- 200 grams of superphosphate;
- 60 grams of sulfuric potassium;
- 500 grams of ash.
Then the resulting mixture is poured onto the bottom of the pit in the form of a mound and carefully rammed, then sprinkled with all the infertile soil.
When preparing a pit, do not apply nitrogen fertilizers, because they can damage the root system of the seedling.
Landing in open ground
Experienced gardeners recommend when planting cherriesadhere to the following technology:
- The seedling is placed in the pit in such a way that the root neck is 3-5 centimeters above the ground level and is tied to the support cola.
- The root system should be carefully spread and spread over the surface of the mound.
- Then the tree is sprinkled with the bottom layer of soil, gradually shaking it, thereby filling the voids between the roots.
- After the seedling has been half buried, 1 bucket of water is poured into the pit, then the process continues.
- At the next stage around the trunk dig a hole depth of 5 centimeters, and the ground is laid out as a roller. Such a design will help the moisture evenly distributed and settle down to the roots of the tree.
- The last step will be soil compacting, abundant watering and mulching.
Water and natural processes can begin to stimulate the subsidence of the soil around the trunk and the formation of a hole that will need to be leveled with the level of the rest of the soil.
Planting of cherries and initial pruning. Tips for buying cherries:
Care in the first year after planting
The main danger for a tree planted in autumn isfrost and too low temperatures. Therefore, it is necessary to take good care of cherries and carefully prepare for climate change:
- The trunk should be wrapped in sackcloth. Since winters can run at fairly high temperatures, care should be taken to ensure that the tree is not stalled.
- Falling snow is buried in the lower part of the trunk, thereby protecting it from frost and gusty wind.
- For best efficiency, lapnik can be used on top of burlap.
- To protect the tree from attacks by rodents in the winter, various pesticides are scattered around it.
Average,the tree is watered once a month, but with a severe drought, this procedure is repeated every week. It is best to water the sweet cherry through the hole, which, with the growth of the tree, is gradually expanded to a diameter equal to 2-mm meters.
The young tree spends 2-3 buckets of water, and on the adult 6-7.
These articles may be of interest to you:
- Detailed description of the Cherry Cherry variety.
- A detailed description of the cherry variety Valery Chkalov.
- Top of the best varieties of cherries for the Moscow region.
In the first 3 years of life, the tree will have enough fertilizers made during planting. The only exception will benitrogen fertilizers, which are introduced in early spring for the second year after planting.
Such top dressing will well stimulate the growth of the sweet cherry. Then the tree can be fed up with the extinguished humus and mineral fertilizers.
Because thebirds are very fond of eating sweet cherries, it is very important to protect the young tree from their attacks. To do this, you can bind old drives, tin cans, tinsel or rain to the branches.
Also, all these items can be attached to a scarecrow. Another way is to stretch the nets over the tree.
.How to transplant the sweet cherry
Often there are situations whenIt is necessary to transplant already growing cherry to a new place. If you strictly follow the following scheme, then the autumn transplant will pass for the tree as painlessly as possible:
- It is best to transplant healthy trees at the age of 5-6 years.
- Preparation for this procedure should be done in advance. In early spring or late autumn around the trunk dig a groove 40-50 centimeters in depth and 20-30 in width.
- The roots of the sweet cherry are neatly chopped and cleaned, then coated with a garden sauce.
- In the next step, the groove is filled with peat or humus.
- During the summer, the tree should be watered abundantly, so that new surface roots can develop.
- The transplant is performed immediately after the fall of the fall.
- The landing pit must be, in this case, more times than the root system of the sweet cherry.
Autumn planting will be an ideal optionfor southern and central regions. Proper procedure can ensure active growth of the tree from the next spring.