Do-it-yourself gazebo with barbecue: options, materials, choice of location, step-by-step instructions, photos

A vacation or a day off in the country is not only gardening or gardening. No less attractive is the idea of ​​​​building a gazebo with a barbecue, so that in the evening there is a place to gather in the fresh air, and not in a stuffy room at home.

Gazebo with barbecue do-it-yourself

The content of the article:

  • Where to place a gazebo: choosing a place
  • Material
    • Tree
    • We build a wooden gazebo in stages
    • Brick
    • We build a brick gazebo in stages
    • Forged construction
  • Choosing a brazier for a gazebo
    • collapsible
    • cast iron
    • Desktop
    • stone oven
    • Grill oven or cast iron brazier
    • Disposable barbecue
    • Mini barbecue oven

Where to place a gazebo: choosing a place

At first glance, the choice of a site for a gazebo is not so important. If desired, a covered building can be installed at least in front of the entrance to the house. But in most cases, a do-it-yourself gazebo with a barbecue is made in the backyard of the building, preferably on the leeward side.

Brazier is always a source of odors. Burnt and smoke eat into any objects, so it is advisable to choose a place somewhat away from the windows of the house to build a gazebo with your own hands.

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Cooking meat, vegetables on open charcoal or barbecue will require a fairly large number of kitchen utensils, water and food. And you can’t transfer half of the kitchen utensils to the gazebo, so it’s not bad if somewhere nearby there is a summer kitchen with everything you need, a refrigerator, and running water.

The third point is the requirements for the site itself for building a gazebo with further barbecue equipment:

  • the presence of a foundation;
  • hard coating;
  • the presence of a stationary chimney directly above the barbecue.

In addition, if the design of the gazebo is closed or semi-closed, then an additional ventilation window will need to be made in the roof. On the one hand, it will help to ventilate the space inside the gazebo, on the other hand, you can avoid water condensation on metal parts and wooden wall or roof cladding.


Most of the projects are developed as a full-fledged place for summer holidays. Something between a summer kitchen and an open garden gazebo. The dimensions of the interior, taking into account the further installation of a barbecue or barbecue, cannot be less than 3x4 m. Therefore, metal and stone are mainly used.

Although there are Finnish projects of closed gazebos with a central location of the stove, it also serves as a barbecue, but more often a barbecue.

Gazebo material


For the construction, edged boards, OSB boards and timber are used. The gazebo is planned to be built entirely from timber, but its individual parts will need to be made from rubble stone and reinforced concrete.

The gazebo project can be studied in the drawing below.

The box is assembled from separate pieces of timber (including spliced), with reinforcement with corners, struts. Vertical posts, lower and upper trims are made of timber 90x90 mm. For the roof frame, inch boards were used. The slopes are clogged with clapboard, slate is laid on top - for a gazebo with a flammable barbecue or barbecue, this is the best solution.

The corner for the brazier is made of hollow bricks.

The place for installing a barbecue grill or a brick oven must be chosen so that the wind blows into the inner corner where the firebox will be located, and not from the outside. Otherwise, the firewood will not burn well.

Healthy: Arbors with their own hands made of wood.

We build a wooden gazebo in stages

First of all, it is necessary to fill in the foundation under the stove or metal grill. To do this, we fill the site with gravel, on top we put a box of boards according to the size of the foundation.

Inside we load reinforcement, crushed rubble stone, fill everything with concrete mix.

We build a wooden gazebo in stages

While the platform for the barbecue is gaining strength, you need to make supports for the lower beam trim of the gazebo. To do this, you need to drill six holes with a drill.

Next, lay the film inside, install a wooden formwork, reinforcement on top, pour concrete. At the same time, align the columns in height.

The next step is to assemble the lower harness from the timber.

you need to assemble the bottom harness from the timber

For this:

  1. We cut into the size of the workpiece from the timber. At the joints we make cuts in half a bar.
  2. We lay on the posts and assemble in the form of a frame. In places of docking, for reinforcement, we stuff metal scarves.
  3. We install internal jumpers, also reinforce with scarves.
  4. We align the lower trim to the level of the horizon with the help of linings and fasten it with the help of steel corners, self-tapping screws and metal wire to the embedded reinforcement of the supports.

Next, install the vertical supports. They will need 7 pieces. We align each rack vertically and fix it on the lower trim using temporary struts or props.

The next step is to lay, align and secure the beams of the upper trim with crossbars. So that the wooden frame of the gazebo does not deform, you need to temporarily strengthen it with boards stuffed diagonally.

The next step is to lay, align and secure the upper trim with crossbars

By this time, the foundation for the barbecue has gained primary strength, and you can lay out the brick corner of the gazebo.

The upper beam trim will simultaneously perform the functions of a Mauerlat, so both ends of the beam must be attached to the brickwork using anchor studs.

It remains to make the roof of the gazebo. Initially, a ridge beam or a bench 406 cm long is cut out of a 150x150 mm beam. From the bottom of the future ridge, 60 cm supports are stuffed, after which they are placed on the beams of the ceiling.

The rafters are assembled in pairs from two boards of 200 cm each. You will need 4 packs of rafter legs, which are simply laid on the ridge. For small slopes, the rafters will need to be cut and adjusted individually to size.

It remains only to fill the crate, lay the slate, install a barbecue or a cauldron. Above the brazier it will be necessary to make a chimney, an exhaust hood. To do this, you will have to buy a ready-made node for saunas.

For you: Do-it-yourself gazebo with a pitched roof.


It is more difficult to build a brick gazebo than a wooden or metal one. You can’t just take and build walls, supports for the roof. Red brick has one feature - burnt clay absorbs fumes, fats, smells of burnt coal and firewood well.

Therefore, gazebos with a “kitchen” under one roof are built either from rubble stone, or they are tiled on the walls.

Therefore, if the gazebo is often used for relaxation and home gatherings, then the brazier or barbecue area is taken out of the comfort area.

Building a brick gazebo is more difficult

Otherwise, the rancid smell of old fat, which is impossible to get rid of, will spoil the whole rest.

White brick for the construction of gazebos with a brazier or next to the barbecue area cannot be used either. Carbon dioxide, as well as carbon monoxide, destroy the lime of the stone. The masonry will simply crumble in a couple of years.

We build a brick gazebo in stages

If the barbecue is not used too often, 1-2 times a week, then you can build a small brick a gazebo with a reinforced exhaust for flue gases and soot, and place the barbecue itself on the open side the buildings.

If a brick building has at least 2 full walls (the most common model), a full-fledged shallow foundation will be required. Otherwise, the brickwork will not survive even one winter.

We build a brick gazebo in stages

First you need to clear the site, mark the contours of the trench around the perimeter and dig it to a depth of at least 50 cm. The top layer of soil is removed to the depth of plant roots. The bottom in the trench and the site itself must be covered with sand, gravel, and a dense plastic film should be laid.

Before pouring concrete, vertical metal racks are driven into the corners of the site. Despite the fact that according to the project the gazebo is brick, it will have a metal frame. Few of the do-it-yourselfers know how to lay brick supports and walls up to 3 meters high. Therefore, the basis of the gazebo will be racks welded from a complex corner of two profiled pipes 70x30 mm.

The distance between horizontal pipes is usually 30-40 cm. Since a significant part of the roof will rest on the strapping, it is necessary to strengthen the structure by installing vertical jumpers. Distance 15-20 cm.

Next, you need to fill the site with concrete and wait the prescribed 5-7 days, not forgetting to paint the racks, and temporarily close the screed with a film (so that there are no cracks.

The next step is to make the upper strapping of the racks. To do this, two horizontal professional pipes 50x20 mm are welded to each of the four vertical racks. Only after that, you can lay out the racks and fencing of the gazebo with ordinary or hollow bricks.

The floor in the gazebo is tiled. Now the most important thing - after assembling the brick barbecue and installing the chimney (attached to the top piping) all brick surfaces inside the gazebo must be lined with decorative tiles.

The floor in the gazebo is tiled

At least once a season (or even once a month), tiles and ceramics will need to be washed from soot and grease. Ceiling cladding is best made of fire-resistant material or use lining impregnated with chromium salts.

The roof is best done in the old fashioned way from boards and timber impregnated with bioprotection against bark beetles, and also do not forget to treat it with a fire-fighting etchant.

A smoke cap and a grid are installed on the sections of the chimney, blocking the escape of sparks and hot ash. Then ondulin can be used as a roofing. It is easier to install, does not make noise in the rain, is not afraid of dampness, moisture. In addition, ondulin does not require vapor barrier or wind protection. It can be stuffed onto a wooden crate in the same way as asbestos-cement slate.

If coal and pine wood are not burned in the brazier, then the probability of ignition of the coating is almost zero. But once every 10 years it is recommended to paint over ondulin with a special protective compound. Thanks to this, the original color of the roof is restored, the design of the gazebo is ennobled, and additional protection from burning coals in the barbecue appears.

You can often find recommendations to make a barbecue inside a gazebo with a brick chimney. This solution has 3 major drawbacks:

  1. It will be necessary to increase the thickness of the foundation under the brazier-stove.
  2. The brick warms up slowly, so the draft in the pipe will appear in 30 minutes in summer and 2 hours in winter. For comparison, with a steel pipe, even in the cold, the brazier flares up in 20 minutes.
  3. To build a chimney, a master stove-maker is required. You can do it yourself, but the result is not guaranteed.

All of the above will increase the cost of building a brick gazebo with barbecue facilities. Therefore, for a summerhouse, a more preferable option would be to buy a finished project with a brick, a cast-iron hearth, a barbecue, a barbecue and a cast-iron chimney. It will only be necessary to assemble all the details according to the instructions for the project.

Forged construction

Metal is best suited for any sheds or gazebos with a brazier. The use of forged metal makes it possible to give the building an elegant look, smooth the design and enhance the design.

One of the options for such a gazebo is shown above.

Forged construction

Construction begins with the manufacture of a slab foundation:

  1. The site for the construction of the building is cleared of vegetation and roots. Next, you need to dig a rectangular pit 30 cm deep.
  2. In the corners, using a hand drill, pits with a diameter of 220 mm are drilled, to a depth of 60-70 cm from the level of the bottom of the pit.
  3. A layer of gravel is poured at the bottom of each pit and an asbestos-cement pipe 200x600 mm is hammered. The remaining space between the walls is filled with sand.
  4. A steel support (2-inch pipe) is installed in each corner, leveled vertically, first filled with crushed stone, then poured with concrete.
  5. A formwork 10-15 cm high is installed around the pit, the bottom is covered with a film, reinforcement is laid and poured with concrete.

After a week, the formwork is removed.

The next step is to make the upper strapping of the gazebo. To do this, use a square pipe 40x40 mm or a corner. In addition, diagonal braces from a professional pipe are welded into the harness. They will be required in the future to fix the chimney-exhaust pipe above the barbecue.

Next, you need to cut and install the rafters of the future gazebo roof, they are made from a 50x20 mm pipe. At the top point, you will need to weld a square for attaching the chimney and visor.

The lower part of the chimney hood is fastened with clamps to the diagonals.

In addition, the roof frame will need to be reinforced with additional piping. Separate sections of the pipe are welded between the corner "rafters" of the metal profile. This will increase the rigidity of the rafters and slopes.

Forged "snakes" and "vines", angular curls can be made from aluminum or copper bus. Metals are quite soft, easy to cold forging. After "forging" the parts must be coated with bituminous varnish.

Mandatory elements of the gazebo are a gutter and a downpipe to drain rainwater. Moreover, the gutter is installed only in front of the entrance to the gazebo, the remaining 3 roof slopes do not have a catchment area.

This is one of the best professional projects of small arbors, designed exclusively to protect the barbecue area from the weather.

This will come in handy: How to build a comfortable metal gazebo with your own hands.

Choosing a brazier for a gazebo

Out of habit, most owners of newly built arbors choose the classic steel box model with a barbecue grill or skewers rails.

But, in addition to the "classics", there are many interesting models of braziers specially designed for cooking meat and vegetables under a canopy or in a gazebo.

The main requirement for a barbecue or barbecue grill is the ability to "keep" a stable heat. The temperature of the coals will not decrease, and the fuel will not burn out in 10-15 minutes only with limited air access.

If at least one side wall of the box is open, then the brazier will burn out in a matter of minutes, heat the air in the gazebo, and the meat and vegetables will burn, but remain raw inside.


The classic version of the "mobile" barbecue. The front and rear walls recline on hinges, the two side walls are simply removed from the mount. In addition, the box can be removed along with cooked products and transferred to the table inside the gazebo.

Collapsible brazier

Of all the advantages of a collapsible barbecue, the main one is the possibility of carrying it. The box can be easily folded and moved to a barn for storage, taken by car to a garage or apartment.

The only significant drawback is the lack of side handles, for which it would be possible to transfer the hearth, for example, from the gazebo to the street. When hot, you will have to use gloves to carry the red-hot box.

cast iron

In fact, the model below is one of the best. Good molding quality, interesting design.

cast iron

Cast iron braziers do not burn, with proper care they never rust, as often happens with inexpensive steel braziers. For many models, the firebox is divided into 2 compartments. Coal can burn in one, and for a long time, one filling of 5 kg of charcoal briquette is enough for up to 10 hours.

The second compartment is used directly for food preparation. That is, you can use it as a stove to heat yesterday's portion of barbecue or just heat the food room.

Disadvantages of a cast-iron brazier:

  1. Huge weight, about three times heavier than steel boxes.
  2. Cast iron does not withstand impact. If you try to pour water on a burning flame or simply drop a cast-iron box on a stone floor, the metal will crack like porcelain.
  3. Some models of cast-iron barbecues (usually inexpensive Chinese ones) emit an unpleasant odor during the process of baking food on coals, which easily penetrates into food.

Experts explain that this burns the protective coating. Therefore, if you buy a barbecue in the gazebo, then the simplest one is best, without decor and paint.


In fact, this is the same steel frying pan, only rectangular in shape, with a compartment for charcoal briquettes and a frame for skewers.

Table-top braziers-braziers were massively used 120-150 years ago for serving hot fried meat on the table. It is very convenient for a small company in the gazebo, when several servings of hot food can be transferred from the place of preparation to the table.


Another plus is that desktop models are easier to maintain. But for a large company in the gazebo, the possibilities of a portable barbecue will not be enough. Therefore, it makes sense to purchase such a brazier, only as an addition to the main stove.

stone oven

Despite all the advantages, it is quite difficult to deal with a brazier installed inside a stone firebox. You need to get used to each brick oven in order to be able to properly regulate draft, heat, and prevent the coals from burning out too quickly.

stone oven

A brick oven is easy to use if it was built by a master stove-maker. Home-made fireboxes, as a rule, smoke heavily until the chimney warms up, and besides, if the scraper is not closed in time, then all the heat inside the gazebo will be blown into the brazier pipe in a matter of minutes.

This is interesting: How to make a gazebo from a profile pipe with your own hands.

Grill oven or cast iron brazier

The modern brazier or universal stove for cooking food on coals appeared relatively recently. Approximately along with the fashion for Finnish winter gazebos, in which a cast-iron brazier was a mandatory attribute. Used for heating and cooking roasts.

Grill oven or cast iron brazier

The modern Finnish cast iron brazier is a real work of art. On such an oven, you can cook all types of dishes, it is no different from a stone oven, but it is much more convenient to work with it.

With proper handling, such a brazier will last 50-60 years, while any other models, including stone ovens, last up to a maximum of 30 years.


The only negative is that the brazier is best suited for Finnish gazebos due to the specific location of the chimney. But you can use it in a regular gazebo if you build a chimney correctly.

Disposable barbecue

By design, this is a simple metal tray with a charcoal briquette, sealed on top with a steel grate. Weight up to 2 kg, depending on the dimensions of the tray. Such a brazier can be taken to the country, fishing. All that is required is to ignite the coal with a special burner, and you can grill vegetables and kebabs on the grill, just like on a regular grill.

Disposable barbecue

Can be placed directly on the ground or on a fireproof sheet of thermal insulation. It is very convenient when relaxing in gazebos that are not equipped with barbecues and chimneys.

Useful: DIY gas grill.

Mini barbecue oven

It is arranged a little more complicated than a disposable barbecue. In fact, this is the same small-sized coal tray, but made of cast iron, with a folding grill. The dimensions of the mini-barbecue oven allow you to cook a maximum of one or two servings of food. But, unlike full-sized designs, such a brazier easily fits in a small bag and can be used for cooking in any gazebo, and even on the balcony of an apartment.

Mini barbecue oven

There are also stainless steel mini-ovens, usually slightly larger and always foldable. This type of BBQ roaster is popular with anyone who often has to be in nature, often move or work outdoors.

Building a gazebo with a barbecue is easy. There are quite a lot of projects, often the standard building is simply redone, a corner for the furnace is added and a chimney is installed. It is much more difficult to choose a barbecue. Often, instead of ready-made models of the brazier, the owners of the gazebo make their own version, for example, from a cylinder or a cast-iron box.

Tell us about your experience in building a gazebo with a barbecue. What do you think are the best stove options for relaxing and cooking? Write in the comments!

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