Paving slabs Old Town: characteristics, varieties and advantages, configuration, laying methods, dimensions, color

"Old Town" is a common paving slab used to cover pavements and street paths. Buyers appreciated it for many characteristics. Among them are a beautiful view, a variety of shades and shapes, the ability to lay out various patterns. Each element imitates a real cobblestone, has rounded edges. With its help, a unique picture is formed on the site.

The content of the article:

  • Configuration, colors and sizes
  • Specifications
  • Advantages of the option
  • Laying methods
    • Laying on a primer without foundation
    • Laying on a primer with a base

Configuration, colors and sizes

Popular material for paving "Old Town" has become due to a number of characteristics:

  • unusual design;
  • a wide range of possible uses;
  • variety of colors;
  • wear resistance and reliability.

Most users positively assessed the advantages of paving material in the implementation of the exterior and landscape design of the local area.

Paving slabs "Old Town" belongs to the group of medium format mosaics. It is produced in a rectangular shape. Manufacture elements of the following dimensions (mm):

instagram viewer
  • 120x60;
  • 120×90;
  • 120×120;
  • 120x180.

In addition to rectangular, produced figured paving materials. They are used for sculptural pumping and the necessary support. For laying out patterns, manufacturers produce trapezoidal specimens.

Dimensions with a width of 82 mm:

  • 53x63;
  • 63x73;
  • 73x83;
  • 83x93.

Paving slab thickness (mm):

  • 40 - ideal for arranging garden paths, sidewalks with low traffic intensity, where large loads on the pavement are not planned;
  • 60 - used for footpaths with increased traffic, for equipping parking spaces inside private courtyards;
  • 80 - very durable, suitable for use in parking lots and traffic, including on the roadway.

Paving slabs are produced in any color options.

Paving slab color palette


"Old Town" is made using semi-dry volumetric vibrocompression. In the process, natural-based dyes are added to the mixture.

Thanks to this method of production, paving material has the following features:

  • maximum compressive strength of at least 0.5 kg/cm²;
  • abrasion resistance;
  • reduced water absorption;
  • high resistance to low temperatures;
  • weight from 94 to 189 kg/m² (depending on size).

In the production of individual fragments of the "Old City" special solutions of organosilicon compounds are introduced. This substance is necessary to give elasticity during processing and operation. As a result, the coating does not need protective surface treatment for a long time.

Advantages of the option

Paving stone "Old Town" is available in a variety of shades. Thanks to this, the possibilities of its use in design landscape projects are expanding.

An important advantage of this paving slab is that it does not emit volatile oil products and other harmful chemicals under the influence of high temperatures. "Old Town" does not soften when heated. It has a high level of environmental safety. This is facilitated by the production of environmentally friendly materials.

With proper installation, the formation of puddles on the coating is excluded - all moisture flows into the recesses.

Due to the peculiarities of production, the paving stone "Old Town" has a rough surface. This creates an anti-slip effect. For this reason, it is suitable for covering sidewalks, stops, gas stations.

Tiles "Old Town" largely surpasses concrete, asphalt coatings in terms of price and quality. Stones of this type are easy to clean. If damage occurs, it is enough to replace the damaged cell of the "Old City" without disassembling the entire structure.

By production of a basic paving covering the minimum volume of initial raw materials is applied.

Several advantages of the material should be noted:

  • does not deteriorate from exposure to water;
  • does not deform at low temperatures;
  • allows you to implement a variety of design projects;
  • does not freeze and is absolutely safe due to the existing anti-slip effect;
  • has a good value for money;
  • provides for the replacement of damaged elements without parsing the entire track.

Laying such tiles is an easy job. It can be done independently in a short time.

Laying methods

Construction stores sell different versions of paving slabs "Old Town". The width of the elements is the same, but the length is different.

Segmented, trapezoid-shaped stones are positioned so that the pavement layout is maintained when turning. This does not violate the width of the passage. Thanks to this, it is easy to observe the ratio of seams when laying. This is often used on straight sections of the track.

The most complex layout scheme is considered to be chaotic. It matches the seams of adjacent rows, and the tiles are laid out in a unique color and pattern. This method is often used for paving individual zones and sections, bringing paths to them with the correct geometric pattern.

For the device of turns and the design of round sections, trapezoidal products are used, choosing a size depending on the radius of rotation. In this case masonry starts from the center of the circle and ends at the outer diameter.

Ways of laying paving slabs Old Town

Before you get started, you need to make a track fragment. It is made separately with a size of one square meter, then the orientation goes to the manufactured sample.

Laying on a primer without foundation

Before styling paving slabs need to prepare the surface. To do this, level the ground. When creating the contours of the planned path, do not forget about the curbs. For marking it is recommended to use twine.

During the installation of curbs, the selected height of the primer and the thickness of the paving stone are taken into account.

The ratio of sand and cement should be 3:1. The primer is poured along the length of the fragment and the coating sample is laid out. It is recommended to distribute the material so that the center is slightly higher than the edges.

Further, all the components of the track are laid out according to the selected template. It is recommended to adjust the height of the stones with a rubber mallet. Minor slopes towards the curbs are made using a level. During rain or thaw, water will flow down them.

Laying paving slabs on a primer without a base

At the end of the paving laying, it is necessary to cover the gaps between the stones with a primer over the entire surface. Excess composition is removed.

Laying on a primer with a base

In this case, before laying the elements of the "Old City" it is necessary to prepare a special foundation layer. The soil is covered with gravel or concrete. This does not allow subsidence of the tile, its discrepancy.

When laying stones on a concrete base, it is allowed to make a priming layer of a smaller thickness. Its task is to fix the tiles on the prepared surface.

The nuances that you should pay attention to when paving the "Old Town":

  1. Work is carried out only on dry days. Laying tiles during rain is unacceptable.
  2. For some time after installation, they refrain from washing the coating.
  3. The remaining cement is removed carefully. Otherwise, the tile will absorb it. This will lead to fading.

Since the paving stone "Old Town" has a rough surface, it must be cleaned from time to time. This prevents the tiles from changing color. It needs protection from active chemical components, since it is able to absorb both dry and liquid substances.

Laying paving slabs on a primer with a base

It is not recommended to clean the snow cover with metal tools. Breaking the ice on the surface of the track with a crowbar is also not desirable. Otherwise, it may be damaged.

In addition to these nuances, road tiles do not need careful maintenance. It is suitable for decorating garden paths, sidewalks, parking lots as one of the best options.

Have you used paving slabs "Old Town"? Bookmark the page and share it on social networks.

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