What is Gas Saver Gas Economist?

What is Gas Saver Gas Economist?


Now the topic of saving gas is acute, as the constant increase in utility tariffs makes us think about how to pay less. Many manufacturers offer various instruments that allow you to save gas. We will try to understand the effectiveness of the new gas economist and understand what it is like, how it works and whether it helps to save the family budget. Or this is another bike.


  • 1Gas Saver Gas Economist - what is it?
    • 1.1How the new device works
    • 1.2Advantages
      • 1.2.1Video: calculating gas savings with Gas Saver (positive feedback)
    • 1.3Features of the novelty
      • 1.3.1Video: how a gas economist works in an apartment (negative feedback)
  • 2Installation Instructions Gas Saver
  • 3Reviews about the economy: fraud or truth?
    • 3.1Customer Reviews
    • 3.2Reviews of professionals about the "magnet"
  • 4Real devices for saving gas
    • 4.1Thermostat operation
    • 4.2How much saves the thermostat
    • 4.3Connectivity
  • 5Recommendations of specialists in saving gas
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Gas Saver Gas Economist - what is it?

Manufacturers of this device promise that consumers will be able to use gas in the usual mode, but pay for it will be much less. Therefore, it will be possible to save a large amount in a legal way, which is important for residents of Russia and other CIS countries.


The Gas Saver device will help to forget about high tariffs and shocking amounts in payment cards. Now do not think about saving and limit yourself. But are not we being deceived by the producers? Is not it a myth created by enterprising businessmen to deceive the people and "squeeze" money from him?


Since this invention is patented in the US and Japan, and consumers of these countries have long enjoyed it, our citizens do not even doubt its effectiveness.

The new device for saving gas is easy to use

To deal with all the issues on this topic, you need to find out how Gas Saver works.

How the new device works

In simple terms, the action of Gas Saver is as follows: the blue fuel passes through neodymium magnets placed inside the device, due to which the gas molecules are driven into intensive motion and begin to quickly rebuild, becoming a certain order.

Gas molecules under the influence of the economist are rebuilt, thereby reducing gas consumption

As a result, the gas leaving the economist burns completely.The result of the miraculous "reincarnation" is that fuel consumption is reduced by about 25% with a minimum emission of combustion products.


Gas Saver is easy to install, and there is no need to involve specialists in this process. Gas starts to be saved immediately after installation. Some people in their reviews say that now their gas stoves consume less by 45%, boilers by 35%, and columns - by 50% of gas, and the benefits are obvious.



The benefits of using Gas Saver are as follows:

  • suitable for all household gas appliances;
  • reduces the release of toxic products;
  • improves the quality of fuel combustion;
  • improves the operation of devices that consume natural gas;
  • reduces gas consumption with a constant load of devices.

Consumers can use gas appliances without any restrictions, and they will pay less than those who did not install such a device.

Video: calculating gas savings with Gas Saver (positive feedback)

Features of the novelty

Among the large number of proposed devices that reduce gas fees, it is the economist Gas Saver has significant advantages:

  • easy to put on a gas pipe or hose;
  • works continuously;
  • has no expiration date;
  • does not require additional power sources, functioning in an autonomous mode;
  • safe in operation.
    Gas Saver functions autonomously for about 10 years and more

All these qualities of the device are especially relevant in the winter, when the gas boiler is forced to work continuously.Installing such a device in a house on gas pipes or hoses, you do not violate the law, and this is important.

Video: how a gas economist works in an apartment (negative feedback)


Installation Instructions Gas Saver

To establish this gas economist, it is important to know some of the nuances:

  • fasten it only at the top of the hose or pipe, where the gas is fed, as close as possible to the input;
    The gas economist is mounted over the pipe and does not interfere during operation because of its small size
  • the pipe must be made of non-magnetic material (plastic, rubber);
  • the pipe diameter should not exceed 20 mm, otherwise the efficiency of the device will decrease;
    Economist Gas Saver is attached to the pipe, supplying gas to the column
  • in houses with large gas consumption, several economists should be installed one after another.
    For more efficient operation, gas economists are put in several consecutive increments

If you do not adhere to these requirements, then the effect will be less.

Reviews about the economy: fraud or truth?

On the Internet, it's easy to find all sorts of reviews about Gas Saver's economy. To determine whether to purchase such a device or not, you can read that in this regard, both consumers and gas specialists think.

Customer Reviews


The main thing in divorce is a scientific approach! The smarter - the more likely to vparit buyer.




Previously, this garbage offered to save gasoline on the car, see there the fuckers ended, go to the housewives.




I bought 2 devices, put one after the other on a gas pipe in front of the boiler. As a result, gas consumption has not changed by one iota, which is very upset. A senseless waste of money.




Reviews of professionals about the "magnet"

Experts to this economist are skeptical and say that the structured gas, which the producers tell us, does not exist in nature. And there is no way to make molecules move differently.


The molecules of gas through the pipe move in a laminar flow, that is, without pressure and mixing. Their movements occur chaotically, since each of the molecules tends to take its own position, and it is impossible to change this process by magnets.


The whole principle of the economist's work is beautiful words, to which prospective buyers and consumers of blue fuel must believe. The sites are placed convincing schemes that clearly show and explain the effect of this device.

The action of the economist in the advertising of producers is explained simply so that you can easily believe it

Each molecule of gas always produces the same standard equivalent of the volume of heat during combustion, and it is difficult to change the course of this physical process.There are scientific methods of adding to the blue fuel ancillary elements that increase the amount of heat released and reduce gas consumption.But for this it is necessary to observe a special process of technology and crash into the gas pipeline, which is a dangerous and illegal business.


It should be understood that the Gas Saver device can not make three gas molecules out of two.


It is also unclear why the manufacturers advise placing the Gas Saver device as close to the plate as possible after the meter. In this case, the economist will certainly be useless, because the meter has already recorded the amount of gas passed to the plate. So to deceive the automatic device does not work out. The main thing is that this device does not cause any harm.

The location of the gas economist must be at the bottom of the meter, as indicated in the instruction and installation diagram

On the resource of the Gazovikov Club VKontakte was conducted a survey, and the comments there are not in favor of the device.


As we know, the gas molecules move freely and chaotically, trying to occupy the maximum possible space (being under pressure in pipe), and no neodymium magnets (which are located inside the device) superimposed on the metal tube, save gas consumption IMPOSSIBLE! Especially 50%! It's a pity that they deceive ordinary people who buy them from 900 to 2500 rubles apiece!

Gazovikov Club



I laughed very long when I read about this "miracle". People, dear! If you were not destined to study this section of physics, then at least do not rush money, buying such rubbish. And do not envy the crooks who consider you rams. Save natural gas can only be properly selected equipment and its configuration. But as for liquefied gas (propane, butane), in this case it is realistic to reduce the consumption by one and a half times. This makes a simple evaporator. And you do not need to buy it. Any man with his hands and a welding machine will do it in a couple of hours. A large diameter pipe and flowed in less with hot water.

Irina Zakharova Gazovikov Club



Those who buy this thing still believe in MMM)

Yevgeny Sverdlov Gazovikov Club



Real devices for saving gas


At the moment there are also effective economists of gas consumption - thermostats.But they are placed only on gas boilers serving to heat a room or heat water.


Thermostats - small appliances that connect to a gas boiler in a special connector, are instantly recognized by them and are introduced into a common heating system. As a result, the heating boiler will operate automatically.


There are simple models of thermostats with shut-off and control mechanisms, but there are also electronic ones working on remote control panels. The price of such a device is higher than that of the magnetic patch on the pipe, but the result is immediately visible.

Gas thermostats are inserted directly into the gas supply pipe

Thermostat operation

On a gas thermostat, you must set a certain temperature, and he will turn off the boiler when it reaches it. What is the saving? The boiler controls the heating of water in the heating pipes. When the air temperature starts to change, and the water temperature remains unchanged, the living room is cooled or overheated.Thanks to the thermostat, there is constant monitoring of temperature changes in the room so that its fluctuations do not exceed, ° C.

In addition, the thermostat can be connected to fire detectors, as well as sensors for monitoring gas leakage, water flow or movement in the room.

How much saves the thermostat

During the season, this device will save 20-45% of gas, if you do not allow overheating of the room during the day or in a warm period. To achieve maximum effect, the thermostat is given a specific program by which it starts creating a gradual decrease in temperature by 2-3 ° C when people are not at home. This service allows you to save about 4% of gas.


Each modern gas heating boiler has a connector for connecting the thermostat to it via the network. There are models of programmable thermostats that are installed on the wall, but not less than 50 centimeters from the battery, windows, doors and one and a half meters from the floor. But there are variants of two blocks, where the first is mounted on the wall, and the second one is on the boiler. They communicate with each other on the radio transmitter.

The connection scheme for two different types of thermostat for a gas heating boiler shows the principle of their operation

Today, we offer for sale such gas economists as:

  • Salus Controls (for new generation boilers);
  • Bosch, Protherm, Vaillant and Viessmann (for boilers manufactured in Slovakia and Germany);
  • Auraton (Chinese replica of the thermostat Salus Controls, which in its functions is not inferior to the original and suitable for all boilers).

Such gas economists are legitimate, therefore everyone who wants can use them in their household.


Recommendations of specialists in saving gas

It is possible to save gas without a variety of devices and devices, if you use household appliances correctly and do not allow the room to subcool through windows and doors.

To heat does not leave the heated house, you need to take care of the proper arrangement of rooms and insulation of windows and doors

Tips for the optimal use of gas heating appliances:

  • Heating. Put in the house heat-insulating double-glazed windows on the windows, insulate the external walls of the house with polystyrene, and also think over the insulation of the floor and ceiling. Direct airing of rooms during the winter is short-term. Do not cover the heating batteries with furniture, otherwise it will prevent the spread of heat throughout the room. Install a screen of foil behind the battery: it will help reflect heat into the room. Reduce the temperature of the boiler at night by several degrees, which will provide a comfortable sleep, and save gas.
    The gas boiler is installed by a special service and is responsible for heating the entire house
  • Plate. Try to adjust the consumption of gas during cooking at each particular stage: reduce the heat after boiling and turn off the burner after cooking. Flame tips are the most effective, so they should barely touch the dishes. Oven use less often, since it consumes more gas than burners.
    Include gas burners only in the process of cooking, not using them to heat the room
  • Column. When heating the bathing water, take a shower and do not take a full bath. This will allow you to spend less water and gas to warm it up.
    Gas columns for heating running water are not advisable to keep on all day

If all the rules and norms for the use of household appliances are observed, you can significantly save gas without additional economists.

To save gas, do not necessarily listen to advertising and buy economists, which may not meet expectations. It is better to use the conventional methods of keeping the heat in the house, and if necessary, you can buy a really reliable device checked. But if you want to try the Gas Saver device in the case, you can see for yourself its economic capabilities.

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