Chainsaw, classification and description: a selection of brands and models - Setafi


A chainsaw is a tool primarily used for woodworking. The cutting element is a chain driven by a gasoline engine. You can do a lot of work in a short amount of time.

Compared to the electric version, saws with gasoline engines are more convenient due to their complete autonomy. In addition, they are not afraid of high humidity. That is, if there is a need, then you can work with it for a short period of time.

Chainsaw classification and price

The main question that interests a potential buyer is what kind of chainsaws are there. Tools fall into three main categories:

  • household;
  • semi-professional;
  • professional.

The content of the article

  • household models
    • Semi-professional options
    • Professional
  • Who makes chainsaws
  • What you need to know when choosing a chainsaw

household models

This type of chainsaw is designed for occasional use. For example, you can saw off a branch or remove a whole tree in a summer cottage. The total working time should not exceed 20 hours per month. They are not capable of more.

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Since household saws are in the budget segment, their power does not exceed 2 kW. At the same time, the tool has a small weight, which mainly affects the convenience of work.

Although the household option is weak, the power will be enough to cut firewood, cut knots and use it in simple repairs.

The price of a chainsaw will be 4-10 thousand Russian rubles.

Semi-professional options

Successfully and easily cope with periodic loads. In other words, when processing a large amount of material, which occurs continuously for 3-4 hours, they can fail. However, a power of 2-3 kW will be enough to work on small construction sites.

This type of chainsaw is used for repair and construction work and cutting down trees in suburban areas. They are also widely used in gardening partnerships and forestry for cutting knots and branches.

Their cost is in the price range of 8-17 thousand Russian rubles.



Of course, it is not forbidden to buy this type of tool for personal use, but it would be an illogical investment. The price they ask for a chainsaw is so high that at home the tool will never pay off. Therefore, professional chainsaws are used in special organizations that cut wood.

They are characterized by high quality parts and high power (6-7 kW). It helps to cope with a large amount of work, which increases productivity.

They can work more than 8 hours a day without interruption. And if you take short breaks in work, this time period increases to 16 hours.

The price tag for a professional instrument stopped at the level of 20-60 thousand Russian rubles.

Who makes chainsaws

The best on the market are:

  • Husqvarna;
  • Stihl;
  • Oleo Mac;
  • ECHO;
  • Makita.

In addition to them, you should pay attention to Ryobi, Huter, DAEWOO and PATRIOT.

Domestic producers are also not retreating. Among them, it is worth noting Caliber, Soyuz and Energomash.

What you need to know when choosing a chainsaw

Choosing any good tool is tricky. Therefore, it is necessary to approach this process with all responsibility. Pay attention to the following:

  • Dimensions. To use a felling saw, the band width must be 75 cm. And for summer or garden work, only 30-40 cm will be sufficient.
  • Weight. Naturally, you want the tool to weigh as little as possible. However, this indicator is directly related to power. The larger it is, the heavier the tool.
  • Power. main criterion. It should be tailored to specific tasks. For homework, 2-3 kW will be enough. If the tool is used in professional activities, the power must be at least 6 kW.
  • Tire. It is completed with each saw at the production stage. However, there are some models on which tires of other sizes can be applied. The table with dimensions is given in the instructions. Models from top brands are equipped with an additional chain.

Before you give money for the selected tool, check if everything you need is put in the box.

Of course, knowing the basic criteria will help you make the right choice, but nothing compares to real sensations. The tool should be conveniently located in the hand, because only the model that will be easy to handle will allow you to get a positive feeling from work.

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