How to grind concrete: essential tools - Setafi

There are several devices than to grind concrete. Usually, a grinder is used for this, on which a diamond disk or other nozzles are attached. To process a large area, industrial tools are used. The main steps and recommendations for grinding are described in the presented material.

The content of the article

  • Grinding technologies
  • How to grind
  • Preparing for sanding
  • The main stages of grinding

Grinding technologies

Grinding of concrete floors is carried out in 2 ways - according to dry and wet technology. The latter option is best suited on such surfaces:

  • granite;
  • marble;
  • mosaic.

This is a laborious and expensive technology, although the principle of operation is similar to dry. The main disadvantage is that dirty splashes, wet sludge are formed during operation, which makes it difficult to see the surface. Therefore, for such a method, how to grind a concrete floor with your own hands, you should use circles with an abrasive coating. Simultaneously with the performance of work, water should be diverted using a special water pump.

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How to grind concrete

Polishing of floors occurs also in the dry way. It is less labor intensive and saves time. In addition, intermediate results are immediately visible, and it is easier to control them, if necessary, make a correction. The disadvantage is associated with a large amount of dust. During work it is necessary to use an industrial vacuum cleaner.

Floor grinding

However, regardless of the specific technology, grinding the screed with both processing methods allows you to get a surface that has several advantages:

  • resistance to moisture, temperature, "aggressive" chemistry;
  • reliability, long service life;
  • clean air (due to dust removal);
  • low cost;
  • maintainability, simple maintenance;
  • attractive appearance - the concrete polished floor resembles marble or self-leveling floors;
  • The surface is practically not abraded and resistant to impacts.

How to grind

You can choose any processing technology. But it is important to decide how to grind the concrete floor. Inexpensive equipment can be purchased at the store or by hand. As for professional tools, they are easier to rent. The following equipment is mainly used:

  1. Household grinders equipped with cups or special wheels. They can be used even in hard-to-reach places, they are easy to take with you and carry due to their low weight. Moreover, the larger the circle in diameter, the more efficient the process is. However, consideration should be given to when concrete can be sanded after pouring. To do this, you need to wait at least 3 hours, and preferably 5-7 hours. Finishing can be done at least 10 hours after grinding.
  2. Grinding of a concrete screed is also carried out with grinders with circles or discs. To do this, use special nozzles - "turtles", which leave a pattern in the form of cells on the surface. If necessary, they can be easily removed and replaced by others.
  3. Another way to sand the floor is with cups. They are also put on a grinder and processed. Depending on the characteristics of the tasks, different cups are used, for example, with a square segment for the first processing, and boomerangs for the finishing.How to sand the floor
  4. Frankfurt is a trapezoidal nozzle with an emery base. It is put on the tool for polishing of a concrete floor.concrete floor grinding tool
  5. Professional machines are used to process large areas. For example, you can use a "helicopter" - a device with 4 blades, to which an abrasive surface is fixed.

Preparing for sanding

It is clear how to grind the floor at home. To do this, use a grinder and special nozzles. The procedure can be performed independently, but for this you first need to prepare the floor surface:

  1. Remove previous coating (if any).
  2. Expand cracks and crevices at an angle of 45 degrees.
  3. Go over primer and let dry.
  4. Then fill with cement mortar and level.
  5. Remove all protruding parts - reinforcement or metal inserts.
  6. Determine the evenness of the surface using the laser level.
  7. Determine the stiffness by conducting a test grinding of the floors with a grinder. Depending on how the disc wears out during operation, you can calculate the amount of consumables.

The main stages of grinding

Do-it-yourself grinding of the floor screed is planned a few hours after complete solidification. Better yet, wait a few days (up to 2 weeks). The main stages of work are:

  1. A solution is prepared and applied to the floor, which reacts with concrete and forms a protective film.
  2. Choose the grinding technology - dry or wet method. If necessary, prepare the liquid.
  3. You can grind the floor with a grinder with a diamond disc, the grain size of which is 400.
  4. After the first treatment, you need to inspect the surface for defects. They are cleaned and sealed using mortars.

Thus, grinding is quite possible to do it yourself. To fully control the process, it is better to take dry technology as a basis. You must first prepare gloves, a respirator and an industrial vacuum cleaner.

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