In Search of the Best Microwave: How to Choose a Microwave Oven

In Search of the Best Microwave: How to Choose a Microwave Oven


Microwave ovens have long been part of the familiar kitchen appliances, along with a refrigerator and stove. Someone uses them only as a way of heating ready meals and defrosting, others take microwave ovens a leading role in cooking. Manufacturers of household appliances offer a mass of models of different sizes and with different sets of functions, so that each consumer can choose for himself the most suitable model.

The choice is so great that it's time to open short-term courses called "How to choose the microwave oven correctly". But first, we suggest that you together understand the list of main criteria that determine your choice.


  • 1Microwaves: simple and different
  • 2The optimal combination of parameters
    • 2.1Dimensions
    • 2.2Functions
    • 2.3Control Panel
    • 2.4Materials
    • 2.5Types of grilling
    • 2.6Security

Microwaves: simple and different

The most primitive microwave oven is equipped only with a magnetron that generates a microwave cure and is only able to defrost, heat up the finished products, and heat them unassumingly.

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Since the effect of the microwave oven is based on the interaction of microwave radiation with water molecules, The maximum temperature of heating of such furnaces does not exceed the boiling point of water: and does not exceed 100 ° C. Cooked at this temperature, the products are most similar to those cooked without water.

A simple microwave oven can be used to warm up sausages, cook hot sandwiches in it, quickly cook oatmeal, preheat ready meals and semi-finished products, bake apples, potatoes and others. vegetables. It reduces the defrost time quite well.


More advanced microwave ovens are equipped not only with devices for generating microwave radiation, but also with heating elements - a grill. Grill will allow you to get more varied dishes, including those covered with mouth-watering ruddy crust. Depending on the internal volume of the microwave oven, it can be fried sausages or sausages, make toast, cook grilled meat and vegetables.

Even more complex models are also equipped with a convector that creates a movement of the heated air inside the stove. The temperature in the convection models reaches 24-250 ° C, which allows them to be used as ovens. Programs can be used in various combinations, including simultaneous action of microwave, grill and convector.


Such microwave ovens are among the most expensive and most versatile models. Choose a multi-function oven when the oven is not in your kitchen, otherwise their functions will be largely duplicated, and technology will be wasted in filling the limited space kitchen.

The optimal combination of parameters

How to choose a microwave oven correctly so as not to pay too much for functions that are not very useful? You just need to decide which function will most often be performed by the microwave in your home.

In order not to forget anything important, we will sort out in order with the entire list of basic criteria, after which it will be easier to make a choice of microwave ovens on the most significant parameters.


Both external dimensions and internal volume are important. In a small kitchen, it is difficult to find a place for a bulky microwave oven, and if it is used also rarely, then we will not have to talk about a rational approach. Usually the choice of size and volume is made, given two points: what function will basically perform your acquisition, and how many people in the family will use the microwave.

The simplest and smallest microwave oven has a volume of 13 liters. In it you can warm up food, defrost food, make sandwiches.

For the average family, you can choose a microwave oven, the volume of which is from 20 to 27 liters. For the lover of culinary delights, as for a large family, it is reasonable to make a choice in favor of the largest devices with a volume of up to 40 liters. Multifunctional, with a large volume of kilns often work successfully as the main devices for cooking.

We advise you to read: a small microwave oven


The main, most popular microwave functions are such processes as warming up and defrosting. Other possibilities are used by consumers much less often.

If you are going to use the microwave oven only as an auxiliary equipment, there is no point in purchasing a large model with a bunch of functions. It is better to stop the choice on a compact, simple and inexpensive model.


However, many take into account the merits of microwave and prepare in it a lot and constantly. When cooking in the microwave can use a minimum of fat. In the microwave oven vitamins are much better preserved. Food is prepared faster, and while the kitchen does not spread smells, the air does not receive greasy soot, and consumed energy is used with maximum efficiency.

If you intend to use your acquisition frequently and diversely, you can easily choose a good, sufficiently spacious model equipped with many functions.

Control Panel

On the simplest models, you can easily manage two regulators that determine the power and cooking time.

On more complex models, the control can consist of a set of knobs and buttons. The most rational management, based on the principle of "little buttons - many functions." Sequential choice of actions is carried out by several pressing of the same buttons.

There are models that offer a unique menu of the most popular programs. By and large, the type of management you choose, guided largely by your own perception of convenience and practicality.


Beautiful microwave, the body of which and the inner surface of the chamber are made of stainless steel. This material behaves better than others when heated, withstands long-term operation, is resistant to scratches. But behind the surfaces of metal is most difficult to care for. On them remain ugly spots of splashes of fat and juice, and even your fingerprints are able to completely ruin the appearance.

It is much easier to care for surfaces covered with enamel. This and one of the most inexpensive coatings. Enamel is easy to clean, but over time, cracks and chips develop.

The surface of their ceramics looks great. To her do not stick to the drops, sprinkled when cooking, it is easy to wash, it is not too susceptible to scratches. The disadvantage of ceramic coating is one: fragility. But usually microwaves are not used either for hammering nails, or as missile projectiles. And with the usual, moderately gentle exploitation, the ceramic coating of the camera retains its qualities for a long time and remains intact.

Types of grilling


If you decide to choose a grill model for your kitchen, you will have to choose one of two types: quartz or heating element. The second is cheaper, but it takes up too much of the volume of the camera. TEN and clean more difficult.

Quartz elements take up little space, heat faster, they are much easier to keep clean. This justifies their somewhat higher cost.


Grill in the form of skewers in the microwave oven is not very convenient, since the dimensions of the chamber allow cooking only small pieces on it. In the presence of an oven with a grill, it is inappropriate to duplicate this function in a microwave oven.

By the way, if you choose a microwave with convection, you can easily do without the function of the grill, and still enjoy a well-roasted foods with a crispy crust.


In today's world among people, a huge number of various horrors are wandering about the mortal danger of new inventions and products. Twists and around the microwave ovens. To ensure safety, it is enough to follow security measures.


The rules for the safe use of microwave ovens are simple:

  • Make sure that the door closes tightly, check the condition of the sealing elements; on the body of the device there must be no through damage.
  • Do not use for the preparation of plastic containers, not intended for cooking or heating food in microwave ovens.
  • Keep the inside of the camera clean.
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