Jigsaw or reciprocating saw: which is better?

A reciprocating saw and an electric jigsaw are two different tools, but they have almost identical functionality. The main task is sawing materials with different structures.

The content of the article

  • What is better jigsaw or reciprocating saw?
    • What is a reciprocating saw?
    • What is an electric jigsaw?

What is better jigsaw or reciprocating saw?

Despite the multitasking of both tools and ease of use, our compatriots prefer a jigsaw. At the same time, saw is more in demand in the West.

Masters say that reciprocating saw will become an alternative to a jigsaw, grinder, puncher or even a chain saw.

What is a reciprocating saw?

The appearance of the tool resembles a hacksaw. It works on the basis of a crank mechanism, which is started by an electric motor. The saw blade starts to move and moves back and forth.

The device is equipped with an unlock lever. With it, you can change the nozzle in a matter of seconds. Each tool has a base plate. It makes it easier to work with the device. The design differs in the angle of inclination, dimensions and degree of bending.

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reciprocating saw


An excellent feature is the inclusion blocking. The button is important when sawing materials for a long time.

Used in several types of work:

  • pruning branches on plants within the garden plot;
  • figured cutting on wood;
  • work at an angle;
  • vertical and horizontal cutting;
  • separation of materials of different structure at the same time.

Its advantage is the ability to approach the crushed material from any side and work under complex slopes. The device is equipped with a file, which can be changed to other blades, depending on the degree of complexity of the work.

What is an electric jigsaw?

Unlike the previous tool, the electric jigsaw is designed for cutting materials on a plane. Universal craftsmen with extensive experience have the skills of sawing by weight, but this somewhat deviates from the rules for using a jigsaw.

On sale there is a wide range of saws that are designed for various types of materials. It is mobile and has a small size, it is convenient to take with you on trips and to objects.



This is ideal for creating curly cuts.

When comparing two tools with similar abilities, keep in mind that professionals prefer to have both tools in their arsenal. They come in mains and cordless, are easy to use and help create incredible products.

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