Distance from the gas boiler to the gas stove: installation standards in the kitchen - Setafi

The distance from the gas boiler to the gas stove is not strictly regulated at the legislative level, since the corresponding SNiP was canceled more than 20 years ago. However, 50 cm is usually taken as the minimum requirement. There are other regulations related to the stove and boiler - they are also described in detail in the submitted material.

The content of the article

  • Minimum distance
  • Other requirements
  • Plate placement

Minimum distance

The norms for installing a gas boiler are not directly provided for by current legislation. Specifically, there are no uniform requirements on the issue of the interval from the tile to the surface of the boiler. However, in practice it is customary to focus on the norms of SNiP 2.04.08-87, which was terminated in 2002.

According to this document, the distance between the gas stove and the boiler must be at least 50 cm. This rule applies only to residential premises - houses and apartments. For example, there are different rules for catering establishments. It is also important to understand that the stove is located only next to the boiler. Those. by no means above or below it, but only on another level.

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Gas boiler installation standards

Other requirements

In the general case, one should be guided by the standards for the location of equipment, which are indicated in the passport, for example, to a stove or boiler. But if they are not there, pay attention to the general additional requirements for the installation of gas boilers:

  1. An exhaust ventilation duct should also be located.
  2. From floor to ceiling must be at least 2 m.
  3. The distance from the boiler to the stove is 50 cm. In this case, the boiler is placed next to the wall, and the interval to the opposite wall is at least 2 m.
  4. It is mandatory to have a window, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is calculated based on the ratio of 0.03 m2 for each cubic meter of volume. The minimum area is 0.25 m2.
  5. There are also requirements for a gas boiler related to its power. If the indicator is within 60 kW, it can be placed anywhere. If more than 60 kW - only in a separate room, an extension, for example, in a basement or basement.
Requirements for a gas boiler

Plate placement

Not only the requirements for installing a gas boiler in an apartment are important, but also for the placement of the stove:

  1. If the wall is made of non-combustible building material, then there should be at least 3 cm from the tile to it.
  2. The board must be insulated.
  3. The layer of heat-insulating material should be 10 cm larger than the dimensions of the case.
  4. If you put the stove, for example, on a wooden floor, it must be covered with a metal sheet or other non-combustible material on top.
  5. The minimum distance of the gas pipeline pipe from the wall surface is determined as not less than the diameter of this pipe.

Thus, there are requirements for a gas boiler in the kitchen and utility rooms. The tile can be placed both next to it and a little further, but leaving at least 50 cm. Do not place sockets and other objects made of materials that easily melt above the device.

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