How is the rubber band replaced in a washing machine? We change the seal ourselves - Setafi

Replacing the gum on the washing machine is carried out independently. The steps are quite simple, it will take no more than an hour to work. First you need to determine the signs of leakage, then remove the old cuff and put in a new one. A step-by-step description and practical tips can be found in this material.

The content of the article

  • Main causes and signs of wear
  • Signs of wear and preparation for replacement
  • Step-by-step instruction
  • How to keep gum as long as possible

Main causes and signs of wear

Replacing the rubber seal on a washing machine may be required not only due to natural wear and tear over the years. The seal often fails ahead of schedule due to various factors:

  • mold exposure;
  • influence of aggressive chemicals (detergents);
  • frequent temperature changes;
  • scratching with clothes (locks, plaques and other sharp objects);
  • friction on the inner surface of the housing;
  • in rare cases, a factory defect can also be the cause - then the signs of a malfunction are noticeable already at the first wash.
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Signs of wear and preparation for replacement

Before you figure out how to change the gum on the washing machine, you need to make sure that it is she who has failed. You can identify a malfunction by 2 main signs:

  1. Water flows down right during washing.
  2. A fairly strong stream is noticeable near the washer, a puddle is forming.Signs of wear and preparation for replacement

Understanding how to remove the cuff on a washing machine is easy. To do this, it is enough to prepare such tools and materials:

  • Screwdriver Set;
  • new gum;
  • marker.

Replacing the sealing gum on the washing machine is carried out in several stages. First you need to do some preparatory work, then remove the outer and inner clamps. After that, they begin to install new material. Detailed instructions on how to put an elastic band on the washing machine drum are presented in the next section.

Step-by-step instruction

You can replace the material yourself, even with minimal skills. To do this, it is recommended to follow several steps:

  1. Turn off the machine. Turn off the faucet immediately and open the door.
  2. Before you figure out how to change the cuff on the washing machine, you need to remove the outer clamp. It is attached with a small screw that needs to be unscrewed.
  3. Then the seal is unfolded, the clamp is found and pulled out towards itself. Next, it will be easier to remove the rubber band from the drum of the washing machine.Remove the rubber band from the washing machine drum.
  4. If the clamp is fastened not with a screw, but with a spring, you need to pry it off with a screwdriver and pull it out towards you.
  5. A mark is found on top of the cuff - it is opposite the corresponding mark on the surface of the tank. If it is not there, you can draw it yourself using a marker. This will allow you to more accurately understand how to put the elastic on the drum of the washing machine.How to put a rubber band on the washing machine drum
  6. Next, you need to go to the inner collar. Remove the top panel of the unit by unscrewing each bolt. If there is no access from above, it is necessary to remove the panel in front (where the door itself is located).
  7. Unscrew the screw, pry the spring with a screwdriver and remove it. This is the main step of the instructions on how to replace the gum on the washing machine.
  8. Next, you need to clean the place from the remnants of dirt, using the usual detergent and a rag. Rub the place with soap to ensure better glide.
  9. Now it is easy to understand how to put an elastic band on the washing machine drum. It is enough to accurately combine 2 marks - on the cuff and on the surface of the tank.How to put a rubber band on the drum of a washing machine
  10.  The elastic is put on so that it fits snugly against the edges - otherwise there will be no tightness, and smudges will appear during washing.
  11.  Next, put on the inner clamp, tighten it with a spring. They act according to the instructions, which indicate how to remove the gum from the washing machine, but in reverse order.
  12.  Install the outer clamp, screw the bolt with a screwdriver.
  13.  Run the wash in test mode (you can use a short program) to see how tight the tank is.

How to keep gum as long as possible

The way to remove an elastic band in a washing machine is not so complicated. But in any case, it is better to ensure the maximum period of its operation, saving yourself from unnecessary work and spending money. To do this, it is enough to follow the basic preventive measures:

  1. After each wash, even a short program, wipe the gum with a dry, clean cloth.
  2. Leave the hatch open so that moisture evaporates from the tank as quickly as possible.
  3. Always check pockets before starting a cycle and remove all items from them.
  4. Do not wash clothes with sharp metal elements - they can damage both the seal and the drum. This will allow you to save the material for a long time and not refer to the description of how to remove the rubber band from the drum of the washing machine.
  5. If there are locks, buttons, fasten them before washing.
How to change the rubber seal on a washing machine

From this review, it became clear how to change the sealing gum on a washing machine. This is a very affordable operation that you can do yourself. After installing a new seal, it should be carefully monitored - then it will last for many years.

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