Planting of peas, its useful properties and varieties

  • Planting of peas
  • Varieties of peas
  • Useful properties of peas

I am sure that every gardener has peas on his plot. Firstly, the planting of peas, its cultivation is not particularly difficult. Secondly, freshly cut green pods are a real treat. Thirdly, the useful properties of peas are a real gift of God. It includes a unique range of nutrients. Fourthly, varieties of peas are a great variety - a truck farmer has plenty to choose from.


Bean - one of the most interesting, mysterious plants on earth. After all, they are very similar in their properties, in their nutrition, protein content, to their amino acid composition, to meat products, and by digestibility, the body is even better than meat.

Now agronomists call Russia a pea country. This is not surprising. We consume peas more than any other country in the world. It is better for us than other beans.

Peas are one of the oldest cultivated vegetable plants. This is one of the few plants that willingly changes its properties in the selection process. In just a few years, Russian breeders managed to completely rebuild the architectonics of peas. If before the middle of the XX century he was lying on the ground, and pods had to be saved from rot in rainy weather, now plants are slender solid stems that stand perpendicular to the ground and hold tight pods peas.

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At the time of my childhood pea stems reached the length of one or more meters. My parents always put him in corn so that she supported him. Now the works of our breeders have cultivated varieties that do not exceed 70 cm. The most important plus - they do not lie at the expense of the fact that the antennae cling to each other, this strengthens each other.

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Planting of peas

To achieve the best results for planting peas, you need to choose an open, sunny place with good drainage. He is photophilous, frost-resistant, grows well on light, fertile soil. It is best to fill a bed for it with humus, ash, and Azofa, and if the soil is acidic, add lime. Planting peas is usually done in open ground from March to June, as soon as the soil warms up to 10 ° C. In the Kuban it can be sown in the February windows. Peas do not tolerate heat, so early planting is the right decision.

Make a line of chopping line with a depth of 3-4 cm in the direction from south to north. If the land is dry - pour. Spread the seeds 5 cm apart. Then fill them with earth, lightly "tread" the bed with the flat surface of the chopper. It is necessary that the seeds denser contact with moist soil, then they will sprout faster and friendlier. To accelerate the emergence of seedlings, the seeds can be soaked for 12 hours before planting. The width of rows between rows is 15-20 cm.

Peas two weeks after emergence

Pea shoots are not afraid of frosts to -6 ° C. Continue the sowing conveyor every 2 weeks to get green vitamins as long as possible. Later pea crops can be placed in the penumbra, but in the sun they were at least 6 hours a day. It is desirable to cover the crops. Further care - the necessary watering, loosening, feeding, small hills. Before flowering peas need moisture, it should be enough. But especially he needs it at the time of flowering, and after punching pods for 2 weeks.

To effectively use the garden space, planting of peas can be done between rows of radish, spinach, lettuce, other plants that give early greens. Cucumbers and potatoes are good neighbors for him, but it's not very good for him when he was sown next to garlic or onions.

Peas will appreciate the introduction of wood ash on the garden before planting. Peas can be poured a few times during the growth period, pour with an ash solution (1 glass of ash on a bucket of water).

Stripping peas, be sure to hold the whip with one hand, and the other end the ripe pods - otherwise you you risk tearing the plant from the root - it is very close to the surface of the soil is the root system. Collecting green peas is best in the morning, after the dew has dried, then it is the most juicy, tasty.

The biggest problem with peas is root rot, which causes the foliage to blacken and the plant to die. He is also susceptible to powdery mildew, if it is wet weather. The only way out is to look for and sow varieties resistant to these diseases.

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Varieties of peas

There are many varieties of peas, which differ in their properties, early maturity, yield.

Vegetable varieties are divided into shelling (Alpha, Viola, Dingo, Early Gribovsky, others) and sugar (Sugar Prince, Alexandra, Sugar-2, Zhegalova).


Lushchilnye varieties of peas have hard leaves, covered with a parchment layer, so they use peas, and sugar for food is the whole blade with unripened grains.

For vegetable growers, farmers, the Crimean experimental-selection station created varieties of peas vegetable different ripening groups (from early to late ripening). They have a significant advantage over foreign varieties, both in quality and in terms of crop yield. Our varieties are more resistant to environmental factors and diseases characteristic of the Kuban.

Recommended varieties of selection of the Crimean OSS:

  • Alpha 2- Early maturing variety, from shoots to harvesting 53-55 days. The length of the stem is 70-90 cm. Has 6-9 beans on the plant. Bob 7 cm long, 1 cm wide, contains 7-8 pieces. seeds. Dry seeds (biological maturity) are yellow, and their surface is wrinkled. Relatively resistant to root rot. Suitable for intensive cultivation technology.
  • Vesta- medium-early variety, from shoots to harvesting 56-58 days. The stem is 65-75 cm long. Forms 7 to 10 beans on the plant. Bob up to 9 cm long, containing 7-9 seeds. In biological maturity seeds are green, wrinkled. The variety is relatively resistant to root rot. Suitable for intensive technology.
  • Golden eagle- a variety of medium-early ripening, from shoots to harvesting on green peas 60-62 days. The stem is 70-80 cm long. Has 2 flowers per peduncle. Bob length 10 width, cm. The seed contains 9-10 pcs. Seeds in biological maturity are cerebral, yellowish-green in color. It is very productive.
  • Sail- mid-ripening variety, from shoots to harvesting on green peas 65-67 days. The stem is 60-70 cm long. The leaf type is baleen, which allows plants not to lie down until harvesting. Has 8-12, maximum 15 beans on the plant. Bob Dinah 8-9 width, see Seeds are cerebral, green in color.
  • Pretty boy- medium-late variety, the period from shoots to harvesting on green peas 68-72 days. The stem is 75-85 cm long. Has 2-3, more often 3 flowers on the peduncle. Beans on the plant 6 - 12. Bob length 10 cm wide. Seeds are green, cerebral. The variety is relatively resistant to root rot.
  • Source- the variety is late-ripening, from shoots to harvesting 73-75 days. The stem is 75-80 cm long. On the plant 6-8, maximum 10 beans, length 10, width, cm. In biological maturity seeds are green with a wrinkled surface. More resistant to spring frosts, relatively resistant to root rot.

All the varieties represented by the time of harvesting have green peas of a dark green color with high taste qualities, a gentle consistency. The proposed set of selection varieties of the Crimean OSS can ensure continuous receipt of green peas within a month or more. (Information on varieties of peas and their characteristics are taken from the newspaper "Niva Kuban" with the appendix "Nivushka" - 2014-N11).

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Useful properties of peas

In peas, as well as in other legumes, the highest concentration of B vitamins. A similar group of vitamins is not found in any of the vegetables, nor in any fruits. After trying at least once a green peas from your garden, you will never want to eat frozen.

All parts of the green plant accumulate a large amount of protein (almost as much it contains beef), as well as a lot of starch and fat, which are easily absorbed by the body. But the most striking thing is that the green pea is a real multivitamin treasure. Peas include a whole set of all kinds of vitamins, including folic acid, useful for cores and hypertensives, nicotine, which helps with fatigue and insomnia. It contains numerous trace elements (iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and also a rare antioxidant - antioxidant selenium, preventing the development of serious diseases, including oncological)

At the same time, dishes from mature (dry) peas are "difficult food. To neutralize substances that inhibit the digestive process, before cooking it should be soaked for 15-20 hours, changing the water 2-3 times. Then, during cooking (at least an hour) after 30 minutes, the broth must be drained and filled with fresh water to cook. I must say that the peas are brewed longer in hard water, whereas soft water allows it to cook much faster. Just remember that the dishes from the peas are salted at the very end - the salt also inhibits the process of digestion. Many housewives in the water for soaking add baking soda - swelling in such water, it will cook much faster.


Food from ripe dried peas should be limited (or excluded) to people with stomach disease, pancreas, gout, coronary heart disease, etc.

Green unripe peas (including canned) can be used as an anti-sclerotic and diuretic. With stones in the bladder, it is recommended to eat fresh (unripe) seeds, drink a decoction of flowers and fruits: 30-40 grams of raw materials per liter of boiled water, boil for 10 minutes over low heat, insist 30 minutes, drink 2-3 tablespoons 3-4 times a day for a month with nephrolithiasis until the stones begin to dissolve and exit organism.

It turns out that peas can preserve, prolong youth and beauty. He helped the Russian Empress Catherine II get rid of bad skin. What only she did not do was powder powder from the problem areas of the skin, but there were not any more stains. The court doctor suggested that she try a Roman mask - a mask of peas and sour cream. To prepare this mask was recommended in wooden utensils, and it was necessary to grind to an elastic consistency a wooden mortar. A few months later the empress's skin became white and smooth.

Modern cosmetologists offer the followingrecipe for a pea mask. It is very simple. For the mask you need 100 grams of green dry peas, which should be exactly green, not overripe. We cook these peas for 2 hours. After that, merge the water, the remaining peas are crushed - you can drum tap, or you can, like a queen, in a wooden pot with a wooden mortar - add the milk whey to this slurry. Ready mixture can be applied to the face. Leave the mixture on the face skin until it dries completely (10-15 minutes). After that, the mask can be removed with warm water. You can see for yourself how miraculous it is.


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