How to properly wash black things so that they do not shed

Do you think that the most difficult things for washing are white? Who would have thought, but the black things are much more difficult to take care of. Frequent washing leads to a loss of color brightness, the formation of pellets and the appearance of a gray hue. On the black tissues are seen the slightest errors: dandruff, traces of deodorant, dust, wool of domestic animals. How to erase black things so that they do not shed and retain their color, read in the article.

Content of the material:

  • 1Can I wash black things with other clothes
  • 2Rules of care for black products
    • 2.1Selecting a detergent
    • 2.2Get rid of stains
  • 3How to return black color to clothes

Can I wash black things with other clothes

Before downloading, be sure to sort things by the color and type of fabric. Black products are erased separately from all things, because their dye is washed out when washing, which leads to molting of other clothes. Incompatible combinations:

  • Black and white.
  • Gray, red and black.
  • Black with color.
  • Black with blue.
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Washing black and white things is strictly prohibited. First, the white parts of the product will deteriorate. Secondly, the black dye, washing out, will settle back to the dark things, if there is no other clothing nearby.

Rules of care for black products

Before you start washing in the washing machine, prepare things. Of course, first of all separate delicate fabrics (underwear, silk underwear) from jackets and jeans.

  • Remove pockets of clothing from foreign objects.
  • Always turn things inside out. The dye has a property to wash out, and fibers - to be damaged at mechanical influence. Turning out clothes, you protect the fabric from rapid fading.
  • On what mode do you want to erase things? For cotton pants, shirts, pants, install a quick, daily wash, as well as the program "Cotton". Delicate dress, blouse, linen must be washed in delicate or manual mode.

The first wash is recommended to be done manually to find out how the thing will behave when wet.

  • If you do not know at what temperature to take care of clothes properly, look at the label. Black products are best washed in cool water (30-40 degrees). Warm water in this case promotes discoloration of the fibers.
  • Do not overload the drum with linens. The fewer things, the easier it is for the machine to rinse. Otherwise, white divorces will always remain on the clothes.
  • The spin is carried out according to the selected mode. Do not forget that gentle fabrics of silk, cashmere is better not to squeeze.

Selecting a detergent

What powder to wash black things? It is better to use liquid detergents for dark clothes. They help to maintain color fastness. It can be gels for delicate fabrics or versatile products. Since washing is done in cold water, the powder in it is poorly soluble, so divorce can not be avoided. The better to look after the products:

  • Dreft.
  • Cotoco.
  • Weasel.
  • Clean Home.
  • The nap.
  • Bimax.

When choosing a product in capsules, throw it directly into the drum. Gels in bottles should be poured into the dispenser tray as instructed.

Get rid of stains

On the black are clearly visible the various spots. There are home remedies for their elimination. Initially, apply the product to the stain, and then load it into the stylalko.

  • Avoid old deodorant stains with regular vodka.
  • Diluted in cold water salt excellently removes blood stains.
  • From greasy soiling helps to get rid of the gel for washing dishes.
  • Water with glycerin (:) will remove the stain from the ice cream.

We have already told you how many degrees you can erase dark things. Also, make sure that clothes do not stay in the water for too long.

How to return black color to clothes

If you are also tormented by the question: how to erase black things to restore color, use simple tricks.

  1. Before washing, add 125 ml of salt to the drum. Cookery salt allows you to keep the saturation of new things, as well as restore the old brightness to the old one.
  2. Use a pre-soaking in cold water with vinegar (2 tbsp. l.). After 20 minutes, do the usual washing. Vinegar will help to refresh the shade, to give the color brightness. You can add vinegar to the AGR during rinsing, it is also an emollient.
  3. 125 ml of baking soda is also useful for dark fabrics, like salt. Soda neutralizes chlorine in the water, which helps wash out the paint from the fabric.
  4. The abrasiveness of black pepper prevents the erosion of paints. It is enough to add 1-2 tsp. in the drum before starting.
  5. A strong solution of tea or coffee is a natural dye. Add it before rinsing.
  6. Effective means for restoring the color of natural tissues. Take 15 g of tobacco, pour 1 liter of boiled water. After cooling down to 40 degrees, distribute the product with a clothes brush on the surface of the fabric. Rinse and rinse.

It is important to know how to properly care for products made of black fabrics. Take advantage of our advice - so the thing will last you several times longer, while always looking like a new one.

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