Lubrication for the perforator is carried out regularly. For example, if the tool is used every day, treatment is scheduled every 3 months. Moreover, individual parts, for example, a cartridge drill, are processed every month, and with intensive work - weekly. How to do this is detailed below.
The content of the article
- Why and with what frequency the composition is applied
How to lubricate a perforator
- Reducer
- Cartridge drill
- Bearings
- Collector assembly
- How to properly lubricate the gearbox
Why and with what frequency the composition is applied
The processing of the perforator is carried out without fail, otherwise the tool will break pretty quickly. Especially important is the lubrication for drills, with an intense load it is done weekly. The main purposes of processing are:
- resistance to friction between mechanisms - thanks to this, the service life can be increased;
- ensure heat dissipation - when using a puncher, various parts become very hot, due to which the service life decreases;
- counteracting the ingress of dust, moisture particles, metal, which are formed due to rubbing mechanisms.
Lubrication for the rotary hammer gearbox, as well as for other elements of the tool, is carried out regularly, while the frequency depends on how often the tool is used. If the use is almost daily, then you need to lubricate every 3 months. If the tool is used about once a week or less, it is enough to carry out processing once a year.
How to lubricate a perforator
The answer to this question depends on which part of the mechanism we are talking about. So, there is a special lubricant for a perforator drill, you can find funds for other components, for example, for a gearbox. The main tools for processing parts are described below.
This part needs to be processed most often - every 100 hours of operation. At the same time, it is not easy to assemble and disassemble the gearbox on your own - there is a risk of breaking the mechanism. Therefore, if there is no corresponding skill, it is better not to risk it.
The main way to lubricate a punch is to use the composition of the same brand that made the tool itself. For example, you can purchase Bosch, Makita, Interskol and carry out processing.

There are also companies that specialize specifically in the manufacture of lubricant formulations. These are Xado, Shell and others. Another option on how to lubricate the puncher is universal compositions:
- Litol-24 is a frost-resistant agent that is intended for friction units. It is applied to a reducer and bearings. The composition includes a lithium-based thickener, so the mass is quite viscous and heat-resistant, retains its consistency in a wide temperature range from -60 to + 90 ° C. The composition is well fixed on the metal surface and protects it from corrosion.
- Solid oil is a classic lubricant, used for various mechanisms. working in conditions of high humidity, but without overheating. The working temperature of the composition is within + 70 ° C.
Cartridge drill
Each well-known brand, for example, Makita, BOSCH, produces its own lubricant for a perforator drill. It fills the gaps well, preventing the ingress of dust. Graphite can be used instead, but such a composition removes heat from the shank worse.
When buying, you need to immediately think about how to lubricate the puncher. No processing is carried out at the factory - it comes dry from production. Therefore, the composition must be applied after the first use. Then, if the operation is very intensive, it goes every day, the product is applied weekly. It is enough to use 1 g of the composition and apply it evenly on the surface.

Bearings can be processed in the same way as lubricating the rotary hammer gearbox. It is recommended to use grease or the universal composition Litol-24. It works in a wide range of temperatures, it is better to use it.
Collector assembly
For this part of the mechanism, it is recommended to use a special silicone compound (liquid base). Its use reduces friction and improves contact. Therefore, the mechanism sparkles less, its service life is extended. Silicone lubricants are produced under the same brands as the rotary hammers themselves.
How to properly lubricate the gearbox
Now it’s clear how to lubricate the puncher inside, it remains to figure out how to properly process it. You can consider the example of a reducer. For work you will need:
- screwdrivers (set);
- clean cloth;
- solvent or gasoline;
- lubricant composition.
The sequence of actions is as follows:
- Clean the tool from dust.
- Disassemble the cartridge - sequentially remove the rubber circle, then the retaining ring.
- Remove cover.
- Remove clamping ring.
- Remove spring and balls.
- Disassemble the case by removing the rear part.
- Remove the front cover.
- Remove the gearbox together with the shaft by switching to the "jackhammer" mode.
- Carefully apply the composition to the entire mechanism
- Collect it using the reverse algorithm.

Thus, you need to immediately decide on what to lubricate the perforator. As a rule, compositions of the same brands are used for these purposes. You can also use universal means, for example, grease or Litol-24. Of particular difficulty in the work is the disassembly and assembly of the gearbox. You need to work carefully so as not to damage the mechanism.