Dishwasher Indesit DSG 0517: instructions, frequent breakdowns and do-it-yourself repairs - Setafi

The manual for Indesit DSG 0517 contains detailed recommendations for using the machine at each stage: filling salt, rinse aid, detergent and loading the dishes themselves. A step-by-step description of actions, common breakdowns, as well as ways to fix them can be found in this article.

The content of the article

  • Salt filling and hardness control
  • Using rinse aid and detergent
  • Loading dishes and starting
  • The most common breakdowns and their elimination

Salt filling and hardness control

In most regions of Russia, water is characterized by moderate or high hardness. Because of this, a deposit of insoluble salts (scale) forms on the heating element rather quickly, which can lead to breakage. Therefore, the instructions for the Indesit DSG 0517 dishwasher provide for the mandatory use of special salt, as well as setting the hardness regulator.

To do this, act like this:

  1. Open the door and remove the bottom dish tray.
  2. A special container is found at the bottom of the chamber, its lid is opened by turning counterclockwise.
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  4. In order not to cause a malfunction of the Indesit dishwasher, when using it for the first time, water is poured into this container to the upper level. The easiest way to do this is with a funnel.
  5. When the liquid leaves, again salt is poured to the top in the form of granules or crystals.Dishwasher malfunctions Indesit
  6. If a part wakes up, all residues must be removed.
  7. The following instructions for DSG 0517 describe the process of setting the hardness level. You can determine the indicator using test strips (soak in water and compare the color with the standard). Based on this, the regulator knob is moved to the appropriate position.

Using rinse aid and detergent

At the next stage, the instructions for the Indesit DSG 0517 dishwasher describe the process of pouring rinse aid and detergent. For this you need:

  1. Find the dispenser, open the lid by turning counterclockwise.
  2. Pour in rinse aid no more than to the upper level.
  3. If necessary, wipe off the remaining drops and screw on the lid.
  4. After washing, it will be possible to adjust the dispenser regulator. If water remains on the plates, it is set to the maximum position (4, 5). If whitish streaks are noticeable, you need to set it to 1, 2 or 3.
  5. In order not to run into Indesit DSG 0517 error codes, you need to find the detergent cover next to the salt compartment. It is poured according to the instructions, depending on the selected program. For example, 21 ml is enough for a standard wash, and 25 ml for an intensive wash (if powder is used, the mass will be exactly the same - 21 g or 25 g).Error Code Indesit DSG 0517

Loading dishes and starting

Next, you need to load the dishes and start the sink. The instruction for Indesit DSG 0517 provides for the following sequence of actions:

  1. The most voluminous plates are placed in the lower tray, as well as pans, pots and lids for them.
  2. Spoons, forks are distributed in a special basket, and then put in the desired compartment on the left or right, as shown in the diagram.Instructions for Indesit DSG 0517
  3. Then fill the upper tray with small items - saucers, bowls, small saucepans, coffee vapors.
  4. Select the desired mode (usually a standard wash) and start washing.Dishwasher Indesit

The most common breakdowns and their elimination

Over time, different elements of the device may fail, so you will need to repair the Indesit dishwasher with your own hands. First of all, it is necessary to determine the exact cause. To do this, you can study the main error codes:

  1. F01 – a water leak is detected, which leads to automatic activation of the protective system. The machine is turned off until the cause is completely eliminated. It is necessary to inspect the housing and hoses, make sure that the sensor and the control board are working.
  2. F02 - such error codes DSG 0517 indicate a breakdown of the filling valve, due to which water stopped flowing into the chamber. Repair is reduced to the replacement of the element. Also, the reason may be associated with kinks or creases in the drainage hose.
  3. F03 - the water slowly leaves, this clearly indicates a clogged drain filter, nozzles, pump or other elements. There may be a breakdown of the pressure switch - it must be replaced with a new one.
  4. F04 - these error codes Indesit DSG 0517 indicate problems in the operation of the sensor that controls the temperature level. It is checked with a multimeter and in the event of a breakdown, a replacement is made.
  5. F05 - damage to the pressure switch or damage to the tube that fits it. Another reason is excessive foaming due to improper use of detergent.
  6. F06 - water does not enter the chamber well. It is possible that the supply hose is clamped in some areas, the inlet filter or the inlet solenoid valve is clogged. Each detail should be checked step by step.
  7. F07 - The water metering turbine is out of order. Among other reasons, one can list a blockage in the system that supplies water. In this case, the breakdown can be repaired independently.
  8. F08 - the water does not heat up well, which indicates a breakdown of the heating element or temperature sensors, liquid level. You will need to check each element and replace it.
  9. F09 - in this case, the Indesit dishwasher does not turn on due to a breakdown of the control module. It may have been programmed incorrectly. Professional repair required.
  10.  F10 - when such a message appears, breakdowns of Indesit dishwashers are associated with a break in the heating element circuit. A break has occurred or the heating element has burned out. It is necessary to check it with a multimeter and replace or repair.
Dishwasher Indesit

In almost all cases of breakdown, it is necessary to understand how to disassemble the Indesit dishwasher. The device is disconnected from the network, the tap is turned off, and then the top and side panels are sequentially removed. If it is not possible to accurately determine the cause of the violation, it is advisable to contact the master.

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