Attachments for mini tractors: look, study and choose - Setafi


If you have a large cottage or garden plot, then it is not a sin to get a mini tractor. Without its use, all processes slow down, if not 3, then 2 times for sure. He sows, and transports goods, and even uproots trees. It all depends on what hitch on the mini tractor you purchased and installed.

In our short review, we will talk about what attachments you can buy for a mini tractor and about its features in a real situation. Go!

The content of the article

  • A few points before choosing a hitch for a mini tractor
  • What attachments can be put on a miniature tractor
    • Rear hitch for minitractor - plow
    • Harrows
    • Seeder for potatoes on a minitractor
  • minitractor trailer
  • Homemade accessories for a mini tractor - how much better can they be than a similar purchased option

A few points before choosing a hitch for a mini tractor

A small tractor can perform dozens if not hundreds of functions. The basis is work in the field: sowing crops, plowing the territory, cultivating the site, mowing grass and weeds, collecting hay and many others. Therefore, on one minitractor, your purchases will not end in any way. Without attachments for a tractor, it can only serve as a vehicle.

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The more nozzles you buy, the wider the functional coverage of equipment will become. And if you also help your neighbors, the payback will accelerate.

When choosing one or another type of device for a mini tractor, pay attention to the following parameters:

  • Whether the nozzle is suitable for the functional power of the engine of your product.
  •  Comparable are the speed parameters of the linkage and the shaft on the tractor.
  • Is the device NOT too heavy. If the mass of one equipment is more than a third of the mass of the tractor, then it simply will not go.
  •  Does the attachment of the agricultural machine match the attachment.

Also study the technical characteristics of the attachment, dimensions and parameters of your tractor. Only if they are combined (not approximately, but exactly), then it remains only to choose and buy the option you like.

What attachments can be put on a miniature tractor

Fortunately, manufacturers provide a wide selection of agricultural products. You don't have to choose between the two options. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of such models. Although, the problem of a wide choice can become more of a negative factor than a positive one. It remains only to rely on your own thinking.

We will provide the parameters of the main contenders for attachments for your tractor.

Rear hitch for minitractor - plow

The device is intended for plowing the soil. Since its working capacity depends on the engine and tractor clutch, you only have to choose the nozzle according to the characteristics of the equipment. And also, the density of the soil.


An important role is played by: the width of the terrain. The more effective the nozzle, the wider it should be. Example: for a plow with a width of about one and a half meters, a motor of 24 or more horsepower is required.

For a smaller engine, it is recommended to install attachments that are not so wide so as not to impair the quality of the tractor. For a 70 cm plow, 12-15 horses under the hood is already enough. More is not required if you have a small plot for potatoes or wheat.


Another hinged fixture format. It is used for loosening the earth, collecting weeds and leveling the site for sowing crops. There are disc and tooth harrow options. The disc version has 12 or 16 cutting units with a working width of up to one and a half meters (110 cm in the smaller version). Tooth harrows work on a site up to 4 meters and pierce up to 9 centimeters deep.

The harrow is determined by the tasks and the area on which it will work. Consider the material of construction - the strength of all equipment and its components depends on the base. Look at the possibility of replacing parts: whether they are freely available or not.

Seeder for potatoes on a minitractor

It is clear from the name what this canopy does. It is installed on any mini tractor with an engine power of 14 hp or more. For large fields, you can buy a nozzle with two rows. You'll save more fuel and plant twice as many potatoes in one run. Additional savings occur when you immediately install a tank for fertilizers on the sower.

For a two-row design, a cultivator for 3 sections or a hiller for a similar number of fasteners is also required. Look at the size of the row spacing of the potato planter, because they differ in the basic power parameter:

  • For motors up to 16 hp width about 50 cm.
  •  Up to 23 horses - up to 60 cm.
  •  Over 24 hp - 70 cm and above.

The parameters are not ideal, but comparable to the actual characteristics of the tractor for which you buy a mounted potato seeder.

minitractor trailer

This device is mounted on the rear of the tractor, allows you to transport goods (weight depends on the characteristics of the trailer) over short distances. There are tipper and onboard options with one or more axles.

The dump truck model works great for the transportation of bulk materials (sand, gravel), it is easy for them to unload materials.


Flatbed trailers allow you to comfortably transport and unload packaged materials - blocks, plates, containers and other structures.

The number of axles affects the load capacity of your trailer. The greater the mass of transported materials, the more axles must have nozzles. Also, keep in mind that one axle is much lighter than several. Such trailers are mobile and move easily on flat terrain. Three-axle models are stable on off-road and swampy areas.

Homemade accessories for a mini tractor - how much better can they be than a similar purchased option

Since the functionality of a minitractor should not be limited to single agricultural work, we need to use equipment in the maximum possible number of tasks. Why should she be idle, right?

For this, there are additional nozzles: both mounted and trailed mounting format.

Some do-it-yourselfers put do-it-yourself devices on the tractor. Homemade awnings can be cheaper. But they require special knowledge and design skills. You can make a fine planter, but it just won't fit the tractor engine - it's too heavy. You can try to make a design yourself or ask a familiar engineer. But no one can answer for the quality.

And what nozzles for a minitractor do you use that are not in our article? Share with our readers your experience with attachments in the field or in the country.

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