Choosing a heater for the balcony. The best options for heating - Setafi


Doing repairs in the apartment or just tired when it blows cold from the street? Then it's time to think about how to arrange a convector on the balcony or come up with another strategy for obtaining heat.

In fact, everything is simple. And we will tell you about a few points on how to make balcony heating right now!

The content of the article

  • Electric radiator on the balcony - is it worth it?
  • Infrared heater on the balcony
  • How to heat a balcony - think about warm floors
    • Let's talk about the shortcomings, where without them.

Electric radiator on the balcony - is it worth it?

You can immediately predict that installing a simple radiator system in a closed balcony is a very promising and inexpensive solution. But this format has rather technical and legal limitations. What are we talking about:

  1. Each apartment building has project documentation, which indicates the pipe laying system and their operating temperature. Traditionally, balcony rooms are not indicated in such drawings, since they account for the largest heat loss. That is, to install a heater on a loggia, your initiative is not enough - it is worth applying for permission to executive bodies that do not like any redevelopment and changes in technical parameters structures. You can install illegally, of course, but there are several counterarguments to this: firstly, you can run into a check; secondly, the neighbors will become indignant; thirdly, improper installation can jeopardize not only the heat supply system, but also the structure of the high-rise building as a whole.
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  2. Since there is not a lot of thermal insulation on the balcony, if there is any at all, the water in the pipes can simply freeze. This will clog the entire system and the pipe may burst. The result is your disappointment, a new renovation and an administrative fine for illegal redevelopment.

Conclusion: this type of heating is very convenient and practical, but not for the loggia, as it entails many unpleasant consequences described earlier.

Do not be sad, because there are still many heaters on the balcony.

Infrared heater on the balcony


The device of any infrared heater is strikingly different from its electrical "colleagues". These are small hanging panels that are mounted on a special tripod or on the wall.

Such a heater on the loggia has a number of undeniable advantages:

  1. The distribution of warm air is uniform, it passes all the remote places in the room.
  2. The item does not require a lot of space: even if there is not enough space on your balcony, you can always install the device on a wall or over doors.
  3. Very modern and stylish look.
  4. Efficiency cannot be compared with electrical devices. This means that the infrared machine will work perfectly as a balcony heater in winter (more than 90% of the electricity consumed is converted into heat; no modern heater can produce this).

But where without the weaknesses of this type of equipment? This is especially true for those who like to arrange a bedroom in the loggia: the device emits a too bright glow, which can sometimes irritate and catch the eye. Also, the device does not have a power setting, so working with it will be very difficult.

How to heat a balcony - think about warm floors

With the help of laying the “warm floor” system, you can achieve very amazing temperature indicators on the balcony. After all, it is on the floors that the most cold is concentrated, and this is how we eliminate the main problem.

What should be considered when laying a warm coating:

  1. The ideal solution, tested by time, is an electric heating system. The water heater is definitely not suitable, do not even try. Alternatively, you can take infrared heaters under the floor to prevent the wood from drying out.
  2. Installation of the entire scheme pays off only if you have glazed, insulated and sealed your loggia.
  3. Floors should be covered with a thermally conductive coating (e.g. tiles).
  4. Water floors will work well only in a single complex with the main covering of the house.

Such a system has a lot of irreplaceable advantages. First, we do not occupy any external space of our premises. Secondly, the heat will be evenly distributed throughout the room. Thirdly, what is there, you can still talk and talk. Here are some last ones:

  • comfortable pastime;
  • accessibility of installation, and no need to take permission;
  • Installing a thermostat will allow you to control the temperature.

Let's talk about the shortcomings, where without them.

Among the installation problems, there were some of the most popular:

  • cement screeds dry for a very long time, especially in the cold;
  • electric heating negatively affects the vascular system of the legs if you stay on it for a long time;
  • only wooden fittings can be installed on the floor;
  • high energy costs.

As a conclusion, it is worth saying: whatever you choose, this option is exclusively optional. Before that, a long and painful thermal insulation and sealing of all holes awaits you, especially in the Khrushchev balcony.

We would be grateful if you share your experience in the comments!

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