Termex water heater leak from below: what to do, how to eliminate the cause - Setafi



Over time, equipment can fail for various reasons. Moreover, some breakdowns can be easily eliminated by yourself by replacing one part, while others cannot be repaired at all. This article will discuss what to do if the Termex water heater drips from below.

Why the Termex water heater dripped from below: the main reasons

Each boiler has its own characteristic causes of leaks, so you should start by determining the model of the device. After that, try to visually locate the source of the leak:

1) Fistulas (rusted cracks) on the surface of the flask. This is one of the typical causes of Thermex Safedry boiler leaking.

2) Destruction of the gasket.

3) Fistulas on the surface of the tank. There are a lot of reasons for this:

  • marriage at work;
  • natural wear and tear;
  • lack of a magnesium rod;
  • hardness of water;
  • lack of grounding.

4) Malfunction of heating elements (overheating, scale contamination, improper operation). The fact that this is the cause of the leak is indicated by the following:

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  • damage to the outer shell of the heating element;
  • protection operation;
  • knocking out the machine on the counter;
  • slow heating of water, or its absence;
  • hiss;
  • cloudy water coming out, accompanied by a stench.

If in some cases the malfunction is visible to the naked eye (for example, damage to the shell), then in other cases it is impossible to do without the help of a special tool - a tester.

Among the most common reasons for the failure of the Termex heating element are:

  • natural wear and tear;
  • heating an empty tank;
  • rusting;
  • voltage drop.

What to do to close a leak from the Termex heating tank: recommendations for fixing the problem

So, let's say you figured out what the cause of the leak is. Now you can proceed directly to its elimination.

If the cause is damage to the flask that closes the heating element, then it will be necessary to remove the flange with the flask and check for fistulas on it. They are eliminated with a soldering iron or cold welding.

If the heating element is faulty, the repair consists in replacing the heating element. If it flows from under the gasket, then it is necessary to unscrew the structure and tighten the fasteners. When disassembling, inspect the gasket for wear, as this can also be the cause of leakage.

If you realize that the gasket on the flange has worn out, you just need to replace it. First, turn off the power to the boiler, empty the tank capacity, remove the protective cover and disconnect all cables. Remove the flange for a good view. Inspect the gasket: tears or deformation are a signal for replacement. After that, try to fill the tank again and make sure that there are no cracks or leaks.

It is not difficult to fix a Termex leak when it is caused by leaks on pipes. Just unscrew the pipe connection and change the tape or tow. Then turn on the water and check the product. If the leak is not fixed, then the cause was not in the pipes.



If the tank is leaking, then most likely you will not be able to fix the equipment on your own. However, it's worth a try. You can try to solder fistulas on the surface of the tank. First, disconnect the Termex, drain the water, remove the cover, disconnect the cables and remove the flange with the heating element. Secondly, remove the boiler, disconnect the end parts of the shell from its side part. Thirdly, you need to carefully dismantle the thermal insulation. Fourthly, obvious holes must be closed: threads must be cut into them, bolts screwed in and sealed with a piece of cold welding.

Finally, prime and paint several coats. After that, put the flange in place, connect the hoses, draw water into the tank and check its tightness.

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