- 1 How to carry out regular cleaning
2 Getting rid of more complex blemishes
- 2.1 Blood
- 2.2 Urine
- 2.3 Drinks with dyes
- 2.4 Cigarette smell
- 3 Washing mattress cover
- 4 Conclusion
The cleaning of mattresses in my family is carried out several times a year, it keeps them in proper condition, refreshes and prevents the appearance of mold. But sometimes you have to clean the mattresses and from difficult stains. You do not know how to put the mattress in order and not damage the material? I will share my secrets with you.

How to carry out regular cleaning
Why carry out regular cleaning of mattresses? At least in order to then not ask what could be got in the mattress. If it is not cleaned, a mold or even a herd of dust mites may appear on the surface and inside the mattress.
To keep the bed clean and tidy, you can apply:
- A vacuum cleaner. Conveniently collects dust accumulated on the surface and small debris. But consider - the vacuum cleaner will not save dust mites, you can get rid of them in the following way.
- Steam cleaner. Allows you to carry out deep cleaning and sanitize the surface, eliminating it from parasites.

- Tools for upholstered furniture. Get rid of uncomplicated dirt, stains left by food and drinks.
- Vinegar. Used when mold is found. But first you need to hang the mattress in the sun and carefully dry it. Treat the pollution with a weak vinegar solution, and re-dry the surface.

Getting rid of more complex blemishes
The above methods are suitable for removing uncomplicated dirt and prophylactic cleaning. With more complex stains (for example, biological), they, unfortunately, can not cope.
What are biological spots? These are remnants of blood, sweat, pus, saliva - in general, everything that is produced by a person in the process of life activity.
To complete the picture, I “dug” many ways to know how to get rid of various stains. Some of them used it themselves, others, according to the reviews, are also quite effective. I note them, and suddenly ...

To quickly cope with blood stains, there are several effective methods:
- Cold water. Removes only fresh stains, for old ones it is useless. Moisten the sponge with cold water and treat the pollution.
- Laundry soap. To remove blood stains from the mattress, you can use an unnecessary toothbrush and soap suds. Rub contamination with it, wash off the foam with a small amount of water, then absorb moisture with a dry, clean sponge.
- Saline solution. Pour water into the spray bottle, add a spoonful of salt and a slide. Spray the solution on the stain, wait 30 minutes and blot dry with a towel.
- Soda. You can clean the blood from the orthopedic mattress in the same way as with salt, only use baking soda instead.

- Hydrogen peroxide. Treat the dried stain with a small amount of peroxide. It should foam, collect all the resulting foam with a clean, dry sponge.
Before cleaning the mattress from urine stains, try to soak up as much liquid as possible in a dry sponge. Next, you need to pour on the stain cleaner. It is best to use an enzyme based substance.

Enzymes dissolve uric acid crystals. Sprinkle the stain and gently blot it with a tissue to remove moisture. Next, sprinkle pollution with soda and leave it to collect moisture all night, in the morning remove the residue with a vacuum cleaner.
Yellow spots can be removed in several more ways. The most effective:
- Liquid soap. Foam soap, wipe off dirt and dry it with a dry cloth. Remember, it is necessary to do this before the stain has had time to dry. Otherwise, you will have to take the mattress in dry cleaning.

- Salt and lemon juice. Mix salt with lemon juice to form a mushy consistency. Apply it on the affected area and leave for an hour or two. After the allotted time, collect the remnants of gruel with a wet sponge.
- Vinegar solution. Table vinegar removes unpleasant odors from surfaces. It also needs to be sprayed and wiped dry.

Drinks with dyes
Dry cleaning of mattresses at home is possible. You can get rid of accidentally spilled drinks with the help of:
- Peel with citrus base. Spray it with a spray bottle, wait for a while and dry with a dry cloth.
- Alcohol. It is used in the same way as the cleaner. Just do not pour copiously stains, just absorb alcohol absorbent cloth or sponge.

Cigarette smell
Is there a habit of smoking in bed? Wait, soon you will constantly inhale the persistent smell of cigarette smoke in your bedroom, in bed - yes, the mattress will also absorb it. The instruction will help to get rid of the aroma:
- Use detergent. In 500 ml of water dissolve a spoonful of liquid dishwashing detergent. Moisten a piece of white cloth in the solution, treat a small area of the mattress with it, then wipe the stain with a towel. So gradually treat the entire surface.

- Wash bedding often. Smoking in bed, people need to wash bed linen as often as possible. Then the smell of cigarette will not turn into too concentrated.
- Use spray. Spray two disinfectant spray cans on the mattress. For example, "Avancept", "Impresan" or any other whose price suits you.
Treat each side of the mattress, it should be soaked as best as possible. Wait until it is completely dry, and walk on the surface with the “Febreze” tool. Then it will be necessary only to put on a hypoallergenic cover on a mattress.

Washing mattress cover
Finally I want to tell you how to wash the mattress cover. It is necessary to approach this case with all seriousness, otherwise he may sit down, lose his shape, or he simply cannot be pulled back onto the mattress.
Covers, as a rule, can be based on:
- cotton;
- synthetic fabrics;
- polyurethane;
- wool.

For each material has its own rules of washing and temperature control. Most often, the cover is recommended to be washed in a typewriter at a temperature of 30-40 degrees, or in warm water, hand-made through:
- For polyurethane products washing temperature can reach 90 degrees.
- Synthetic and cotton fabrics need to wash more often than others. This will not affect their quality and shape.
- But wool covers better carry dry cleaning.
I told all the secrets of how to clean the mattress at home from various types of stains. In conclusion, I would like to remind you that mattresses do not tolerate moisture, so try not to wet them too much.
More detailed instructions for the care of the mattress you will see in the video in this article. If you have any questions or you know other effective ways to clean the mattresses, I would be grateful - write in the comments.
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