Adjusting a warm water floor is an important condition for creating a comfortable temperature and ensuring the durability of not only communications, but also flooring. There are several ways to do this - simple and more complex. A description of the adjustment methods can be found in the presented material.
The content of the article
- Optimum temperature
Ways of regulation
- mixing unit
- flowmeters
- Zone adjustment
Optimum temperature
Adjustment of the warm floor is carried out first of all to ensure maximum comfort for the residents. It is important that individual temperatures can be set in each room, because each person has his own characteristics, and besides, a lot depends on the weather.
On the other hand, adjusting the underfloor heating with flow meters or other devices is also required in order to conserve materials. This is not about pipes, which often withstand up to 60-70 degrees of heat and more, but about flooring (parquet, laminate, tile). These materials retain their original properties in conditions of no more than 30-35 degrees.

Based on this, you can understand how to regulate the temperature of a warm water floor. A narrow range of 22-32 degrees is considered optimal. Specific values depend on different cases:
- For most people, a level of 28-29 degrees is considered quite acceptable. It may seem like a lot, but keep in mind that the heat from the pipes is dissipated due to the thickness of the cement screed and finish.
- If you plan to stay in the room for a long time, for example, a person works at home or undergoes rehabilitation, then it is better to choose a range of 22-26. This is the best option from the point of view of physiology.
- Rarely, but it also happens that the water floor is the only source of heat. Then it is better to raise the temperature to 30-32 degrees, but not higher. Moreover, at night it is better to reduce it, since a person falls asleep better and sleeps in moderately cool conditions, and the head may ache from stuffiness.
Ways of regulation
There are several ways to regulate a warm water floor. First of all, you need to take care of installing a special thermostat that maintains the temperature in a narrow range (it is set manually). It is equipped with sensors that determine the value and start heating or, conversely, turn it off. However, using such a device is not enough - it is necessary to use other methods.

mixing unit
Adjustment of the underfloor heating collector is achieved by adjusting the temperature in the mixing unit. It is purchased or made independently and installed near the boiler or directly on the collector itself.
It is not worth saving on a mixer, because different elements of the heating circuit require unequal heating: radiators should be hot, and a warm floor should be 2.5-3 times colder. Controlling values through a mixer is very simple:
- A 3-way valve is found on the device (it resembles a valve with numbers).
- To reduce heat, twist it in a smaller direction, to increase it - in a large one.
- Wait up to an hour, and the temperature will begin to level off to the set value. In order for the underfloor heating setting to be accurate, it is also advisable to find a passport in order to clarify the correspondence of the numbers to a certain level.
Another option, how to set up a warm floor, is associated with the use of flow meters that are already built into the collector (comb in the language of plumbers). You need to find the contour, as shown in the photo, and turn the tap in one direction or another. Due to this, the water will flow faster or slower. It is clear that the lower the value, the lower the water flow, and the lower the temperature.

Zone adjustment
This is the most accurate way to adjust, and it is also the most expensive. To create a system, you will need the following equipment:
- a set of thermostats for living quarters;
- a set of servo drives (diameters must correspond to the contours of the floor);
- a commutator for contact between the servo and each thermostat;
- floor collector (it has several sockets into which the servos coming from each circuit are inserted).
All these installations can be purchased at a hardware store, and the installation can also be done by hand. The thermostat goes directly to the servo. But when not one, but a number of floor contours is installed in the room, the switch is pre-mounted. This allows for individual customization.
Thus, it is quite important to regulate the temperature of the circuit. It is better to think over the details before installation. For example, the height of the underfloor heating regulator, the interval between turns and other parameters matter. Well, if you can mount a zone adjustment system. But if this is too expensive, using flow meters or a mixing unit is also suitable for a small house.