How to remove the battery in the kitchen and in the apartment room: is it possible - Setafi

It is possible to cut off the battery in the apartment only in those cases when it is the personal property of the owner, that is, it has 2 stopcocks. On the other hand, they can simply be turned to cut off the heat supply. The fact is that dismantling, although possible, carries certain risks. How best to proceed, and how to properly remove the battery, is described in the material presented.

The content of the article

  • Can the battery be removed
  • Possible consequences of dismantling
  • Step-by-step instructions for dismantling

Can the battery be removed

If we are talking about a private house, then remove the radiator or replace it with a new one, you can always carry out repairs, subject to safety precautions. But in apartment buildings, the situation is different, because radiators:

  • are the common property of all residents, if they do not have taps that allow them to be completely disconnected from the heating system;
  • are the personal property of the owner of the apartment, if they have such taps.
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Moreover, the risers to the first tap and the pipes themselves, in any case, belong to the common house property. Therefore, it is definitely impossible to carry out any actions with them without obtaining permission from the management company.

Cut off the battery in the apartment

Possible consequences of dismantling

Before you figure out how to remove the battery in the room, you should weigh the possible consequences of such a decision. The fact is that the heating system before the design was designed for a certain number of radiators. The disappearance of even one of them can affect the overall balance, because of which the neighbors will become too hot or, conversely, cold.

If the temperature difference becomes noticeable, the tenants will certainly contact the management company. Its representatives will send a specialist who will conduct an assessment, and if necessary, will involve an expert. In practice, there were often cases when neighbors or the managing organization itself sued and won the case. After that, the owners returned the battery back at their own expense and compensated for the damage.

This raises doubts about whether the battery can be removed in the kitchen or other areas. But if you remove only one radiator, especially of small sizes, the probability of unbalancing the entire heating circuit is low. However, just in case, it is recommended to keep the battery for the whole season in order to replace it in case of need.

Step-by-step instructions for dismantling

Now it's time to study the instructions on how to remove the battery in the kitchen or other room. The sequence of actions depends on how the radiator is installed. If it is attached to American women, they act like this:

  1. A key is selected - it can be a pipe, adjustable or horn tool.
  2. Each nut is unscrewed, given that the type of thread on a typical American is right-handed.
  3. Slightly pull the eyeliner from the radiator cap.
  4. Remove the battery from each bracket.
How to remove the battery in the kitchen

If the heating element is fixed on the drive, then they work with the help of a pipe wrench (one or two). The main steps are:

  1. The eyeliner is preheated to remove rust, paint fragments. You can take a blowtorch or a building hair dryer.
  2. Take a wrench and turn off each lock nut completely until the thread of the spurs ends.
  3. Remove the winding from the thread surface. You can take a knife or a screwdriver.
  4. The battery plugs are rolled up, determining the direction of the thread by the letter designation, for example, “l”.
Roll up battery tubes

Thus, removing the battery is not very difficult, but this can only be done with stopcocks. However, it should be noted that this does not cancel the obligation to pay for heating, unless meters are installed in the apartment (then the payment may decrease). If you don’t want to take risks in terms of complaints from neighbors, you can simply turn off the shut-off valves (only the lower one in constant mode) and thus adjust the temperature in the room.

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