Cleaning a stainless steel pipe from rust before painting: how to clean it - Setafi

Cleaning stainless steel from rust is required in cases where brown spots and other traces of corrosion are visible on the surface. They sometimes appear even on polypropylene, plastic pipes due to the leakage of liquid from the inside (tightness failure) and the presence of metal inserts (clamps, connecting elements). The main cleaning methods, including effective folk remedies, are described in this article.

The content of the article

  • Basic cleaning methods
    • Mechanical
    • Chemical
    • Thermal
  • Folk remedies

Basic cleaning methods

There are several proven options for cleaning stainless steel from rust. As a rule, 2 methods are used - first, the traces are removed purely mechanically, for example, with emery paper, and then chemical treatment is carried out, after which the surface is thoroughly washed with water and soap.


The first stage of the instruction on how to clean the pipe from rust before painting is related to mechanical processing. This is a laborious, but quite effective method that allows you to almost completely clean the surface with the help of available tools and tools:

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  • abrasives based on coarse sand;
  • metal brushes;
  • sandpaper;
  • grinding machines.
Cleaning stainless steel from rust

If rust has formed on the hot water pipe, it is easiest to do the treatment with fine-grained sandpaper. It is wrapped around the affected area and clasped with a hand, after putting on a tight glove. Then twist left and right to completely eliminate traces of corrosion.


If the stain is old, rust removal at home after mechanical treatment is carried out chemically. For this, store tools are used:

  1. Prosept - concentrate composition to combat traces of corrosion. As a rule, a third of a liter is used for one cleaning - the composition is applied to the surface and wait 2 hours.
  2. "Clean Gel" - Another option is how to clean the water pipe from rust. Usually used for internal processing, although it can also be used for external processing.
  3. "Anti-rust Neomid" - another composition for cleaning surfaces of different types. Designed specifically for outdoor use. It helps not only to remove traces of corrosion, but also to improve adhesion (adhesion) for subsequent painting.
  4. Fill Inn - means with zinc salts. A good option is how to clean a water pipe from rust inside and out, especially if the traces are already old. Suitable for pipes made of copper, steel, cast iron and other metals and their alloys.
Fill Inn - pipe cleaner


This method, how to clean a profile pipe from rust, is used only in advanced cases and requires special equipment, as well as strict adherence to safety regulations. Corrosion damaged areas are treated with an oxygen and acetylene burner or with live steam.

Folk remedies

Cleaning water pipes from rust is also possible with the help of folk remedies:

  1. Vinegar 9% or essence 70% diluted with water 7 times. Wet the cloth and apply to the affected part for several hours, then carry out mechanical cleaning and wash with soap and water. Instead of pure vinegar, you can use a mixture with salt (300 ml of liquid per tablespoon of powder).
  2. Baking soda - prepare a concentrated solution with a thick consistency (like liquid sour cream). Spread evenly over the surface, let stand for 1-2 hours, then brush off.
  3. Another remedy than flushing the heating system from rust is ordinary table salt. It is poured into pure form or with the addition of a small amount of citric acid solution, allowed to stand for several hours, and then washed off.
  4. Diesel (diesel fuel) - impregnate a rag, apply to the pipe and let stand for a day, then clean off the rusty residues with sandpaper.
  5. Fish oil can be used in the same way.
  6. Citric acid - prepare a concentrated solution, blot a rag and apply for several hours.
Citric acid - pipe cleaner

You can clean the pipes from traces of corrosion yourself. The most important condition is to strictly follow the rules of the instructions, and in the case of using folk remedies, leave the mixture in contact with the surface for only a few hours. After that, the pipe is thoroughly washed with soap and water. For prevention, it is desirable to carry out treatment at least 2 times a year.

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