Insulation and waterproofing of a hipped pitched roof of a private house: how to insulate – Setafi

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Insulation of a pitched roof is carried out in several layers. For this purpose, for example, polystyrene foam or mineral wool is used. It is recommended to cover them with polyethylene film or other waterproofing material. A step-by-step description of installation work can be found below.

Insulation and waterproofing

The content of the article

  • Choice of insulation
  • Step-by-step instruction

Choice of insulation

Before you figure out how to insulate a pitched roof, you need to decide on the material. First of all, you should pay attention to its thermal conductivity, vapor permeability and density. The following insulation materials are often used to finish the roof:

  1. Mineral wool - protects well from the cold, about 4.5 times better than wood of the same thickness. It has a natural composition, is easy to install, and gives little shrinkage. At the same time, it is expensive and can be damaged by moisture, so it needs dense waterproofing.
  2. In recent years, hip roof insulation has often been done with ecowool. In appearance, it resembles a mass consisting of numerous flakes. In terms of thermal conductivity and vapor permeability, it is comparable to mineral wool. But it shrinks more and can also be damaged by water.
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  3. A warm pitched roof with polyurethane foam is another good finishing option. The material is applied by spraying, which eliminates seams and joints. Installation goes quite quickly, and if necessary, you can make a layer of any thickness. However, special equipment is required for application.
  4. Polystyrene foam is the most affordable, very lightweight, provides virtually no load and is easy to install, and is also resistant to moisture and rot. At the same time, it can suffer from sunlight and does not allow moisture to pass through well. Does not require waterproofing of a pitched roof.
  5. Extruded polystyrene is much more expensive, but it is strong and durable. But it is rarely used for roof insulation; preference is mainly given to natural materials or polyurethane foam.

Step-by-step instruction

Installation work is carried out in several stages. Insulation of a pitched roof using foam plastic as an example is performed as follows:

  1. Determine the amount of material, lift and lay it from the edge from which laying will begin.Insulation of a pitched roof 1
  2. Place material in the spaces between the ceiling beams. The minimum plan is 2 layers, and in regions with cold winters 3-4 are better. In order for the insulation of a pitched roof from the inside and outside to be effective, each subsequent row is laid on top of the joints of the previous one (like brickwork).Insulation of a pitched roof 2
  3. As they are laid, the joints are treated with construction foam using a special gun.Insulation of a pitched roof 3
  4. Subsequent layers are laid in the same way.Insulation of a pitched roof 4
  5. Rafters are placed on the floor beams, ensuring a slope of at least 6 degrees. To perform fixation, use perforated tapes - they are nailed or self-tapping screws are installed.Insulation of a pitched roof 5
  6. To protect the roof from moisture, place a plastic film and secure it with tape.Insulation of a pitched roof 6
  7. A wooden sheathing is placed on the rafters at equal intervals of 20-30 cm. Moreover, if the covering is made from a roll, it must be made continuous.Insulation of a pitched roof 7
  8. Boards are installed along the edges, and sheets of metal tiles or other roofing covering are mounted on top.Insulation of a pitched roof 8

From this review it is clear how to insulate a pitched roof of a private house. The technology is quite simple, the main thing is to perform the correct calculation and carefully install each layer. If different types of wool are used, waterproofing must be used. This can be a thick polyethylene film, overlapped by 15-20 cm. The joints must be taped with tape.

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