Cabbage sprouts - the secrets of growing and planting in the open ground

  • Selection of variety for cultivation of cabbage seedlings
  • Seeding for seedlings
  • How to care for seedling shoots
  • How to form beds
  • Planting seedlings in the ground

There are secrets of growing cabbage seedlings and planting them. If you want to grow your own cabbage, first of all you need to think about seeds, about those varieties that will provide you with a result that will satisfy your wishes. A modern table is inconceivable without cabbage. But on the one hand it is difficult to grow - many gardeners have problems with cabbage seedlings. On the other hand - there is nothing special and difficult.


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Selection of variety for cultivation of cabbage seedlings

First of all, answer before purchasing seeds for very important questions:

  • you only want to use cabbage in the summer, make from it, for example, vitamin salads;
  • you want to ferment it;
  • and maybe you have a basement or another storage where you want to keep it until a new crop.

Varieties of this vegetable are innumerable. There is an early-day cabbage that is already ripening by the end of June, forming tight, juicy heads, there are varieties, ripening in the middle of summer, but there are varieties that are removed only in late October - they are intended for late storage. In addition to white cabbage, there are colored cabbage, Brussels, Beijing, red, Savoy, broccoli, kohlrabi, decorative. The choice of variety and species depends on your needs.

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Seeding for seedlings

The technology of growing cabbage seedlings is the same for all species. Her seeds resemble seeds of radish, yet they belong to the same family of cruciferous, but a little less.

Cabbage is grown mainly through seedlings. This is an extremely cold-loving, photophilous plant. Home microclimate for her - an absolute nonsense. She can not live in such a microclimate. The maximum that she is capable of at home is to go up, but she will immediately fall, the color will turn pale green, then yellow, and then she will disappear. Cabbage seedlings can not be grown. Cold and light are important to her.

Therefore cabbage seedlings need to be grown, roughly speaking, almost on the street. We need to make a so-called cold hotbed. How to make it? Very simple.

You take an ordinary box, you can even use a balcony for flowers.

Cabbage seedling capacity
Sown seeds should be well watered

Fill it with soil. Soak, warm cabbage seeds do not need. They can be sown by rows, but can be scattered. This is not so important. It is important, after sowing, to sprinkle seeds lightly on the ground, to pritoptat ligonichko and necessarily abundantly watered from above. Cabbage is a moisture-loving plant, so there will be no harm from abundant watering.

This box with seeds sown can not be left at home. You have to bring it to the dacha or take it out to the garden. If you still have snow, then rake it off, put a box of seeds on the cold ground. The place should be open, warmed by the sun. From above, set the arc, stretch the film. That's how your seedling will stand before emergence. Seedlings will appear in ten to twelve days.

If you already have a greenhouse installed, then the nursery is put inside, additional arcs with a film are no longer needed. An additional guy will need to be done only for cauliflower seedlings, since she is afraid of frost. A white, Brussels, Savoy, and other in additional shelter do not need, they endure frosts to -5 ° C.

If you have a stationary greenhouse, for example, glass, then the seeds can be sown simply in the soil of the greenhouse without any hotbed, since the ground there is very warm in the sun in the early spring.

So, the cold hotbed is the main secret of getting a good harvest of cabbage.

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How to care for seedling shoots

Cabbage seedlings

After a while (10-12 days) in your cold hotbed you will see such a picture - the forest of shoots.

Cabbage has very few seeds that do not have germination. It's not terrible that your seeds have sprung up so often. This is normal. It takes a thickening up to a certain stage - before the appearance of the 3-4th sheet. Until now, nothing to do with seedlings is not necessary - only watch that the earth does not dry out, periodically water it. Remember that if in the street + 5 ° C, then in the greenhouse can be +20 ° C, and this can cause the soil to dry out.

Seedling of seedlings

Of course, you can already notice at this stage that some plants are stronger, higher, stronger. Most likely, these are those that will be planted in the garden. But while they are all in equal conditions. You can leave everything as is, and wait for the appearance of the 3-4th leaf. And you can carefully replant a part of the plants from the nursery with a lump of earth in a separate pot. Not every plant in a separate dish, but a bunch of plants.

Cabbage is very fond of fertilizing organic fertilizers, but before planting it is better not to apply fertilizer.

This plant has a very interesting feature - it is better to transplant it into the ground earlier, with the full availability of 1-2 present leaf, when the 3-4th leaves just appear. Well, in an extreme case, when the 3-4th leaves have already grown, but not later. Since in this case, the big beautiful heads are not to get, but they will ripen later. This pattern has long been noticed, but why is it so - a riddle. Apparently, this is due to the energy of the environment.

Usually, cabbage seedlings are planted in the open soil 30 days after emergence.

You can change to a permanent place

That's about this size should be the plants before planting.


I do not thin the sprouts of cabbage in the nursery. Let it grow densely. When landing in the ground, you cull weak shoots, choose strong, strong, beautiful.

When you remove cabbage seedlings from a pot or nursery, you will plant it in the right way - at certain distances. Plants of different degrees of development quickly align, catch up with each other. Even if some plants were depressed, they would quickly recover. For cabbage, the earliest period of development is not the main, for it important is what will happen on the bed after the landing. There are many features.

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How to form beds

Proper preparation of beds for planting seedlings is an important factor in the success of harvesting. Before planting seedlings, the bed should be carefully digged, along the way removing the roots of perennial weeds. Even if your land is plowed or dug in the fall, then in spring a place for cabbage must be dug up again. Try to carefully break the clods of earth. At the same time the soil loosens up, is saturated with oxygen. I usually use digging forks. They do not cut the roots of perennial weeds. After cutting the root of the shovel into 2-3 parts, you will get 2-3 plants from one weed.

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Planting seedlings in the ground

The scheme of planting cabbage seedlings

Cabbage should be planted at a great distance from each other. Between individual plants should be at least 50-70 cm. But never, of course, I do not go to the bed with the ruler. I propose here such a method. Before I make any planting, I will mark in advance the future places of planting directly on the bed. For cabbage, I do it this way: I cut the zigzag line with a blade of a scoop or chopper.


In those places where the tops of the zigzag line are, I will make holes and plant seedlings. This is the most correct way, when the ideal distance is automatically obtained.

So, at each top of our markup we dig holes. It should be dig deep enough, approximately 15-18 cm deep, in spite of the fact that our seedlings are still small. Why is that? We will "charge" these holes with useful substances necessary for the growth of cabbage.

Add to the well humus, you can even fresh manure - it all will benefit the future harvest, since we will not plant seedlings in it. Adding fresh manure or humus, we form the bottom layer of the hole. In terms of quantity, this should be equal to the volume of a 200-gram plastic cup without a top. Then I add wood ashes - the amount is approximately the volume of the matchbox. Then it's very important to sprinkle everything on top of the ground lightly. Not a thick layer - usually a handful of earth enough to cover the dung, ash.

The next stage is watering the holes. This condition is mandatory, as we plant hygrophilous cabbage. In each hole we pour at least a liter of water. For future heads it is very important that the planting holes are well spilled, since one irrigation from above will not be enough.

There is one more secret. If there is sunny weather, then leave the spilled holes in the sun, let it be an hour and a half, so that the manure inside the hole begins to give off heat, spontaneously, as they said before. The wells will become warm. It is very important.

Now you can plant the seedlings, which we have grown in a cold nursery. But we will not just drop it off.

So it is necessary to take out the seedlings from the pot

There is one more secret - Kornevin (Heteroauxin), a root stimulant. Kornevin will help to make so that any seedling will get accustomed to 100%, since during the planting of seedlings, damage to the root system is inevitable. Kornevin will reduce all these troubles to a minimum. Open the bag with Kornevin, keep it ready. Seedlings should be removed from the pot as shown in the photo.

Carefully separate one plant from another

Now separate the separate seedlings from each other. To do this, you should gently click on a clod of earth, entangled in its roots, divide it first into two parts, and then - more compactly. With each time a clod of earth will combine fewer and fewer plants.

When the seedlings are separated, be sure to discard faded, outwardly diseased, too small plants.

Lightly sprinkle the roots with Kornevin powder
Gently press the ground around the seedling

Before you place the cabbage seedling in the hole, sprinkle the roots with Kornevin's powder, a small amount, just slightly powder. Put the plant in the hole. Hold with one hand, and sprinkle the second to the cotyledon leaves. Then gently squeeze the ground around the plant with the palms down so that the roots get to the right place and there is no emptiness around them in the ground.

Cabbage loves water
Cabbage seedlings planted

After we planted all the seedlings, we must again water the wells, now with the plants. The amount of water for each - not less than 1 liter. Water it gently, do not pour on the plant, only around it, so as not to wash it from the ground. Water and so get where you need - to the roots. The earlier the seedlings get water, the better. Approximately 15-20 minutes after watering, some seedlings can settle, fall to the side. Therefore, it is necessary to go through the bed again, straighten the seedlings, pouring the earth to the stem. After a lapse of half an hour, we must again water the seedlings - again not less than one liter per root. After that, wet the trunks of the trees should be covered with, for example, dry earth. This is done so that the sun or wind does not form a crust.

So, our seedling is planted. Now all the care is reduced to inspections and watering. While our seedling does not require a lot of nutrients.

But when it grows 6-7 true leaves, you can start feeding. These top dressings should mainly consist of organic fertilizers, that is humus or manure. But, of course, now no need to use fresh manure, but only its solution 0. This is almost all that cabbage needs, since she loves organic chemistry.

In addition to manure, there is another potent nutrient - nettle. It is necessary to collect about 5 kg of nettle, put it in a barrel, fill it with water. Nettles should be slightly proktsitsya. This water water the plants. Alternate these watering with watering the slurry.

These measures are sufficient to grow a wonderful harvest.

In addition, the soil around the cabbage will need to be loosened after each irrigation, since she is very fond of oxygen.

And it will also need to be hilled. But that's when the heads start to spin. Then she will start to rise above the ground, she will have a leg. To cabbage does not collapse, you will need to rake up the ground to it.

But most importantly, do not forget to water it. It is better to pour than to undercharge.

Cabbage is a fairly unpretentious plant, but there can be various problems. They usually appear when the heads are already large enough and they can be eaten.

Cabbage is damaged by caterpillar butterfly-whitecaps

If you can not see for cabbage, the Butterfly-Belyans will make their "black business" - from the leaves there may be some holes. All the heads, of course, they will not eat, but they can spoil it. How to deal with this? There are many chemical means of protecting plants from pests. They can be used on the late varieties of cabbage, when the harvest is still far away. But on summer grades it is undesirable to use chemistry.

I suggest a simple ancient method - garlic. As soon as you see butterflies, take three large heads of garlic, peel, chop all the denticles, pour 5 liters of water, soak for about a week. Strain, sprinkle with this garlic tincture your cabbage. It is advisable, of course, by the time the summer begins, butterflies already have such a tincture. Garlic tincture will scare away the butterflies from the heads and caterpillars on it will not.


Observing these simple recommendations on growing cabbage seedlings, planting seedlings and caring for them, the harvest will always be excellent.

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