How to feed can help fight cucumber diseases and their pests in the garden

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Why did I call this note so widely - are there diseases of cucumbers, and struggle with them, and fertilizing, and fertilizers? Perhaps, it is more expedient to talk separately about top-dressing, and then about diseases, pests?


  • Cucumber diseases - will help the ash
  • Foliar top dressing against cucumber diseases
  • Root top dressing against cucumber diseases
  • Downy mildew - peronosporoz
  • Pests on cucumbers - how to fight

By the way, I did so - articles on feeding cucumbers in a greenhouse or open soil, as well as diseases of cucumbers have already been published. But every year, feeding or fertilizing my cucumbers in the garden, I noticed that fertilizing and fertilizing help not only to get a good harvest. They are very important for fighting diseases and pests of cucumbers. After all, nature itself puts it in its place: a strong plant can better resist diseases, pests.

So, some mineral fertilizers, fertilizing will help protect cucumbers from diseases, pests.

As is known, the most common diseases of cucumbers are powdery mildew, downy mildew (peronosporosis), others. For these diseases it does not matter where you grow cucumbers under temporary shelter, in a greenhouse or open ground.

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Cucumber diseases - will help the ash

So, from these basic diseases, ordinary wood ash is good. This is a simultaneous feeding, as well as a means of combating the aforementioned diseases of cucumbers. Ash can be powdered, sprinkled or poured with an ash solution under the root (1 cup of ash per 10 liters of water, insist 24 hours, strain). You can process or feed plants even during fruiting by fruit. It's absolutely safe. Spraying with a daily ash solution is especially useful.

Do not forget that cucumbers are heat-loving plants, therefore, they need to be sprayed or watered only with warm water, not with cold solutions or infusions - their optimum temperature is 25-28 ° C.

Ash will also help fight pests. Of course, it will not destroy the pests themselves, but with its help an unfavorable environment will be created for them. They simply can not live in such conditions. For example, cucumber leaves, powdered with ashes, will become more rough, coarse, and thus inaccessible to aphids.

Specialists of the agronomist advise at the first signs of the appearance of cucumber disease with powdery mildew to increase the percentage of potassium in the feeding. And this can be achieved with ash.

I'll tell you one more recipe for fighting cucumber diseases. For 10 liters of water, take 1 cup of wood ash and 700-800 g of mullein (I take a volume equal to the volume of a half-liter jar). Insist 24 hours, strain. It is simultaneously feeding and preventing diseases. You can spray this infusion, you can pour it under the root - per liter per plant. Do not forget to water cucumbers before top dressing. The ground should be moist if you feed the nutrient solution under the root.

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Foliar top dressing against cucumber diseases

For a season make 6-7 sprayings. I'm talking about the total number of cucumber sprayings per season. That is 6-7 sprinkles with different solutions. Strand them. Spraying is recommended to be done every 10-12 days.

To prevent mildew (this is the most common cucumber disease), spray on the leaves not only from above, but also necessarily from below with a solution of potassium permanganate (3 g per 10 liters of water). Signs of powdery mildew - a whitish coating appears on both sides of the leaf.

If there is no manganese, then it can be replaced with calcined soda (sodium carbonate) - 50 g per 10 liters of water. For a better enveloping of the leaves, you can add 1 tablespoon (30 g) of liquid soap there.

There is another ancient recipe for combating powdery mildew - it acts unprofitable. By the way, for the last two years, this garden recipe has been increasingly used by modern farmers. Fill the nebulizer with milk whey (it is formed after cooking the cottage cheese). Spray all the plants on the leaves. You can sprinkle cucumbers with serum for preventive purposes. Usually the danger of infection with powdery mildew occurs in the second half of the season, when warm nights are replaced by cold nights. Here, sprinkle your cucumbers, even if there are still no signs of disease. If the serum falls on the fruit, then nothing terrible will happen. This "edible" spraying does not harm your body. But powdery mildew, or rather, spores of powdery mildew will not get better. Disease fungi can not develop in an acidic environment, because the serum contains lactic acid.

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Root top dressing against cucumber diseases

In the fight against diseases of cucumbers, root dressing helps with such a solution: take 10 tablespoons of urea for 10 liters of water (carbamide), several grains of manganese potassium (manganese), 3 g (at the tip of the knife) of copper sulfate and boron powder acid.

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Downy mildew - peronosporoz

Often greenhouse cucumbers are affected by downy mildew. Another name for this disease is Pernospros. Characteristic signs of the disease - on the upper side of the cucumber leaf appear rounded yellow or brown spots. Leaves, stems then wither, they become visible whitish plaque. For the appearance of this disease it is enough that the leaves of your plants are wet for 6 hours, in droplets of water. That is, the main reason - high humidity (above 80%), as well as temperature below 20-22 ° C. Such conditions contribute to the rapid spread of the disease. Therefore, watering, processing is carried out in the greenhouse no later than 16 hours, necessarily airing, so that before night the leaves dry.

With the appearance of the first signs of the disease, make such a therapeutic and preventive top dressing: in 9 liters of water, add 1 liter of milk and 10 drops of iodine.

Feeding with a solution of urea (carbamide) - 1 g of urea per 1 liter of water) also gives good results. It is both a preventative against peronosporosis and a good nitrogen fertilizing, which will help plants become stronger.

Good results are provided by preventive spraying with copper-containing preparations - Bordeaux liquid (1% solution) or HOM (see Fig. instructions). Especially useful is spraying with these drugs if there is a rainy cloudy weather, night temperatures below the recommended limit.

For false powdery mildew it does not matter where your cucumbers grow - in a greenhouse or open ground. This disease can develop wherever it pleases. The insidiousness of this disease is that it can equally successfully defeat your cucumbers in hot, dry weather. If moisture, droplets of dew are on the leaves for more than 6 hours, then the disease with downy mildew is more than likely. That is, watering, fertilizing, spraying, especially in the greenhouse, spend at a time that all the leaves dry by night. Therefore, preventive spraying even in hot weather is necessary.

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Pests on cucumbers - how to fight

To protect your cucumbers from aphids in the garden, it is useful to sow dill at the edges of the garden bed, which will attract to itself ladybirds, flies-surfids (murmurs), natural enemies of aphids.


From aphids, other pests, the processing of cucumbers by such a composition is well helped: add 3 tablespoons of ammonia to the bucket of water. This treatment discourages pests, while feeding your plants. Repeat it every 10-14 days.

To control the pests of cucumbers and at the same time as a top dressing the following mixture is used - 100 g of superphosphate + 50 g of potassium chloride diluted in 10 liters of water. Such a solution of the plant is better to spray in the evening.

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I introduced you to some methods of combating diseases of cucumbers in the garden, protecting them from pests with the help of fertilizing, fertilizers. The practical experience presented in the article is, of course, not only mine. Rather, I tried almost all of this on my site, but it was not invented by me. This is the experience of several generations of gardeners. Surely, it can be supplemented. Write in the comments, whether you use fertilizing and fertilizer as a measure to control diseases, pests of cucumbers in the garden. What kind? How?



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