Bow-slizun - what is the use, how to grow, recipes of dishes

Onion slizun, or, as it is also called, a bow wilting, has not yet received widespread use, such as edible, flax or leek, but its useful properties, medicinal, nutritional qualities deserve more attention. In the garden he will not bring much trouble to the truck-gardener. It is very decorative, in addition it is a good honey plant.

  • Useful properties of onion slug
  • Cultivation of onion slug
  • Sowing onion-slime and its reproduction
  • Recipes of dishes from a bow-slizun
  • Salad of onion slug
  • Salad of onion slug with green peas
  • Omelette with onion slug

In the wild it grows in the south of Western and Eastern Siberia, Altai, in the mountains of Central Asia. It grows in large steppes in the steppes, forest-steppes, as well as on solonetses, on the southern slopes of mountain ranges, provided good lighting and sufficient soil moisture. Local residents of Altai, Siberia, use it fresh, salt, dry.

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Useful properties of onion slug

Bow slizun is a salad bow. His taste is pleasant, slightly spicy, with a weak garlic-onion smell. A valuable property is that the leaves do not coarse until the fall. Therefore, during the summer, you can spend three or four cuts of leaves.

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The leaves are thick, fleshy, tender juicy. If they are cut off, they give off a viscous, transparent viscous mucus, which, apparently, gave the name to this kind of onion.

Its yield reaches 3-4 kg from 1 sq. Km. m. Luke-slime is very useful, since the leaves contain 3% of sugars, 40-90 mg% of vitamin C - mg of carotene, vitamins B1, B2 PP, high-active phytoncides. Its use is also that it is rich in mineral salts of potassium, zinc, manganese, nickel, molybdenum, iron, etc.

Due to the high content of iron salts, the onion-slime is useful for anemia. Tibetan medicine uses it as an anti-inflammatory, analgesic.

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Cultivation of onion slug

Onion-slizun is a perennial plant. It has linear (flat) leaves 8-15 cm wide, 20-25 cm long, light and dark green in color. Plant squat, spreading, false bulb shortened, 2 - 3 cm thick, covered with white dry scales.

It is branched throughout the vegetative period, forming in the second year three or four shoot branches with 8-10 leaves. The number of shoots increases every year, by the end of the fourth or fifth year, their total number reaches 20-25, and the number of leaves from 50 to 200 on one plant.

In the first four years, shoots of onion-slime are powerful, but then the energy of shoot formation decreases. Old shoots begin to die, the plant as a single organism ceases to exist. Therefore, it is advisable to grow onion slug in one place for no more than four to five years.

The plant blooms for the second year. Flower stem in height of 20-60 cm, thickness about 1 cm. Inflorescence is a spherical umbrella. The number of flowers is 150-300. Before flowering, the umbrella "looks" down. At the beginning of flowering the arrow straightens. This quality of slime is also reflected in its name - a bow dodging.

The plant reacts late - in July-August. The archery and flowering are stretched for 25-30 days. Therefore, the seeds do not mature at the same time, they have to be removed in two or three steps.

Luk-slizun differs by the demand for moisture, soil fertility. To obtain juicy, broad, thick leaves, their rapid growth after cuts, it is necessary to make in autumn a digging into the area where the slug will be grown, at least 5-6 kg per 1 sq. Km. m of humus, 30-35 g of superphosphate, 20-25 g of potassium salt, and in the spring, under presowing treatment, 15-20 g of ammonium nitrate.


After each cutting of the leaves, loosen rows, watering, fertilizing.

Slime, as chives, cold and frost resistant. Withstands frosts to 30 degrees, so it can be grown almost throughout Russia.

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Sowing onion-slime and its reproduction

Propagate the onion slug seed and vegetatively (parts of the bush or shoots). During seed propagation, the seeds are sown directly into the soil or grown in seedlings.


Seeding is best done in the spring at the first opportunity to enter the field. For sowing, grooves are cut through 30-35 cm, in which 1 g seeds are sown per 1 sq. Km. Depth of seeding, -2 cm. Shoots appear after 20-25 days, depending on the humidity, soil temperature. Commodity harvest can be obtained for the second year after sowing.

In the first year of life, the main thing when growing slug-onion is fighting with weeds that can easily drown out small plants. Further care consists in regular watering, loosening of rows between rows, weeding.

In the spring, in the second and subsequent years, it is necessary to clean the area of ​​plant residues, deep loosening. Before loosening it is necessary to make a 1 sq. Km. m 15-20 grams of ammonium nitrate, 40-6 g of superphosphate, 30-40 g of potassium chloride with the addition of trace elements.

For the best preparation of plants for winter in August-September, fertilizing with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers is carried out.


Three-four-year-old shrubbery bushes can be used for forcing (growing) at home or in heated glass greenhouses. For this purpose, in autumn, after the onset of cold weather, but before the soil freezes, the plants are excavated from the ground, close to each other to a friend placed in shallow wooden or, better, plastic boxes, left in the open air for freezing.

Then, as necessary, boxes are brought into the greenhouse or room, watered. After 20-30 days, the plants grow, they are used together with the bulbs. Yield in this case is 15-20 kg from 1 sq.m. If only the leaves are cut, then for two cuts you can get up to 10 kg of green onions from 1 square. m.

The slime, like chives, is not affected by powdery mildew (peronosporosis). Seed productivity is good. On average, from one plant, you can get 5-7 g of seeds. The plants of the third year of life are most productive.

When the leaves are cut, the plant does not bloom, the leaves contain less fiber, so they become more tender. They are used as seasoning for various dishes, when preparing salads.

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Recipes of dishes from a bow-slizun

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Salad of onion slug

Slizun, parsley greens finely chop, onion cut into rings, lettuce stripes. Cook boiled egg finely chopped. All vegetables, chopped eggs to mix, add salt, black ground pepper to taste, season with sour cream or mayonnaise.


  • onions-slizun - 200 g,
  • onion - 100 g,
  • lettuce - 200 g,
  • parsley greens - 100 g,
  • boiled egg - 2 pieces,
  • sour cream or mayonnaise - 100-150 g.
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Salad of onion slug with green peas

Cut onion slices in thin strips, mix with canned green peas, boiled, finely chopped, egg, add salt to taste, add sour cream or mayonnaise. Put in a salad bowl, decorate with parsley, dill.


  • onions-slizun - 500 g,
  • peas green canned - 250 g,
  • Boiled egg - 2-3 pcs.,
  • green parsley - 5 g,
  • dill - 15 grams,
  • sour cream or mayonnaise - 150-200 g.
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Omelette with onion slug

Cut finely chopped onion slices in cream butter, add finely chopped parsley greens, salt, pepper to taste, pour eggs, whipped with milk, fry on both sides.


  • onions-slizun - 50 g,
  • parsley greens - 20 g,
  • Butter - 20 g,
  • eggs - 3 pcs.,
  • milk - 100 ml.

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