In Search of the Best Multivark: An Overview of Popular Models

In Search of the Best Multivark: An Overview of Popular Models


In the article on the choice of multivarieties, we figured out what to pay attention to when buying. But what is the best multivariate? After all, there are so many different models on the market! Yeah, the choice is not easy. All firms vying with each other in praise their products: they say, our miracle-pan is the best, where there are competitors before us. But is it? After all, ideal models simply do not happen. Which multivarker is really good? Let's see.


On the shelves you can find companies Redmond, Panasonic, Polaris, Bork, Philips and Moulinex. Of course, there are other brands, but it is impossible to consider all the firms with their models in one article. Therefore, we will try to choose the most popular variants of multivarieties, in order to understand which one is the best and which one is better to buy. So, let's begin.


  • 1Comparison of budget models
    • 1.1Redmond RMC-M4503
    • 1.2Panasonic SR-TMH102NTW
    • 1.3Polaris PMC 0511 AD
    • 1.4Vitek VT-4200
    • 1.5Philips HD 3039
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  • 2Compare expensive multivariate
    • 2.1Polaris PMC 0523AD
    • 2.2Panasonic SRTMS520KT
    • 2.3Moulinex CE7011
    • 2.4Redmond RMC-M140
    • 2.5Philips HD2173 / 03

Comparison of budget models

Redmond RMC-M4503

The device is electronically controlled and has a power of 900 watts. Its merits can be considered the volume of a bowl of 5 liters, which is enough for a large family, the presence of a timer and the possibility of heating. At the same time, the multivar has a fairly affordable price, so it can be bought even by a person with a small income. There is a book of recipes. However, most users complain about a porous bowl in which dishes are burned, and on a non-removable lid. Also, this model quickly erases the inscriptions on the buttons.


Panasonic SR-TMH102NTW

An inexpensive multivark with a capacity of 490 watts and a small pot in, liter. Such an electric appliance is convenient to take on the road, because it has a small weight and dimensions. An excellent choice for trips to rest, if you cook yourself. There is a baking program and the ability to maintain heat. From the shortcomings: too gentle a bowl, which is easy to damage even with careful handling. It is better to immediately choose a spare pan. Also, not all programs are delayed start.

Polaris PMC 0511 AD

The model has as many as 12 programs. The bowl with ceramic coating is equipped with handles, which is very convenient for cooking. It's better to grab the handles carefully than to burn yourself on the bowl. The choice of time is in all programs, except rice (there is another principle of cooking). Delayed start and maintenance of heat is already a mandatory minimum for multivariate, since without it it is difficult to cook. Disadvantages: sometimes the lid seizes.


Vitek VT-4200

An excellent choice for thrifty housewives. Power - 800 W, the volume of the bowl - 5 liters. Very convenient pen for carrying. This multivarku is better for choosing at home, as it is quite heavy. A large number of programs - a nice bonus for the budget model. There is a function "Roasting" and "Baking". The disadvantages include a weak instruction and a small display.


Philips HD 3039

Although this firm deals mainly with audio and video equipment, the models of multivarieties also get good results. Here, the food is heated from all sides (3D-heating), so you do not have raw porridge. The device has an intuitive interface and a good design. Such a multivark should be chosen if power interruptions for you are a common occurrence: the model has a "memory" that stores programs. The disadvantages include the lack of commercially available removable bowls and inconvenience in washing, since the lid is not removed.

We combined all the data in one table to make it easier for you to navigate. We hope that our simple tips will help to understand which model is better. If you want to buy a budget option, this tablet will help you choose the right multivark:

Options Redmond RMC-M4503 Panasonic SR-TMH102NTW Polaris PMC 0511AD Vitek VT-4200
Power, W 900 490 650 800
Timer Up to 24 h Up to 13 hours Up to 24 h Up to 24 h
Volume of bowl, l 5 , 5 5
Maintaining heat + + + +
Number of programs 4 6 12 10
Control Electronic Electronic Electronic Electronic
Possibility of baking - + + +
Dimensions, mm 340h330h340 245x248x255 270х280х270 320x330x330
Weight, g 7000 2400 3200 6300

Compare expensive multivariate

Polaris PMC 0523AD


An electrical appliance with a power of 860 W and a large number of programs. Ceramic coating of the bowl is considered better than a simple non-stick. There are modes "Hot "Pizza" and "Bread so this device can be chosen by fans of experiments. True, most owners do not use all the features of the multivark, as they simply are not needed. The most popular program is Multipovar, which is enough for most recipes.


Panasonic SRTMS520KT

This model has 18 programs, among which there are "Zharka "Baking" and "Yogurt". 3D heating warms the food better from all sides. A small weight and dimensions make it possible to choose it even for a dacha, because such a compact multivark is very convenient to use. The reputation of the company speaks for itself: it is Panasonic who most often try to buy users. Disadvantages - high cost.


Moulinex CE7011


A device with hundreds of programs, 50 of which are automatic, and another 50 are manually configured. Bowl with handles, thick walls and ceramic coating. There is a function of protection against overheating. The cord is removable, which makes it easy to hide. The main difficulty in working is the need to understand all the functions, so this model should be selected only if you do not doubt your abilities. Also, users complain about typos in recipes, so it's better to take them from the Internet right away.

Redmond RMC-M140

The device has 33 automatic programs and 25 manual settings. It can bake bread, cook yoghurt, fry and stew. The LED display is located on the cover. Convenient carrying handle. In the model, there is such a disadvantage as the lack of 3D heating, because of which the meat must be mixed during cooking. Also the model has too much weight and decent dimensions.


Philips HD2173 / 03

A good choice for those who often have to rearrange the multivark from one place to another: its weight is only 4 kg. 14 programs, among which there is "Chill" and "Baking". Touchpad with a convenient display. In the kit is a book with recipes and instructions. There are also drawbacks: some users complain that this multivark is not loosely closing the lid.

Obviously, expensive multivarkers differ from cheaper ones by having a large number of programs. But are they all necessary? And is it worth it to buy an expensive device only in order to use only 3-4 functions? On the other hand, you will have opportunities for experiments. Solve yourself.

And we have compiled a comparative table for you:

Options Polaris PMC 0523AD Panasonic SRTMS520KT Moulinex CE7011 Redmond RMC-M140
Power, W 860 670 1200 1100-1300
Timer Up to 24 h Up to 24 h Up to 24 h Up to 24 h
Volume of pot, l 5 5 6 5
Maintaining heat + + + +
Number of programs 23 18 100 (50+50) 58 (33+25)
Management type Electronic Electronic Electronic Electronic
Dimensions, mm 275х330х420 276х274х275 376x354x356
Weight, g 4570 3400 6500 7900

We hope that our advice will help you choose a good multivark. Carefully read the reviews of different people, and then you definitely will not have any disappointments.

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