Which floor scales are better: electronic or mechanical?

Floor scales help you keep fit. With their help, you will visually see the result of your efforts after the diet, or you can simply control your body weight. In the end, people who hold floor scales at home are less likely to earn extra pounds, because the “smart” device will warn in time about the need to do sports. But which of them is still better: mechanical or electronic?

Definitely hard to answer. Someone suitable simple mechanical devices in increments of 1 kg, and someone wants to know about the slightest fluctuations in body weight, therefore, prefers electronic. Some people simply see their current weight, and they are even willing to put up with the errors of some cheap devices. Give the other the body mass index and the amount of fat in the body. All this will help to know some expensive electronic devices. But do they need them? Now we find out.


  • 1 : all in the old way

    Mechanical floor scales have the simplest design: the measuring spring inside the device is stretched under the action ofher body weight and deflects the arrow in the direction to the desired number. The price of division for such devices is usually 1 kg, rarely - 500 g. At the same time, the error can be from 0.5 to 1 kg( sometimes as much as 2 kg).

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    It was these devices that our mothers used, who didn’t have any alternatives. Today, such models are increasingly replacing their modern counterparts. What kind? More accurate, of course. But since mechanical devices not only do not leave the store shelves, but are successfully sold, it means that they have their advantages.

    The advantages of mechanical models

    • low cost;
    • lack of batteries, which will have to be changed;
    • ease of use;
    • durability;
    • strength;
    • no special storage requirements.

    Everything is fine, but not enough. It is better to have at hand a device that will more accurately show the body mass and generally answer many questions at once. Therefore, mechanical floor scales have disadvantages.

    Disadvantages of mechanical models

    • lack of accuracy;
    • there is no control over the fat mass;
    • outdated technology.

    Buy mechanical floor scales is only if you are not going to fool your head with various difficulties.

    And the truth is: sometimes it is enough just to know your body weight approximately in order to understand whether you are doing everything correctly. If the figure is your main concern, it is better to look after yourself with a more modern device.

    Electronic: in keeping with the times.

    The first electronic floor scales had the same principle of operation as mechanical ones. Only the result was displayed on a digital display. If you decide to buy the cheapest electronic scales, you should know that they are no better than mechanical ones. But the more expensive modern devices work quite differently: some use special plates for measuring body mass, others use a voltage sensor. Which ones are better? See for yourself.

    Devices with metal discs have a minimum of mechanical elements. The plates themselves form something similar to an electric mini-capacitor. When a person becomes on such electronic floor scales, metal discs diverge, and between them the electric charge varies. Due to this, body weight is shown. The error for such models is not more than 300 g.

    Devices with a voltage sensor are considered more advanced. The sensor itself is a thin metallic wiring through which current flows. Due to the impact on the electronic balance, the wire is tightened, as a result of which the electrical signal changes. All this helps to know more accurate body weight. Here, the error is only 50-100 g, but to buy such a high-precision device, you will have to say goodbye to a decent amount.

    Features of modern models

    1. Memory availability where past weighings are stored. Moreover, such floor models are designed for 5-10 people.
    2. Calculation of body mass index.
    3. Determining the ratio of fat and muscle tissue in the body.
    4. "Intellect": electronic devices themselves determine who weighed, and give the necessary calculations.
    5. If the weight of the body has significantly gone away, the “smart” device will warn about this with a beep.
    6. Auto power on and off.

    All these additional features affect the price. Sometimes it is better to abandon them, in favor of a simpler, but accurate model.

    In general, all electronic floor scales have their advantages and disadvantages.

    The advantages of electronic models

    • high accuracy;
    • modern design;
    • additional features( memory, tips, measurement of fat and muscle mass, etc.).

    Disadvantages of high price for electronic models

    • ;
    • need for careful storage and handling;
    • batteries, which will have to be periodically changed.

    Choosing correctly

    A few tips for a successful purchase:

    • first check which measurement system the instrument has: kilograms or pounds;The
    • then needs to verify the accuracy of the selected model. To do this, you can weigh, for example, a pack of salt, or compare the readings of several devices, alternately standing on them in the sales area;
    • if you want to keep the device in the bathroom, it must be waterproof;
    • it is desirable that the device had a corrugated surface and anti-slip bottom;
    • give preference to the metal model, rather than plastic, as it is more durable;
    • if you buy a mechanical device, check it right in the store: sharply press on its surface, and then remove your hand. The scale arrow should go back to zero;
    • if your vision is far from ideal, buy a model with a large dial or even with a separate display.

    Remember that any scale is just a device for measuring body weight. By themselves, they will not help you lose weight, no matter how modern were not. You will still have to go to the gym or go on some kind of diet. Therefore, it is worth choosing the model that suits you at a cost, even if it does not have any special functions. The only thing that really matters is accuracy. Try to buy a device with a minimum error and a good guarantee.

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