Tasty and healthy berry is a black currant. Caring for the bush in the Kuban has its own characteristics, because it is not so easy to get a full-fledged harvest of black currant. The hot, dry climate of the Krasnodar Territory is the main cause of failure. And many just blame the dry, hot climate of the Krasnodar Territory, grades, but not yourself. They do not want to understand the reasons for their failures. But even the planting site of seedlings greatly influences the future fate of blackcurrant. Prevention of diseases, treatment from pests in the spring to tying berries, in summer, in autumn after harvesting - a whole complex of measures - everything must be done on time, without delay.
- Care for black currant, growing technology
- Pests and diseases of black currant
- Reproduction of black currant - what dangers lie in wait for
- The best varieties of black currant for the Kuban
It is generally believed that the black currant lives well, fructifies in the penumbra. Yes, in conditions of hot Kuban summer this is so. But it is very important, at what time of day the black currant is closed from direct sunlight. If the bushes in the shade all light day, then it will, of course, survive, but will not reveal its potential.
All living things on Earth are the children of the Sun! And the deficit of sunlight affects the viability of plants, the yield, the quality of the fruit. For some reason, many plant a black currant near standing trees, forgetting that the root systems of trees, shrubs will compete for food, moisture. Most often, the victory is for the trees.
So if you want to have a well-fruiting black currant, take her an open sunny place away from the trees. In addition, keep in mind that trees are suppliers of pests: aphids, ticks, other suckers, as well as diseases.
With our hot, dry summer place for black currants should be chosen very carefully. The best option, in my opinion, is this. The bushes are open to the sun until noon, then - the shadow. And the sun after 17-18 hours.
.And, nevertheless, even the successful arrangement of black currant bushes is not yet a guarantee of success. The issues of planting, laying the foundation for mineral, organic fertilizers are not considered, they are described many times in many publications. But what technology to contain black currant, you must clearly determine in advance.
↑ to the contents ↑.Care for black currant, growing technology
The most successful, in my opinion, is the care for the black currant according to the technology of German gardeners.
What is its essence?
Firstly, seedlings are planted thickened. Rows in 40-70 cm - the distance depends on the strength of the bush. It will be easier to water, loosen, fight pests, diseases.
Secondly, this is perhaps the most important thing in the care of the black currant in German technology - after harvesting, having fertilized stems are immediately cut out, and young (replacement shoots) are normalized - leave the strongest 3-5 shoots, the rest also cut out.
Thirdly - enhanced care for black currant bushes until the very winter - prevention of diseases, pests.
Fourthly, in the fall, after the fall of the fall, a podzimni submergible watering - 70-80 liters per 1 sq. Km. m plantation
Why is this technology preferable to the traditional one? We will understand more in detail.
With the usual technology branches last 4-6 years, only then gradually replace the new shoots. The crop is formed not on the main stems, but on the twigs of the 2nd, 3rd order. As a rule, the annual growth of these branches is small, they are weak, their potential for yielding is low.
.And according to the German technology, flower buds are laid along the entire length of the young ones left behind by the autumn. On them next year will be a full-fledged harvest of large berries with full brushes. This is because the bushes are well lit, ventilated, not thickened. And with each year the number of shoots of substitution increases, you can leave 5-7 stems, their yield is very high - at times more than from an ordinary overgrown bush. And the main thing is the quality of berries. Agree, when you see such results of your work, then care of bushes of black currant gives pleasure.
↑ back to content ↑Pests and diseases of black currant
A great loss of the black currant crop is caused by the running glass: branches dry up, break. Most often this occurs during the ripening period of berries. Laying eggs with a glass container in young wood, the conditions for their development coincide with the cyclic development of black currant and the growth of lateral branches.
Bark branches fresh, thin easily pierced when laying eggs with a small butterfly with transparent wings. Then the eggs develop successfully from the eggs, which feeds on the branch juices, through its core descends to the base of the bush, then to pupate, again to fly out with a butterfly. Affected branches easily dry out, break down.
It is difficult to fight with glass bottles. This is the cutting of damaged stems, side branches to the base of the bush, burning them. To know if the stems are affected or not, it is easy: in autumn, bend the young branch - the affected one will easily break, anywhere. Do not leave a seemingly good remaining part of the stem - cut out the entire stem at the base - it is not known whether the pest was there or flew out.
Only a systematic annual struggle with the glass jar helps to preserve the black currant bushes, otherwise they all may die.
If you plant new seedlings, you must protect them from the glass container in the first year. Since the spring. As soon as the leaves start to blossom, do the first spraying with any preparation from pests, for example, Vofatox, Kinmix, Carbophos, Aktara, Rovikurt or others.
So it is possible to save from a primary infection by a tick, aphids, from other sucking pests. It's expensive every day, you can not be late.
.Record the spraying date, waiting period. The waiting period is indicated on the sachet of the preparation against pests - this is the duration of the drug. The next spraying is after the end of each waiting period. Alternate preparations. Do not spray the same.
There is another recipe for dealing with glass bottles. Use this tool is appropriate in spring - April, May - at this time butterflies, mosquitoes are born from pupae. So, the composition of the mixture: one tablespoon of mustard powder, ground pepper, a glass (200 g) of tobacco dust, 300 g of wood ash. All this mix well. For each bush pour 2-3 tablespoons of the mixture and loosen well, mix with the soil.
I also want to suggest an easy way to combat aphids. You can do without spraying. It is based on the fact that female aphids carry garden ants. They necessarily settle them on the top of the stem, where young leaves appear, which are great for feeding young aphids.
And now attention! It is enough to pinch the top, remove 2-3 of the topmost sheets and... the ant runs up to the top, and the female has nowhere to attach - then he does not settle it here - looking for another place. But even if he managed to infect the aphids with the tip, he would still die. After all, you have removed part of the top, tender juicy, young. Only have to do it more often.
I never spray from aphids. Ants after the "deceitful" tops no longer come again, they leave the entire currant.
From fungal diseases, one-time spraying with copper-containing preparations is usually sufficient.
Sometimes good seedlings die from infection with infectious diseases. In this case, most of the conductive vessels of the stems do not pass through food, moisture. When you pull out such a bush, you can see - the root system, although alive, but underdeveloped, lagging behind itself similar healthy plants. Such seedlings must be burned immediately. Infected plants can not be cured.
↑ back to content ↑Reproduction of black currant - what dangers lie in wait for
I also want to tell gardeners who grow saplings. You probably noticed - everything is done "by science" - cuttings were cut, they are well established, develop well. Only a few are not developing well. By the end of summer, these laggards are dying. And then closer to the autumn almost instantly dry, die well-developed cuttings, you can say, already saplings.
Then the glass woman worked.
Most likely, the cuttings were cut from an infected bush. Badly developing blacks are the result of the already damaged worm core. And in well-developing seedlings, the cause of death, most likely, is as follows: they got infected in the spring from fruiting shrubs.
Cut cuttings only from healthy plants!
To plant a blackcurrant cuttings soil should be fertilized with humus, add ash (with stirring). The reaction of the soil should be close to neutral. You can water the cuttings with water with the addition of root-forming compounds - Kornevin, (heteroauxin).
↑ back to content ↑The best varieties of black currant for the Kuban
The yield of black currant depends not only on full-fledged care, but also on currant varieties, their cross pollination. Here you have to experiment, choose the best varieties.
For example, I'm perfectly pollinated by each other, yielding a crop of excellent quality Selechenskaya, Degtyarevskaya, the newest supertort Altai is late (it has no equal), and several bushes Yadrennoy. As a result, all varieties of berry bristles are stuffed, aligned.
That's all the wisdom. Do you want black currant berries every year? Take note of the features of care, our advice.
Success to you, full of berry baskets!
YU. Minin - "Niva Kuban №41, 2014 year.