Choosing a built-in or stand-alone oven

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Choosing a built-in or stand-alone oven

If you want to please all members of your family with delicious pastries and other dishes, then you just need to know how to choose an oven. On whether you choose the right model, your culinary success will depend.

If you have absolutely no idea what kind of oven to choose, we advise you to familiarize yourself with their main varieties.


At once it is necessary to tell, that it is a question of an independent oven which theoretically can be established in any place of your kitchen. This is better than a dependent model, which only works in conjunction with the top hob.

If you are interested in how to choose the hob together with the oven, you should give preference to the same manufacturers. In this case, it is more likely that these two devices, the cabinet and the panel, will be easily compatible. If you use an embedded technique, then try to think in advance how to place it in such a way that you feel comfortable.

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  • 1Electric oven
  • 2Features of gas oven
    • 2.1additional characteristics
  • 3The main differences between gas and electric ovens
  • 4Popular firms and brands

Electric oven

Electric ovens come in different capacities. This is their main difference, which affects first of all our choice, because the more powerful the device, the more it consumes energy and the more its price. Which option is best for you, decide on your own, paying attention to the planned electricity costs.

Depending on the power, the fuses of the mains and the outlet must be properly selected. If you do not have a suitable outlet or it is not in the right place, then additional costs will be required to install it. Especially often, such tasks occur when the built-in oven is installed.

It is desirable that a powerful electric oven is assembled by an experienced specialist who knows how, what and where to connect.

So, you have a special outlet, and the network is able to withstand the load, how to choose an electric oven in this case.


Pay attention to the following:

  • what are its dimensions;
  • how many functions it can perform;
  • what exactly are these functions (defrost, ruddy crust, quick cooking, etc.)
  • how it is managed.

For many people, the design of an electric oven, its compatibility with kitchen furniture and other equipment matters.


Check how many baking trays and grills are included, whether there is a skewer for kebabs and other accessories.

Some firms offer very expensive cabinets, fully stuffed with electronics. Approach them intelligently to their selection and installation, as unstable operation of the network can lead to the oven getting out of order. It is best to choose an electric oven from the middle category, if you look at the price.

Briefly describe the advantages of electric ovens in front of gas:

  • more precisely regulate the temperature;
  • wider temperature range;
  • more evenly distribute heat;
  • safer, does not emit harmful substances.

It is believed that in an electric oven it is possible to cook a larger number of different dishes than in a gas oven, which is better than a gas oven. In some models, you can even cook meals at the same time, placing pans at different levels. In this case, your opportunities, like chefs, significantly expand.

Features of gas oven

The gas cabinet also has its advantages:

  • it can be installed in a house with weak wiring;
  • it saves energy consumption;
  • it is extremely easy to maintain.

Often this is enough to choose a gas cabinet, but in addition to the principle of operation, there are other differences in the models. Consider how to choose an oven that is powered by gas.

Pay attention to the fact that the internal space is warmed up evenly. If only the lower burners are present in the cabinet, and there are no fans, then the lower part first heats up, and then the upper one, as a result, some dishes will burn out. It is especially difficult in such an oven to cook baking correctly.


In this regard, it is better to buy a model with convection, that is, with air circulation. It will allow to evenly warm up the oven.

The best models of gas ovens are equipped with burners located non-linearly, that is not in one line, but in a circle or in the form of a horseshoe.

You can choose an oven with a large chamber volume (more than 60 liters). This option is best for a family consisting of 5, 6 or more people.

Almost every modern gas oven is equipped with a function of electric ignition and a timer that allows you to mark the cooking time. If you choose the right gas cabinet, it will be just as good as some electric models.

additional characteristics

In addition to the standard characteristics that any oven can have, there are other parameters that influence our choice. That's what they can be.

  • A gas cabinet, like an electric cabinet, can be equipped with a grill, which allows you to prepare food with a caked crust.
  • We advise you to choose models of gas appliances in which there is protection against gas leakage, which will protect you from the greatest trouble.
  • You can choose an oven with a pyrolysis function. It allows you to clean the inside without additional efforts and expensive detergents, when the maximum heat is turned on.
  • Some manufacturers offer another type of cleaning - hydrolysis, in which water is poured into the baking tray, and after strong heating, the fat along with the steam settles into the pan.
  • In some models, the inner walls are covered with enamel repelling fat, and the built-in filters catch odors.
  • It is very convenient to use the oven, which provides a retractable trolley.

Always clarify how good the thermal insulation of the appliance, whether the oven door is heating up, whether it is easy to open and close it.

The main differences between gas and electric ovens

Parameter Gas Electric
Temperature adjustment accuracy Low High (2-5)
Cleaning Catalytic method, water purification Catalytic method, pyrolysis, water purification
Security Requires careful handling or presence of gas leakage protection If improperly connected, it may burn out
Number of functions Limited A large number of functions
Warm up Less uniform Uniform

Continuing the theme: which oven is better: gas or electric?

Popular firms and brands

The most recognizable manufacturers of ovens are trying to produce both electric and gas models. Among the average price category are such companies as Siemens, Electrolux, Whirlpool. Well-proven electric ovens Bosch, Ariston, Zanussi, Gorenje.


Trends are as follows, the best producers of gas burners are Italian firms, and electric ones are German. Note also that there are types of ovens that can work from gas and electricity. This option is suitable for those who like to choose technology for all occasions.

If we talk about more prestigious and more expensive ovens, then the German firm Miele Italian SMEG, the French De Dietrich and some others stand out. The cost of most of these ovens with ease exceeds 40 thousand bars. It's pointless to say that these models are better, because they have their own peculiarities. The high price is due to the introduction of the most advanced technologies. Any dish can ideally be prepared by selecting the appropriate program.

Buying equipment for cooking, you should focus on its reliability, functionality and safety. Do not pursue the most fashionable models, because they can give you more trouble than good. At the same time, too cheap and unknown brands are also not a solution. If you like a model, then try to learn about it as much as possible, and only then purchase.

Also interesting: the installation of the oven

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