What kind of convector heater is best to choose for a home

What kind of convector heater is best to choose for a home


If during the winter frosts the house is not too warm and cozy, the purchase of a convector will help to cope with this problem. In order for the device to work as efficiently as possible, and it was convenient to use it, you should know how to choose convector heater, suitable for your premises, and what points to pay special attention to in the process purchases.


  • 1Principle of operation
  • 2How to Calculate Heater Power
  • 3Installation options
  • 4Type of heating element
    • 4.1Needle or belt heater
    • 4.2Tubular heater (TEN)
    • 4.3Monolithic heater
  • 5Additional functions
  • 6Design

Principle of operation

Convector heater - a fairly simple device, which is a casing made of metal with a heating element inside. The handle of the thermostat, located on the outside of the housing, allows you to adjust the degree of heating.

Cold air enters the body of the convector through the lower openings and is heated by contact with the heating element of the device. After raising the temperature, the air stream rushes upwards, getting into the room through the grate in the upper part into the shell. Continuous air circulation during the operation of the device allows you to quickly warm the room even a fairly large area.

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Although all convectors operate on the same principle, a very wide range of models with different appearance, cost and technical characteristics is presented on the market. To choose among this variety a successful heater, you need to clearly understand how often and on what area you plan to use it.

How to Calculate Heater Power


One of the most important parameters of the convector is its power, which directly affects the speed and quality of heating the room. On the market you can find models with a value of this parameter from 250 to 3000 watts. How to calculate the optimal value of this technical characteristic for your premises?


To properly choose a convector heater, first of all decide in which room it will be used. It is not enough to know the area of ​​the room - it is better to calculate its volume, since the height of the ceiling can be of decisive importance.


Experts advise to follow the following rules:

  1. If the heater is needed as an auxiliary source of heat, one cubic meter of room should account for 25 watts of power.
  2. In the case where the convector is the only heating device in the room, it will take at least 40 W to heat 1 cubic meter.

Thus, for additional heating of a small room with an area of ​​12 square meters and ceiling height, a meter you will have enough capacity from 750 W, and for a more spacious room of 20 square meters with a high three-meter ceiling, it is better to choose a heater with a capacity of 1500 Tues.


Installation options

For possible installation options, convectors can be divided into the following groups:

  • floor models;
  • wall models;
  • plinth models.

The height of floor and wall type heaters, as a rule, varies from 40 to 45 cm. The skirting type device differs a little (about 20-30 cm) in height, but it considerably exceeds other models in length.

To select a suitable convector heater, determine whether you will only use it in one room or plan to move the appliance around the apartment.

A mobile floor device with wide, stable legs or wheels can easily be transported to another room or stored for storage after the need for additional heating has disappeared.


For regular use only in one room it is better to choose a wall or plinth model. For small rooms, a compact wall-mounted heater is ideal, and a larger room will quickly heat a powerful plinth-type appliance. It fits perfectly even under the low windowsills, but it has a significant drawback: the cost of such a device is usually higher than its counterparts.

Type of heating element

The heating element is the central part of the device, which determines the quality of its operation. The convector incorporates the following varieties of this part:

Needle or belt heater

It looks like a thin plate, covered with loops of nickel and chromium alloy. Rapidly heats up and cools, but differs greatly in fragility. Due to poor protection against moisture, it is not suitable for use in rooms such as a bathroom. The main advantage of this type is a low price.

Tubular heater (TEN)

Covered with aluminum fins. The most popular and unpretentious model, which you can easily place in the bathroom. However, such a heater has its drawbacks: in the process of work it produces an unpleasant crackle, and over time, the quality of heating also decreases.

Monolithic heater


Convector heater with this type of heating element will cost more, but if possible, when buying it is better to choose it. This device is completely silent, very durable, has high efficiency.

Additional functions

In an effort to expand the range and attract buyers, the manufacturers of convectors are building in the various additional modes. Whether it is worth overpaying for these functions, you decide.


The most useful additional features of convector heaters:

  • Thermostat. It allows to establish the most comfortable mode, is divided into mechanical and electronic type. The latter is much more convenient, since it allows you to choose a more accurate temperature value.
  • Timer. Allows you to automatically turn off the device after a certain time.
  • Memory temperature. When switched on, it automatically heats up to the set values.
  • Built-in ionizer. Attracts dust and saturates the air with negatively charged ions. If you are worried about health, it is better to choose a model with a similar function.
  • Remote control. A convenient function that allows you to operate the device without leaving your seat.
  • Protection against rollover. Allows you to turn off the device in such cases as a sudden drop, which can be very important in apartments where there are kids or pets.


As for the appearance of convectors, here everyone chooses a model in accordance with personal preferences and the interior of their room. The only detail that should be paid attention to the parents of the kids is the absence of sharp angles and protruding edges.

Now you are familiar with all the nuances of choosing a convector, which means that your purchase will necessarily be successful.

Take note: the principle of the convector heater

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