What to look for when choosing an electronic cigarette

What to look for when choosing an electronic cigarette


Tired of smoldering tobacco smoke? Do you want to gradually refuse cigarettes or do you just like the process of smoking? Then you will be interested to know how to choose an electronic cigarette. But first you need to understand how it works and only after that you can go on to the issue of choice.


  • 1How does an electronic cigarette work?
  • 2Choice according to the activity of the smoker
    • 2.1Video: how to choose electronic cigarettes
  • 3Next stage
  • 4Model Features
    • 4.1Video: how to use an electronic cigarette correctly

How does an electronic cigarette work?

The essence of the electronic cigarette is that it simulates tobacco smoking. The main advantage is that there is no acrid smoke, but its impact on human health is extremely poorly understood, so for those who have never smoked, it is better not to start. Often, electronic cigarettes are purchased if they want to get rid of the habit of smoking, but not everyone helps.

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Any electronic cigarette consists of an evaporator (atomizer), a battery (battery) and a cartridge containing a liquid with nicotine or other additives. In some models, the cartridge and atomizer are combined. The shape of an e-cigarette can look like a thick cigar, an ordinary cigarette or a tube. Fashion is also produced. The mod can have some other form and is a modification of the cigarette.

The current from the battery is fed to the evaporator, which turns the liquid into vapor. Thus, a person inhales steam with additives of nicotine, and not smoke, as in classical smoking appliances. Of great importance is the composition of the liquid, because excess of nicotine and the presence of harmful impurities can adversely affect health. It is better to purchase licensed products of famous brands in order to reduce risks.

Choice according to the activity of the smoker

Now we will proceed to the selection. It can not be said that it is difficult to make it right, however, there are a lot of e-cigarette offers on the market. First, analyze how many cigarettes you smoke per day and what their strength is. Usually there are such options.

  1. I smoke very seldom, under the spirits, I smoke several cigarettes a week.
  2. In a day I smoke up to 15 cigarettes, I prefer lungs.
  3. In the day I smoke to a pack of cigarettes of medium strength or a little more lungs.
  4. A day I smoke more packs of medium-sized cigarettes.
  5. In the day I smoke a pack or more strong.

In the first two cases it is better to purchase electronic cigarettes with a small cartridge and with a low battery capacity (up to 280 mAh). These are models of the type L88 (various trademarks), 510 Cartomizer Kit, 510-T.

In the third case, it is best to choose devices with batteries that hold the charge 1.5-2 times longer. The most suitable models are ELIPS, Revanche Elit, LEA.


In the last two cases, you need to be sure that the charge and the refilled cartridge are enough for the whole day. For this case, the eGo, Riva-T, VGO series is provided. They are bought by heavy smokers who want to tie, but do not find the strength to do it in a different way. Many of them prefer a capacity of 1000mAh, although sometimes there is less if you do not smoke a day on the flight.

It is worth noting that recently appeared batteries with a capacity of 2-3 times greater. Such adaptations are used by people who absolutely do not want to get rid of nicotine addiction, but, on the contrary, actively smoke, breathing in pairs of electronic cigarettes.

Video: how to choose electronic cigarettes

Next stage

It should be remembered that there is no ideal choice in electronic cigarettes. No one will tell you with 100% certainty which model is best for you. But you can find the most optimal. For this you need to ask yourself a few more questions.

  • For what purpose do you purchase electronic cigarettes.
  • How often and where you will use them.
  • Are supplies available at your place of residence.

If you just want to try, what is the feel of electronic cigarettes, or you have a long trip, in which you do not want to smoke, then you can buy a one-time cigarette.

For those who wish to gradually wean from tobacco, electronic cigarettes with a varivolt or varivatt function are provided. This means that you can adjust the supply of voltage or power, and thereby change the amount of steam and your sensations.

For those who want to stand out, prefers everything bright and unusual, you can recommend the brand Fresh. The manufacturer produces models of black, white, pink and burgundy colors. There is a large selection of cartridges, including non-nicotine cartridges.


The Pons trademark is known for its design and reasonable price. It is better to buy novice users of electronic cigarettes. There are disposable models, and there is a possibility of recharging. Although there are many unflattering reviews about this brand, its price and availability makes it possible to find its customers.

Those who smoke a day more than a pack of cigarettes, you can save by buying an electronic replacement. At once it is necessary to purchase a rechargeable model, and then buy the required liquid (cartridges) and atomizers. The liquid can generally not contain nicotine, contain flavors or be without them. The composition with propylene glycol creates the effect of "trothit that is, acts like a hookah, irritating the nerve endings of the respiratory tract.

Model Features

The features of different models of electronic cigarettes are as a taste and its transmission by inhaling vapors, as well as in the amount of steam. For example, it is believed that Riva-T and eGo-T give a large amount of steam and have a pleasant taste.

Some models, such as Lava, are characterized by high battery capacity. Models with a prefix "Varivolt" (Varivolt) to all the rest allow you to adjust the voltage, which makes it possible to create weaker or stronger steam.


Devices may differ in the design of the evaporator. Many fans of electronic cigarettes are interested in serviced atomizers. They can be disassembled, independently adjusted, rewound a heating spiral. The evaporators of "drips" are very technological, the liquid in which it is necessary to dig in a small amount. It is better for a novice "steamer" to buy a cigarette with a disposable atomizer, which, after the breakdown, becomes already unfit and is replaced. It can work long enough, and its cost is lower than that of a more complex system.

Older models of cigarettes include atomizers with a cartridge. The new models use an evaporator on a sintepon. Synthepone acts as a cartridge, fluid leakage is excluded, but its service life is reduced. Such devices are called catamisers.

When you buy an electronic cigarette, be sure to pay attention to the device of its evaporator and specify what supplies it will need. Experienced smokers are advised to purchase immediately an additional atomizer, if it is disposable. It is believed that using e-cigarettes, you can not do deep puffs. From frequent and long puffs atomizer quickly fails.

Cartridges can be of different sizes (usually 1 and 2 milliliters). This means that they correspond to 30 or 60 smoked cigarettes. They differ in the content of nicotine, dividing into medium, strong and light, and also without nicotine. You can fill cartridges and cathomizers up to 5 times.


Batteries can be manually operated (with a button) and with an automatic one. Automatic - more convenient, but its reliability is less due to the features of the device. It can spontaneously turn on when there is a sharp blow of the wind or a leaking fluid, which sometimes leads to a fire.

Video: how to use an electronic cigarette correctly

Among fans of electronic cigarettes are many who are interested not only in the process of smoking, but the process of refueling, servicing, studying the device. They organize clubs on interests and buy expensive models. Others use the most common e-cigarettes in order to gradually get out of the habit of smoking. Everyone has his own goal.

In any case, it must be remembered that electronic cigarettes are forbidden for pregnant women, children, and people who do not tolerate propylene glycol. It should be remembered that many medical organizations are disapproving of this type of smoking.

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