Sealant for sewer pipes: what kinds are better and why

The tightness of the sewer system is one of the basic conditions for the normal operation of this type of communication. The likelihood of a leak should be completely eliminated so as not to create threats to nearby networks, structures and the environment.

Prevents leakage sealant for sewer pipes - a means used for both internal and external works. How does it work and which one is better to choose? Agree, it is worth finding out.

In order for you to be able to find and purchase a suitable sealant, we will designate the popular options and describe their specific use.

The article discusses in detail the technology of application of sealing materials. There is a rating of manufacturers of the best products manufactured for the specified construction industry. Get used to the topic will help photo applications and video reviews.

The content of the article:

  • The purpose of sealing system elements
  • Main types of sealing materials
    • Option # 1: sealing tape
    • Option # 2: Polymer Sealants
    • Option # 3: technical sulfur
    • instagram viewer
    • Option # 4: Portland cement
    • Option # 5: Epoxy
    • Option # 6: bitumen mastic
    • Option # 7: jute and hemp ropes
    • Option # 8: Sealing Cuffs
  • 8 best sealant manufacturers
  • Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The purpose of sealing system elements

The sewage system is reliably sealed at the installation stage. During operation, the internal system is regularly inspected to detect and eliminate leaks in time.

Sewage should not flow out, and nothing should enter the sewage itself from the outside, as This can disrupt its work and lead to serious damage.

Particular attention should be paid to sealing pipes, laid undergroundbecause they are much harder to repair if leakage occurs. If the work of the system is disrupted due to the ingress of groundwater into it, a lot of effort will have to be made to determine this.

Sewage Pipeline Installation

Repair of the underground part of the sewage system is almost as time consuming and expensive as the installation of a new pipeline segment. It involves a large amount of earthworks, the replacement of damaged elements of the system.

Careful sealing during the construction phase of the sewer system prevents a number of problems:

  1. Leakage out. Getting into the soil, wastewater can pollute the water in drinking wells, causing serious illness. Unpleasant sewage smell in the rooms is also dangerous, because decaying organic substances emit gases harmful to humans: hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, methane.
  2. Flooding of buildings and structures. In case of severe leaks, soil erosion is possible. Sewage heats the foundations, cellars, basements, basements. Due to the high content of chemically active substances, they accelerate the destruction of building materials, provoke corrosion.
  3. Leaks inside the system. If atmospheric or groundwater enters the system, the pressure in the pipeline increases. Due to the strong pressure of the effluent, the operation of the pipes is disturbed, and the treatment or storage facilities may not cope with the additional load and fail.
  4. Leakage at joints due to temperature fluctuations. If the system is initially mounted with high quality, the joints are reliable and do not leak even without additional sealing. However, processing is still necessary, since temperature differences over time lead to a decrease in tightness.

For installation of sewage systems use various types of pipe. For each pipe material, a suitable sealant should be selected. Also, the choice depends on the installation technology and purpose of each individual element of the system.

Main types of sealing materials

For sealing sewer pipe connections use a variety of different materials:

  • sealing tapes;
  • polymer sealants;
  • technical sulfur;
  • jute and hemp ropes;
  • epoxy resin;
  • Portland cement;
  • mastic-based petroleum products;
  • rubber cuffs.

Each sealing material has its own varieties, characteristics, purpose and scope of application.

Option # 1: sealing tape

Distinguish between conventional and foil self-adhesive tape. They are designed to seal the connections of water and sewer pipes and have unique properties. The tapes include bitumen-polymer materials, thanks to which they are absolutely waterproof.

The structure of the sealing tape

Sealing tapes include several layers. They are released without an external protective sheath (1) and with a protective-decorative aluminum tape (2). Their basis is polymeric materials. They are applied layers of bitumen compositions that protect the elements of the sewage system from the effects of negative environmental factors (+)

Depending on the range of operating temperatures, there are three main types of tapes:

  • Summer (in marking is designated by letter L). The tape can be used at temperatures up to + 300˚С. It is suitable for insulation of pipelines through which hot liquids are pumped.
  • Winter (in the marking - the letter Z). The temperature range at which the material does not lose its sealing properties is from -200˚ to + 100˚С.
  • Heat resistant (properties indicated by the letter T in the label). This tape is used to isolate pipelines through which liquids with a temperature of up to + 1500 ° C are pumped. At the same time, the ambient temperature can vary from -100 to + 300˚С.

For sewer insulation indoor pipes summer or winter sealing tape will be suitable, and for outdoor work it is better to choose winter.

Sewer system tape

The sealing tape is applied with a mastic layer inside. It is wound overlapping in a spiral, evenly, achieving perfect smoothness and density of the joints - without wrinkles and distortions

The advantages of the material include the following properties:

  • No deformation. If the tape is applied correctly, no bubbles will appear under it during operation.
  • Dielectric properties The tape protects against electrical voltage, which often becomes one of the causes of corrosion of metal pipelines.
  • Resistance to all types of impacts. The material does not exfoliate, it is distinguished by mechanical strength, resistance to chemicals, soil corrosion. It is so reliable that it can be used even when laying pipelines, so you can definitely be calm behind the sewer system.

The unique characteristics and durability of the sealing tapes make it possible to use them at any temperature and in virtually any conditions.

The service life of the adhesive coating is at least 30 years. During this time, the tape does not lose its properties and retains one hundred percent tightness.

Sealing with tape

Self-adhesive sealing tape is suitable not only for sealing pipe joints. It is used for sealing inserts, bends, plugs, etc.

So that the material does not lose its properties for a long time, it must be properly applied. The stage of surface preparation is very important. They are thoroughly cleaned of old coatings, degreased and dried.

It is necessary to monitor the uniformity and tension of the tape during the wrapping of the pipe and to make wide overlaps, equal to half the width of the material. If the tape is applied correctly, the surface will be covered with two protective layers.

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Additional protection against moisture and wet soil

Sealing tape impose together with bitumen mastic - so increases the degree of protection from moisture pipes sewage, as well as plumbing, heating and ventilation lines

Sealing turning and transition elements

Pipe connections on turns, differences and transitions belong to risk zones, which under unfavorable conditions are destroyed first. Winding with polymer tape is made to strengthen the connection

Multi-layer protection of the main pipeline

Pipe reinforcement is also made when they experience an increased load. This applies to highways buried deep in the ground. And produce a winding of the joints and pipes along the entire length

Preventive winding sewer pipes

Due to the properties of the polymer tape, repel moisture and dirt, resist the appearance of rust, mold and fungus, it is often used to pre-protect pipes during storage, prior to installation in the ground

Additional protection against moisture and wet soil

Additional protection against moisture and wet soil

Sealing turning and transition elements

Sealing turning and transition elements

Multi-layer protection of the main pipeline

Multi-layer protection of the main pipeline

Preventive winding sewer pipes

Preventive winding sewer pipes

Option # 2: Polymer Sealants

Silicone sealants are most often used to treat sewer system joints. Another option - polyurethane compounds. They are universal, suitable for sealing and bonding a variety of designs and elements.

Silicone sealants are indispensable for working in the bathroom - they are used for seals of joints between the bathroom, shower, sink with a wall.

The composition of silicone is rubber, thanks to which the finished material is characterized by high elasticity and adhesion to any bases. When using silicone sealants, primer surfaces do not need to be treated to improve adhesion.

The optimal solution is to buy a special sanitary composition based on silicone, selecting it taking into account the material and operating conditions of the system.

Variety of sealants

Silicone sealants are considered the most reliable for processing plumbing systems, but there are other options. When buying, carefully read the descriptions and manufacturers instructions

Depending on the composition of the hardener, there are two main types of silicone sealants:

  • Acidic. The main advantage of acidic compounds is a reasonable price with good quality. The disadvantages include a limited scope of application: sealants are not suitable for all surfaces and can enter into chemical reactions.
  • Neutral. The composition of such sealants is no acids, so that they do not destroy the pipe. This significantly expands the scope of application and makes materials versatile. Minus - a higher cost than the acid compositions.

Silicone sealants are usually used to handle the joints of plastic and metal sewer pipes. After polymerization, they form dense elastic coatings resembling rubber. Due to their high elasticity, they tolerate loads and do not give cracks.

Features of extrusion sealant

Sealants are packed in solid tubes. To squeeze them, you need to make an effort. If there is no special gun, you can use a hammer handle instead of a piston.

Sealants are applied using mounting guns, squeezing the contents of the package. Joints are machined around the entire circumference. The line must be continuous so that there are no gaps. After applying the compound, the seam is gently leveled with a special soft spatula or a wet gloved finger.

Repair of a broken pipe with the help of a compensation pipe, coupling and sealant:

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Step 1 - find damage on the sewer pipe

Even durable plastic can be pierced by hitting an inadvertently sharp object or dropping something heavy on the pipe. Damage is easily detected by a puddle that appears or the sound of dripping water.

Step 2 - we mark up the pipe

We denote the damaged area in order to replace it with products that are suitable for the length - a coupling and a compensation pipe. Use a ruler and marker to make tags.

Step 3 - we select products by size

It is necessary that the total length of the parts be equal to the cut pipe section. To do this, we put matched on the size of the pipe and sleeve on the pipe, note their length

Step 4 - cut off the damaged area and apply sealant

Using a jigsaw, cut a piece of pipe with a hole, process the cut edges with sandpaper. Take a sealant designed to connect plastic pipes, put on the end of the pipe

Step 5 - fix the sleeve on the tube

We fit the coupling with rubber seals suitable for the diameter on the end of the pipe treated with sealant. The connection should be tight

Step 6 - mark the place of installation of the pipe

Take the nozzle, also matched in diameter, press it to the pipe and set the mark where the end of the element will be after installation

Step 7 - we fix the compensation pipe on the pipe

Lubricate the second end of the pipe with a sealant and put a compensating pipe on it. It should enter with a slight effort and snug against the pipe. We wait a bit until the composition dries

Step 8 - we connect the coupling and the pipe

The final touch is the connection of two elements. Slide the coupling on the nozzle, while the junction can also be lubricated with a sealant. Thanks to the rubber seals and sealant layer, the connection will be reliable

Step 1 - find damage on the sewer pipe

Step 1 - find damage on the sewer pipe

Step 2 - we mark up the pipe

Step 2 - we mark up the pipe

Step 3 - we select products by size

Step 3 - we select products by size

Step 4 - cut off the damaged area and apply sealant

Step 4 - cut off the damaged area and apply sealant

Step 5 - fix the sleeve on the tube

Step 5 - fix the sleeve on the tube

Step 6 - mark the place of installation of the pipe

Step 6 - mark the place of installation of the pipe

Step 7 - we fix the compensation pipe on the pipe

Step 7 - we fix the compensation pipe on the pipe

Step 8 - we connect the coupling and the pipe

Step 8 - we connect the coupling and the pipe

For the repair described above, instead of silicone sealant, you can use glue for PVC pipes.

Option # 3: technical sulfur

Technical sulfur is made by refining petroleum products. It can be powder or lumpy and is sold in hardware stores. This is a good option for sealing cast iron pipe joints. An additional plus is a low price.

Technical Sulfur

Sulfur - hard and brittle sealant. To make it more elastic, do not overheat the material. Also in the composition for sealing, you can add ground kaolin (in the ratio of 1:10)

Sulfur is crushed (if bought lump), heated to the melting temperature (about 130-150 ˚ C), then poured into the space of the socket.

When the material hardens, it will turn into a dense waterproof mass. Its only drawback is low elasticity.

Option # 4: Portland cement

Portland cement is indispensable for many types of work. The composition of the material includes clinker, gypsum, calcium silicates. The dry mixture is diluted with water to obtain a thick solution. It quickly hardens, forming a high-strength frost-resistant and water-repellent monolith.

Portland cement for sewer pipe sealing

Portland cement begins to harden within 5-10 minutes, so the solution should be prepared immediately before use, and the work should be carried out as soon as possible.

Special additives are added to the cement mixture in order to increase its elasticity - this allows you to reliably seal the joints of the pipeline. The material is resistant to temperatures, tolerates freezing-thawing, so it is successfully used in the arrangement of outdoor cast iron sewers.

Option # 5: Epoxy

Epoxy resin is a universal glue that can help out when installing sewers. To prepare the sealing compound, the epoxy resin is mixed with a hardener. The proportions depend on the type of material and are indicated in the instructions for use.

Epoxy resin preparation

Be careful when preparing the sealing compound. If the hardener turns out to be too much, the mixture may become hot or boil at all.

When mixing resin and hardener, it is important to strictly follow the recommendations of the manufacturer, otherwise the hardening time of the composition and operational properties of the finished coating may change.

Option # 6: bitumen mastic

The pipes of ceramic pipes are often poured with bituminous materials. Bitumen-rubber, bitumen-polymer mastics have proven themselves well. By type of application, they are divided into cold and hot.

Bituminous mastic for sealing pipes

Cold and hot mastics are an inexpensive sealing material that is freely available in building supermarkets. They are flexible, durable, resistant to chemicals

For pipe sealing it is better to use cold deposition formulations, since they are much easier to use, and the work itself is safer. The only disadvantage of such sealers for sewage pipes is that they are somewhat more expensive.

Option # 7: jute and hemp ropes

To seal the joints of cast-iron and ceramic sewer pipes traditionally use hemp and jute ropes, resin strand. These are cheap and easy-to-use materials, however, in their technical and operational properties they are significantly inferior to modern sealants.

Jute ropes

Jute ropes look more attractive than hemp, however, the materials differ little in their operational properties. It is better to prefer hemp, because she is cheaper

For sewer pipes it is better to use sanitary silicone or polyurethane sealants. Their quality and durability can vary greatly depending on the manufacturer, so pay attention to brands and choose the most reliable.

Option # 8: Sealing Cuffs

Strong cuffs from thick technical rubber are used to protect the joints between the casing and the working tube. They are applicable to pipelines of various types - technological, sewage, drainage. The diameter of the products is from 2.5 cm to 2 m.

There are different types of cuffs. The most common is TM, that is, heat-shrinkable, covered inside with an adhesive layer. To make the transition tight, the rubber is heated. It shrinks and tightly wraps the pipes while sticking to them.

Installation process:

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Step 1 - preparation of the transition under the seal

We clean the edges of the casing and pipes from debris, check the reliability of the fastening of the pipeline to the outlet nozzle

Step 2 - we put on a cuff on a pipe

You should take care about this step in advance, if you first plan to connect, and then seal

Step 3 - tighten the cuff on the casing

Move the cuff to the transition area so that one half of it covers the casing, and the second - the adjacent part of the pipeline

Step 4 - check the junction density

To make the rubber sit tighter, choose the diameter of the cuff, focusing on the cross-section of the casing - they should be about the same

Step 5 - we start to heat up the cuff

Hot air cuff treatment should be started from the widest part, that is, from the case (casing)

Step 6 - heat up the junction

We move the stream of hot air to the center, where the place of transition from the casing to the working tube is located, we monitor the uniform compression of rubber

Step 7 - we process the narrow part

Move the hair dryer towards the pipe and slowly move it along the shrinking rubber cuff. We control the density of adhesion to the pipe

Step 8 - check the result

Inspect the cuff glued to the pipes from all sides, check the tightness. If the rubber somewhere has lagged behind - once again heat it with a hair dryer

Step 1 - preparation of the transition under the seal

Step 1 - preparation of the transition under the seal

Step 2 - we put on a cuff on a pipe

Step 2 - we put on a cuff on a pipe

Step 3 - tighten the cuff on the casing

Step 3 - tighten the cuff on the casing

Step 4 - check the junction density

Step 4 - check the junction density

Step 5 - we start to heat up the cuff

Step 5 - we start to heat up the cuff

Step 6 - heat up the junction

Step 6 - heat up the junction

Step 7 - we process the narrow part

Step 7 - we process the narrow part

Step 8 - check the result

Step 8 - check the result

In addition to the TM cuffs, there are detachable MRs and all-in-one MG, which are not glued with the help of a building hair dryer, but are fixed with metal clamps.

8 best sealant manufacturers

Brand Sealants Ceresit and Moment out of competition. They are reliable, durable, highly elastic and interlock with any surfaces. If you can purchase the compositions of these brands, you should not hesitate, because you pay not just “for the name”, but for real quality.

There are 6 more brands that produce decent products:

  • Ciki Fix. Under this brand produce high-quality transparent sealants that are perfect for metal and ceramic pipes. The finished coating is resistant to detergents and solvents.
  • Belinka. These are popular one-component formulations for sealing joints and seams. They are resistant to negative effects, durable and resilient.
  • Tytan. The Tytan brand produces high-quality silicone-based sanitary sealants. If you need a high-strength seam, you should give preference to Tytan Professional polyurethane compound.
  • Krass. Under the Krass brand, quick-hardening, one-component sealants are produced, which, after solidification, form tight seams that do not shrink.
  • S 400. A distinctive feature of sealants of this brand is increased biological stability. The composition includes a large number of fungicides that prevent the appearance of fungus and mold on the seams.
  • Dow corning. Sealants of this brand so firmly fasten the surface that they are used as glue. They are thicker than the compositions of other brands, deeply penetrate the seams and joints.

Occasionally, sealants are subject to increased requirements for any particular performance characteristics. In such cases, it makes sense to carefully study the descriptions of manufacturers and consult with sellers.

Sanitary sealants

When buying, pay attention to the presence of antifungal additives in the composition of the sealing agent. Microorganisms reproduce particularly well at sewage pipe joints, and a high concentration of fungicides is needed to prevent this.

For example, the best sealant for rooms with increased fire hazard is a universal compound. Krass; for complex compounds - "Moment Germent"; for ceramic pipes - Belinka Belsil Sanitary Acetate; and for rooms with constant high humidity - Ceresit CS 25 or S 400.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

In the process of sealing the sewer system, many questions arise. We offer video materials that will help to cope with difficulties and independently perform all the work.

Instructions for sealing sewer pipes using silicone sealant:

We offer a video tutorial on the correct mixing of epoxy resin and hardener:

Video tutorial on sealing the mouth of a cast-iron outdoor sewage with your own hands:

Detailed instructions for sealing the sewer pipe when moving from cast iron to plastic:

Whatever type of sealant for sewer pipes you choose, you need to carefully prepare the surface and perform the work properly. The pipes should not be cracked and fistula. Before sealing, they are cleaned, repaired, degreased.

When working should strictly adhere to technology, and after its completion to wait for the allotted time to solidify the composition. Only then can the system be operated normally.

Have experience in sealing sewer pipes? Please share information with our readers, suggest your own method of solving the issue. You can leave comments in the form below.

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