How is the sewing machine arranged?

The sewing machine appeared on the Russian counters in the middle of the twentieth century and incredibly quickly became an indispensable assistant in every Soviet family. This technical tool successfully replaced the needle and thread, in the hands of the seamstress. In its perfection, the sewing machine did not stop, and today the market is full of amazing machines that can be used by an ordinary man in the street who does not have sewing at all skills.

  • Internal structure of the sewing machine
  • Technical features
  • Adjustment, thread tension
  • Sewing machine device

Internal structure of the sewing machine

The average user sees only the shell under which the cunning mechanism is hiding, which we will now talk about.

Perhaps the most important detail in any, even in the most modern sewing machine, is the shuttle. The shuttle is a working part of the machine, which is made, as a rule, from wood and was used even in looms. It serves to shift transverse threads during the fabrication process.

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Let's consider in detail how the basic mechanisms interact with the shuttle and the inside of the entire machine works. Under the needle behind the retractable door (located at the bottom), the hairpin is located, gently pulling out this part with a slight movement slightly to yourself and upwards. Sometimes, for this, it is necessary to take aside the seizure.

Technical features

Inside the hairpin there is a coil with a thread. The thread is stretched in such a way that when the flywheel turns, it is placed parallel to the upper thread.

The tension of the lower thread is regulated by the screw that is located on the hairpin, it is important to remember that if the upper and lower threads are strongly stretched, this will inevitably lead to frequent breaks. Optimal tension - a little tighter than average, whatever the thread, did not sag. Shuttle, laying the thread, also pulls it.

On the coil, which we have already mentioned, there are usually slits and notches. Basically, they are used to wind the thread on the drive. This is not always used for a particular operating mode.

If you carefully consider the pin, you can see the protrusion, it is he who plays the role of a retainer, not allowing the pin to rotate together with the coil.

The part that rotates around the hairpin is the same shuttle. The mechanism ensures its stable movement along a given trajectory. Even a small deviation when the shuttle moves, leads to an uneven imposition of the transverse thread.

Adjustment, thread tension

The first thing we need is to pay attention to the needle holder. In it from both sides there are holes for the bolts, and they are fixed by them. One has a flat head, which we need to adjust. This happens by pulling it out. But beforehand, you need to slightly move the needle, distancing it from the shuttle, this is the gap and allows for adjustment. The gap is very small and this space is enough to rebuild the mechanism, as the performer needs. It is important that when changing the gap, it is very problematic to return it to its previous state.

It is important to place the thread correctly in the needle holders. The fact is that the needle is uneven in its peculiarity, if you take it and turn it, then on the other hand a gap is formed, which you can not allow. The distance to the hook in the new sewing machine does not exceed 5 mm., And if the needle is misplaced, it grows up to a millimeter. This effect is obtained because of the flattened face at the end of the needle and it is necessary to place it correctly in the needle holder. Such a sewing machine device is universal, regardless of the price and the manufacturer.

Depending on the type of sewing machine needle holders can be mobile, and can be static. If the needle holder is stationary, then if the adjustment is necessary, the entire shuttle body must be removed. Adjustment in this case will be done by removing the entire body. Then, by placing the washers under the attachment points, you can set an approximate gap, due to which the shuttle can smoothly lay the thread. This kind of adjustment is very laborious and will not do without considerable time.

Sewing machine device

The design of the sewing machine is very difficult for a simple user who is not familiar with the details of the design, but the principle of operation of this unit is very simple and understandable.

By touching the shuttle, the needle moves along the specified trajectory, threading down the top string of inevitably twisting from the bottom. Thanks to this programmed needle movement, the machine's ability to perform complex technical patterns that the seamstresses can not easily handle is hidden. On some models, the needle is located slightly to the side, to create edges.

If you delve into the mechanical fineness, then it should be said that the shaft goes in the center. It is linked to the axis of the flywheel, and on both sides of the center are two rods, which are indispensable for the machine. They constantly, synchronously rotate, triggering the mechanism. The first rod has an important detail that looks like a spanner, this part moves along a given trajectory along the path of the fabric. The second rod contains a cam that is inserted into the gap. That's it, he is responsible for the lifting of this detail.

In all models, there is a type of connection of several parts, such as "Swallowtail". This connection drives the teeth. The stitch length can also be adjusted by changing the swing. The swing, in turn, changes by turning the lever, which is fixed firmly to the "swallowtail".

In order to adjust the upper thread, the thread must be thrown or loosened. The screw located above the needle holder in the same place is located in the ears which does not allow the thread to loosen.

The device of the sewing machine includes, such an important element as winding. If you pay attention to the flywheel, you will notice a clamping ring (on it is located the shaft), on which there is a risk under it are located the ear with the wheel. The coil is located higher, and is put on a pole. From the coil, the thread goes to the bobbin for winding. When the drive of the machine starts working, the clamping ring starts to rotate. Shuttle, also affects the tension of the thread, so you should monitor its condition. The speed of rotation, and, consequently, the number of stitches per unit of time in a modern machine is very large. This allows, without holding a thread in a short time to create complex drawings, not having the skills of seamstresses. This technique has greatly simplified the work, both in large garment production, reducing sewing time, and the usual housewife.

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