Wireworm on potatoes - measures to combat it and folk remedies

There was such a trouble - you noticed a wireworm on potatoes. Measures to combat it are diverse. I think that any gardener who grows potatoes noticed during harvesting or sorting that some tubers were pierced with a nail or wire. This is the work of a nasty yellow worm. It is he who gnaws in the potato tuber "tunnels which not only spoil the appearance, but have a negative impact on its storage. Its length is 2 cm. People's means of fighting against it have been worked out a lot. Let's look at all this in more detail.




It's difficult to fight with him, but you can. Even without any "chemistry". To get the pest off even from a depth of 20 cm will be a food bait. Take pieces of potatoes, beets, wet bran, bury shallow in the soil. Mark with a stick or peg. In a day or two dig out this place - destroy the gathered around the bait "parasites" - wireworms. Then again, bait the bait. Having done so several times, you will each time notice that "sucked" yellow worms will be less and less.
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Just remember that the wireworm in the soil moves mostly vertically. In the horizontal direction, it changes its location by no more than 15-20 cm. That is, if you have baited the bait in one place, then the larvae that are half a meter from the bait will not find it. This suggests that baits should be a lot. They must be a short distance from each other.

After several "sessions" - almost a hundred percent guarantee that your potatoes or other root crops will be intact, and you will get rid of the wireworm.

Usually baits are put for, -2 weeks before planting potatoes or other vegetable crops. Watch the video about the performance of the traps of sprouted corn kernels.


There is another way to deal with the wireworm. We usually plow the garden in autumn, in October. And you need to plow or dig a garden after the first frost. In this case, the pest will be closer to the surface of the earth. He will no longer be able to creep into the lower non-freezing layers of the soil. At the onset of the first frosts will perish utterly. This is such a simple, cheap way to get rid of the wireworm, to get him out of the soil.

I think that in the central part of Russia this method is most effective, since the first frosts are already in September. At us on Kuban the first frosts can be only in November, and even in December, by this time usually all already dig or plow their gardens.


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