Shrew - a photo of a pest and a description of how to deal with it?

A very small animal is a shrew. Photo and description of how to deal with pests in different ways at the dacha, garden, in the garden - all this you will learn from the information below. The main activity of this small active animal is the digging of multiple passages in the kitchen gardens and suburban areas. Another name for the animal is a shrew (it has dark-colored teeth) or a white tooth (white teeth). These are representatives of two subfamilies of the family of shrews, but in reality there are about 300 varieties in nature. Also, it is often called a mouse-shrew because of external similarity, although they are representatives of different orders (rodent and insectivore).

  • Who is the shrew?
  • Shrew - how to fight it?
  • How to get rid of shrews in the garden - mechanical and chemical methods
  • How to deal with shrews folk remedies

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Who is the shrew?

To get their own food, this insectivore is able in the shortest time to dig half the site. Small animals (3-5 cm) differ in enviable appetite and rapid metabolism.

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For this reason, he is ready for a meal always and everywhere, in search of food, an insatiable animal digs new and new moves, damaging the plants and their root system with their moves.

Shrew - what does this garden garden thunder look like? This is the smallest mammal in the world, outwardly similar to a small mouse with a long tail, which is somewhat thicker and denser than the same mouse. A distinctive feature of the animal is an elongated, proboscis-shaped muzzle with a movable nose that gives it a remote resemblance to an anteater or mole. The eyes of the shrew are small and blind, the ears are small, the silk is velvety, mostly gray in color. Vision is poorly developed, therefore in search of food the animal relies more on its sense of smell and hearing. The ears of the animal have a special structure (the shrew has the ability to echolocation).

This shrew, photo:

Eats the animal constantly, periodically interrupting to sleep. The volumes of food absorbed by the shrew for a day often exceed the weight of the animal itself. The reality is that it can not live more than 8-9 hours without food in the summer, in winter - no more than 3 hours. The activity of the shrew at the site brings doubtful benefits, as it eats a large number of insects, including pests. But the medal has two sides - in the search for this insect, it will easily destroy the appearance of your lawn and damage the root system of garden crops. What does the shrew eat? She likes various insects: bears, weevils, beetles, spiders, crisps and crackles, leaf-eaters. Chervyakov and slugs, she also does not ignore the attention, as well as all sorts of larvae, lice, caterpillars. However, it will not refuse seeds and seeds either.

It is noteworthy that a strong famine can turn an insectivorous mammal into a real predator. In the struggle for prey, the shrew can compete with his fellow tribesmen, mice or lizards.


Where does the shrew live? In the forests, on the banks of reservoirs, in meadows, in foliage and last year's grass. Especially she likes secluded crevices of trees or rotten hollows, where you can sweetly sleep in the afternoon.

Basically, this insectivore prefers to "work" at night. Geographically, the shrew lives all over the globe, except for the polar regions where the cold reigns - there it can be met very rarely. And in fact - this beast is not afraid of heat or cold.

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Shrew - how to fight it?

You need to know the enemy in person, so you should be completely sure that your site was visited by shrews. The best option is to see the "guest" with your own eyes, but since the beast goes hunting mainly at night, you need to try to catch the moment.

It is important not to confuse the footprints of the shrew and mole, or, for example, the field mouse. Since it is miniature in size, mink on the surface of the ground will also be very small. If you notice that someone has eaten roots of plants or root crops in your garden, then look for a pest among other representatives. Our animal prefers insects, and the root system of vegetable or garden crops can only be accidentally damaged during digging.

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How to get rid of shrews in the garden - mechanical and chemical methods

  • The first thing that comes to mind is poisons and chemicals, but you have to be very careful here. These drugs can harm your pets, and at the same time you, because in the garden you grow not only ornamental plants, but also fruit, garden crops, which will used for food. The most effective means are: "The Nutcracker "Hunter Antiigryzun "Rat Death" (very strong poison, causing a painful death in a mammal). You can also try to scatter baits of the type "Inta-Vir" or "Antikroth" near the mink.
  • The most humane way of catching shrews, these are the pipe-traps, they are also called vashovkami. It is necessary to find the mink (stroke) of the animal and insert into it a trap of suitable size, on both sides of such a pipe there must be doors (flaps) that work only on the "entrance". Thus, making his way through, the mouse-shrew will push the shutter with his nose and enter the pipe, but he can not leave now.
  • Modern ultrasonic scarers will help you get rid of not only shrews, but also from other rodents. In the relevant forums, you can read many good reviews about the Tornado OZV.02 repeller.
  • A mouse-shrew can be bought on a bait in a mousetrap or in another device of this type. As a bait used her habitual diet - worms, slugs, insects. There are also many good reviews about the SuperCat Vole Trap trap, which was originally designed for mole fishing, but works well for field mice and shrews.
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How to deal with shrews folk remedies

People go to various tricks to drive this gluttonous guest away from their site. Some methods are rather original and, at first sight, inspire doubts about their effectiveness. However, it's not for nothing that gardeners advise each other about certain techniques that have been known for decades. As practice shows, they really work, I will give here some examples.

Shrew - methods of struggle:

  • As already mentioned above, this animal has an enviable sense of smell. If you find mink mink, try right there (in the done move) to dig in the fish heads or the entrails extracted during the cleaning of the fish. After a short time, the smell of decomposition will expel the shrew from this territory. This method is also good in fighting moles and mole rats.
  • If you have a vigilant cat, then he too can become a good helper in the fight against the pest. A small animal really looks like a mouse and a cat-hunter will cause quite the expected reaction. According to reviews of summer residents, cats do well with this mission, although they do not eat prey afterwards. The reason for this characteristic smell, allocated musk glands shrew.
  • Water from the hose, which is poured into the detected pests of the pest. Sometimes you may need a lot of liters of water, but this is an old proven method that allows you to "pour" out of the shelter shrew.
  • Torhtushki or windmills - in the ground drive iron bars, which are tied empty cans or empty plastic bottles. From the breeze of the wind they come into motion and produce a rather loud noise. From the rod there is a vibration, but this is not to the liking of earth shrews, a strong noise is analogous.

Shrew, photo:

Also you can combine business with pleasure and plant black-hens (marigolds), lily-korolevok, peas or beans - the smell of these plants is very unpleasant to the animal. According to experienced truck farmers - within a radius of 3 meters near the lily or a bush of marigold traces of pest activity was not found. Good reviews are about the plant Ryabchik Imperial, its flavor is also not like shrew.

Of course, modern chemical and mechanical means for pest control can be more effective, but time-tested methods will also serve you well. Choose the way that you prefer.

Tip: Though the beast looks pretty nice, do not take it in hand. If you remove the shrew from the animal, then pre-wear garden or building gloves. Her bite is very painful, and it's worthless to bite the one who caught it!

Now you know who the shrew is, photo and description, how to fight, what drugs to use and how to protect your site.


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