How to grow seedlings at home - lighting, temperature

Any gardener dreams of a big good harvest. I'm not an exception. How to grow seedlings in the home, its lighting, maintaining the optimum temperature for it - it takes me a lot of time, effort. Doing this at home is not easy. Seedlings are always on my southern windows. To the south I have two windows. But still there is not enough space on the windowsills. Then chairs are put on the window, stools - boxes are put on them.

  • Lighting of seedlings at home
  • Growing seedlings - temperature regime

The seedlings, which are not standing on the windowsills, always lack the light - it stretches to the window with all its strength, therefore, lighting is very important for it, and it just does not suffice. With cloudy weather the plants even bend almost horizontally, closer to the ground.

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Lighting of seedlings at home

A long time ago, I do not remember where, I read that the situation with the lack of lighting will be corrected by the mirror, which was placed face to the window. It will replace an additional light source. I do not have such mirror sheets, but I adapted to use plywood or cardboard, pasted with foil. Also not bad at all. Seedlings receive additional lighting - straighten even those plants that stand on the window. Moreover, they turn out to be plump, dark green, stocky.

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But, I must admit that the foil (and the mirror is even better) reflects the sunlight too brightly if the sun's rays directly fall on it: The position of the sun behind the window is constantly changing and it is possible to miss the moment when the ray of the sun is focused and burns the leaves plants. I put a sheet of foil only when the direct sunlight has already stopped falling on the seedlings - the lighting improves, but there is no harm from getting the focal light on the plants.


I think that this advice will help those gardeners, who have boxes in the depths of the room, not near the window - the problem of lighting seedlings is at the same time very acute. How to grow seedlings at home healthy, strong, when there is not enough light? It is only necessary to adjust the inclination of the mirror or sheet of foil so that the reflected scattered light, so that the sun's ray does not focus on the plants, otherwise they will just get a solar thermal burn - they can the abyss.

Try it, maybe you'll like this extra lighting for your seedling! Or maybe you know some other ways to grow healthy, strong plants? Share!

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Growing seedlings - temperature regime

And now let's talk about the temperature regime for seedlings.


In cloudy weather and at night, it is recommended that seedling boxes be placed in a room with a lower temperature. Each plant species has its own temperature regime, the most suitable for growth, development - for tomatoes - one, and for cabbage - another. And at home it is very difficult to provide this right for everyone. Therefore, as soon as dusk came, seedlings with cabbage (this is more cold-resistant plant) stand on the balcony, and pots with seedlings of tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants - closer to the balcony door.

Now I will try to explain why at night when the seedlings do not receive light, it is necessary to create conditions for it cooler, why it should be in a room where the air temperature is lower than in the daytime.

From the school course of biology, we know that the process of the formation of organic substances by the cells takes place in the light in plants. This process is called photosynthesis. In the daytime, when it's light, plants breathe, that is, they get oxygen and carbon from the air. Simultaneously, during the process of photosynthesis, plants are wasting some substances. It's in the daytime, in the light. And at night there is no light, photosynthesis or stops, or slows down. The plant begins to accumulate energy for growth and development.

And now let's see what will happen if the seedlings stay in the warm dark room at night. The temperature regime does not change, the plants still breathe, while continuing to consume starch, glucose, other substances accumulated by light. Of course, this does not help strengthen the seedlings, it becomes weaker. Nutrients do not accumulate, but are consumed. But in fact ahead of the picking in the open ground or a greenhouse. Not all seedlings can withstand such stress, she is not strong enough.

Unfortunately, we do not think about it. Little attention is paid to the subtleties of the temperature regime for seedlings. Therefore, we do not always get good results. Often we lament, blame seeds, soil, but we must only listen to the plants themselves, give them something that they can not fully develop without.


As I said, growing seedlings at home is a very difficult task, but possible. Focus on not only top dressing, but lighting, creating an optimal temperature regime - everything will be fine. Without harvest you will not remain

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