An original alternative to classic baking - cooking patties with peas

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Homemade patties with peas are tasty and satisfying. Even today, when the store shelves are literally full of all sorts of baked goods, still fragrant patties become a real holiday for children and adults. After all, the aroma of fresh baking excites the imagination, and the taste buds work at full power, afraid to miss a fraction of the smell. On how to make pies with a filling of peas, will be discussed later.

Necessary ingredients

Patties with a pea filling is a nutritious, satisfying dish that can be cooked at home easily. Although these pies can not be called dietary, but sometimes you can indulge yourself with these delicious food. The dough is prepared according to a universal recipe, so if there is not enough pea filling, it will be possible to make salty and sweet pastries from the remaining dough.

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The recipe for roast pies with peas traditionally includes yeast. To prepare 20 medium sized pies, the following ingredients are required for the test:

  • 400 grams of warm water (milk, kefir, curdled milk);
  • 600 grams of wheat flour;
  • 3 tablespoons of sunflower or olive oil;
  • fresh pressed yeast (20 grams);
  • a teaspoon of salt.

For the filling you will need:

  • dry crushed peas - 300 grams;
  • onion - 1 large onion;
  • 2 medium sized carrots;
  • salt and pepper according to taste preferences.

After all the ingredients for the future pies are prepared, you can proceed directly to cooking.


Pea filling should be prepared in advance. Peas fall asleep in a saucepan and washed several times with running water. This is necessary in order to wash off the grains of dust, dirt, excess starch. After washing, the peas are poured with water so that it completely covers the rump and leaves it for 4 hours, or even better at night, for swelling.

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After swelling the water from the peas is drained, once again it is washed and poured again with drinking water. The pan with peas is put on a slow fire and cook until such a state, until the peas become a mess. You can use a pressure cooker or a steamer to make pea porridge. In them, peas prepare much faster.

At this time, you need to prepare a frying from carrots and onions. For this, vegetables are cleaned, onions are cut into small cubes, carrots tinder on a small grater, and then everything is roasted in a small amount of vegetable oil. Do not forget to salt and pepper overcooking. In the mashed potatoes, spread the fried onions and carrots, mix.

The filling for pies from peas is ready, now it is left to cool. If desired, if you want to make the filling homogeneous and tender, you can whip it with a blender.



In the pan put yeast, pour them warm (degrees 40-50) with water, add the sugar, all thoroughly mixed until the yeast and sugar dissolve completely. You can add warm milk, yogurt, kefir.

In a separate bowl, sift through a fine sieve flour to enrich it with oxygen. The yeast mass is poured into the center of the sifted flour with a thin trickle. Add the vegetable oil. Mix the mass first with a spoon, and then with your hands, add flour if necessary, knead an elastic, soft dough.

Now it's time to give the test. For this, a ball is formed from it, trying not to crush the dough strongly with hands, otherwise the pies will turn out to be too hard.

The dough should be soft and not stick to your hands. The more tender it will be, the more magnificent and airy will the pies become.

The kneaded dough is put in a bowl, covered with a towel and left to wander in the warmth. After a couple of hours, the dough will increase in volume, then you can proceed to the direct molding of pies with peas.

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Cooking pies

The working surface is sprinkled with flour and spread on it dough. Now it needs to be divided into small pieces, approximately the size of a small chicken egg.

Each piece is rolled into a thin cake. The filling is put closer to one side of the flat cake, and the other side is covered, the edges are tied. It is necessary to crush the patty a little, distributing the filling evenly along its entire length. Then the pies will fry faster and better. In this way all the other pies are molded. Before cooking, they need to be given a chance to "rest a little more to rise.

Take a deep frying pan with a thick bottom, pour a large amount of vegetable oil into it, warm it thoroughly and carefully put the patties. Fry them until full readiness on both sides. The resulting ruddy tasty notes are spread on paper towels so that they absorb excess oil.

In a few minutes, hot, fragrant, fried patties with a delicious pea filling can be served to the table.

But for gourmets the recipe for pies with peas can be varied by making a delicious sour-garlic sauce. To do this, 5-6 cloves of garlic is passed through a meat grinder or a press, add a glass of sour cream and finely chopped greens, salt, pepper, and mix everything thoroughly. The sauce is ready. Fried pea patties can be served to the table with sauce.

Variants of preparation of tasty pies with a pea filling

Fried pies are much fatty baked, because they absorb a lot of oil. Partially get rid of the excess oil help paper towels, but still people who have problems with the digestive system is better to give preference to baked pies.

Pies with peas in the oven are prepared according to the same recipe as fried. Before baking, they are smeared with egg yolk and sprinkled with garlic oil (in half a glass of any vegetable oil, you need to add a few finely chopped cloves of garlic and insist a few hours). Bake cakes at a temperature of 180 degrees for half an hour. Time varies depending on the ability of the oven.

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The aroma of baked pies in garlic sauce in the kitchen will be such that all homemakers will count minutes until the moment you can taste the delicious baked goods. Finished baking should be allowed to stand under the towel ("breathe"), and then serve to the table.

You can also use a non-yeast version of pirozhki with peas. In this case, yogurt and egg are added to the formulation instead of water and yeast. Such patties turn out to be magnificent and easy.

Secrets for housewives

Skillful and experienced hostesses who prefer pirozhki with peas, often bake or fry, give several valuable tips for preparing a delicious dish:

  1. Peas for the filling should be selected yellow, not green. He is more quickly boiled.
  2. If the peas are not chopped, but whole, then it must be cleaned before soaking. To do this, after soaking the tinder with the help of maketra, and then put in a pot of water (the husks must all float up).
  3. In the filling you can add fried squill, slices of bacon or smoked sausage. From this, the flavor and taste of the patties intensify several times.

Delicious, hearty, fragrant patties with peas, fried in a frying pan or baked in the oven, perfectly suited as a main dish, and they are perfectly combined with soups and broths. Excellent budget option for any company!

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