How to make a flower bed of tires with your own hands (photo and video)

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Modern landscape design is characterized by original and bold solutions. They can be attributed to the original flowerbeds made by own hands from tires that look very attractive and do not take up much space. The desire to decorate your site, create interesting floral compositions, it is quite natural, and a unique installation is also the pride of the creator.

Flowerbeds of tires - unpretentious and tasteful

To create flowerbeds from tires it is not necessary to be a top-class professional. First determined with the location of the future composition and sketch the design. On a small site it is appropriate to arrange a single form in the form of a pretty frog, graceful swan, fairy-tale carriage or a bright parrot, as in the flower bed photos below.

For a spacious lawn, larger installations are also required. For example, multi-tiered flower beds from automobile tires or vertical volumetric structures, as in the following photos.

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Flowerbeds can be of various shapes:

  • Low and high.
  • Round and oval.
  • Many-tiered.
  • In the form of figures of animals, objects and flowers.
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After determining the location and shape, materials and tools are prepared. For work other than tires, sharp knives and paints can come in handy:

  • Stones of different sizes.
  • Metal grid.
  • Technical marble.
  • Remains of building materials.
  • Decorative stone for the aquarium, etc.

When everything is ready, you can start working.

We make the flower beds from the tire

The simplest form is a flower. The higher the tire, the larger it will turn out. Before you make a flower bed, you need to choose a tire. It is better to take a spent imported product with a softer and finer "winter" rubber. It's easier to work with. The tire is first cleaned, washed and dried. Then the lines of the future petals are applied in a contrast color, the top is cut out and taken out, as in the photo of the flower beds placed below.


For further design use enamel, oil or nitro paint. On a clean and dry rubber surface, they are distributed evenly and hold for a long time. To paint the flower bed of tires, you can also use car paint or an aerosol can. Color is better to choose light shades, so that the roots of future plants do not overheat. Very elegant looks from the construction of pure white tires.

Read also:How to make flower beds from plastic bottles in the country?

Or a multi-tiered flower bed of tires, decorated with light stones of different sizes.

It looks interesting combination of different colors.

Or, conversely, a monophonic composition.

When painting tires, you need to grab a little and the upper part of the surface from the inside to give a more aesthetic appearance.

Before painting, you need to think carefully about what the future flowerbed of tires with blossoming plants will look like. If the flowers are supposed to be bright and contrast, the tire should be monotonously modest. And, conversely, with an intricate flower bed shape, flowers are planted small, low.

It will be interesting to look at the pot, when the color of plants echoes with the shades of capacity. If desired, you can paste on the flower bed in the form of a flower glass aquarium stones of an oval shape - they will create the illusion of dew.

Multi-tiered flower bed

This installation requires several tires of different or equal diameters. Of these, cut out the middle, to make the rings and collect the construction:

  • First install the largest tire.
  • The bottom is lined with sand and gravel. Above fill fertile soil.
  • On top center the tire of smaller size with the same filling.
  • The number of tiers depends on the size of the elements.
  • Flowers or useful plants (strawberries) are planted in the formed gaps between the rings.
Read also:Care for perennial flowers on the beds

Flowerbed - a swan out of a tire

Ordinary tire, painted in white, can become a real masterpiece. For the figure of the swan, the inner part of it is not cut out so that its weight can hold the shape.

From the edge of the tread retreat 30-40 mm and make two rounded incisions parallel to the circumference from opposite sides to two thirds of the entire surface. From the narrow middle part you get a neck, and from the wide side - the wings. The middle part is cut off from one side and the head is formed at its end. Then the tire is twisted and wings appear. They are modified by different lengths of incisions, imitating feathers. Wings can be bent as you like - the angle of inclination can be anything. It remains only to paint the bird in white, let it dry and you can plant flowers, for example, forget-me-nots.

Video how to properly cut a tire for a flower bed

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