How to get rid of midges in flowers

  • How to get rid of fruit and flies (Drosophila and Sciarid)
  • How to get rid of whitefly

In this article we will tell how to get rid of midges in indoor colors by folk and special means, namely from the following 3 types:

  • Drosophila, which is also called fruit or fruit gnats. They look more like small flies.
  • Ssirid, other names - flies or mushroom mosquitoes, and they really are very similar to small black mosquitoes.
  • Whitefly or Aleroidid, which look like small white or light-gray small aphids. They live mostly under the leaves.

Types of Simuliidae

The methods of combating fruit and flower flies we will consider in the first chapter, if white flies have settled in your plants, you can learn how to get rid of them in the second part of the material.

How to get rid of fruit and flies (Drosophila and Sciarid)

Moss in flowers are not only flying small flies, but also their larvae that live in the ground. In one pot, several generations of insects can develop simultaneously - from eggs to adults. In addition, keep in mind that fungal mosquitoes can spread quite quickly from one plant to another. Therefore, in order to remove insects forever, it is necessary to fight them comprehensively and often repeatedly.

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Because of what the midges appear in the room colors:a common cause - they could appear when planting a plant in a purchase land that has already been contaminated with eggs and larvae. In addition, midges could simply fly in the summer or autumn from the window and settle in your flowers. In any case, the main factor in the occurrence and reproduction of the sciarids and Drosophila is wet, transplanted soil, which attracts midges and creates favorable conditions for the transformation of sleeping eggs into larvae. By the way, Drosophila could get into your apartment together with purchased vegetables, fruits or fly to the smell of stale product, and afterwards to fool your flower pots.

Damage:adult individuals themselves are harmless, but their larvae, feeding on the sap of roots, destroy the plant. Especially dangerous are the flies for seedlings and young plants.


Prevention:watering plants as the drying of 2 cm of the upper layer of the earth, as well as periodic loosening and the timely removal of diseased leaflets. Moderate watering will make the soil less attractive for oviparous adult Simuliidae and less fertile for the development of larvae.

Methods of struggle

Instruction 1. With the help of folk remedies

Step 1.Allow the soil to dry after the last watering, so that at least 2 cm of the top layer is dry.

Step 2.Catch all the adults. You can do this with:

  • Traps:special (eg, the usual tape for catching flies) or self-made. To make traps for midges with your own hands, you will need yellow cardboard (or cardboard, painted yellow), as well as honey. Yellow cards should be coated with a thin layer of honey and weighed (placed) near the pots. Do not forget to change the traps as necessary.

Homemade Trap for Flower Simuliidae

  • Vacuum cleaner:remove a nozzle or put on a hose a small nozzle without a brush and simply process to them the ground and a window sill. The vacuum cleaner will easily tighten the insects even in flight. After this, the bag should be discarded (if it is disposable) or emptied outside the apartment, and then treated with dichlorvos.

Step 3.So, from adult oviparous Simuliidae got rid, now it is necessary to process the ground in order to get rid of the larvae. To do this, loosen the dried up soil and water the plant with one of the following folk remedies:

  • Garlic infusion:make garlic infusion at the rate: 1 grated garlic head + 600 ml boiling water per 1 flowerpot. Allow the agent to brew for 2-4 hours, then pour and sprinkle the plant, and the remaining pulp into the ground. Also you can stick in 1 cut into three parts the head into the soil of each infected plant. Do not worry, the smell of garlic in the apartment will not appear.

Garlic as a natural insecticide for flower midges

  • Manganese solution:it must be so weak that it appears colorless in the palm of your hand. Water and spray the plant solution no more often than 1 time per week for a month.
  • Soap solution:grate 20 gr of laundry soap and dissolve it in a liter of warm water, then pour and sprinkle the plant with the resulting solution.
  • Sulfur:insert 4 matches in the ground with the heads down at the same interval and pour the plant a little water. During the week, change the matches every other day.
  • Solution of antiparasitic drugs for pets:buy at the pet store anthelmintic drugs, for example, Drontal. Dosage agent that is suitable for cats or puppies, dilute in water and water the plant as usual. After a week, it is desirable to repeat the procedure.

The instruction 2. With the help of insecticides and the creation of a "toxic greenhouse"

This method is effective, economical and, if done correctly, is safe for humans and plants. With it, you can kill both larvae and adults.


Step 1.Wait until the soil becomes dry after the last watering.

Step 2.Carefully loosen the ground.

Step 3.Put a pot of plant in an ordinary package, spray a little "Dichlorvos" into the soil and tightly tie the bag so that the pot is completely closed. After 4-5 hours, the midge in the ground must die.

  • If the midges are wound not only in the ground, but also settled under or above the leaves, then you need to do all the same actions, but pick up a package of this size to fit the whole plant "in full growth and Dichlorvos spray not only into the soil, but also to package (!). In order not to damage the plant, it is important that the product does not get on the leaves, and that they do not become sticky, it is necessary to fix the packet with adhesive tape at the correct height to the furniture, door or floor lamp. Another way to create a "greenhouse" is shown in the picture on the right. The agent will destroy insects both in the ground and on leaves in 7-10 hours.
  • Dichlorvos can replace Raptor, Neo or Raid. In addition, instead of spraying, you can use solutions from special insecticides for plants, for example, Groma-2, Aktary, Bazudin, Actellika and Carbophos. In this case, before wrapping the plant in polyethylene, it must be poured and sprinkled with a remedy.

Step 4.Hang out special or homemade traps on the windowsill so that the remaining bugs can sit on them, which do not fall under the bag.


Step 5.Repeat the procedure after 8 days to exclude the possibility of reoccurrence of Simuliidae.

If there are a lot of larvae in the soil, and you are sure that the plant will survive the transplant, then it is best to do this by replanting the flower in a new, pre-treated soil. To do this: loosen the ground and gently pull it out, then manually or with a small brush clean the roots of the infected soil, then quickly rinse the roots with water or one of the above home remedies and finally, transplant the plant into a clean pot with an uninfected land. To prepare the earth, it must be baked in the oven at a temperature of 100-120 degrees 1 hour, and then restore the microflora with some fertilizer.

How to get rid of whitefly

To get rid of the whitefly, you also need to carry out complex measures for the destruction of adult insects and larvae 3-4 times with an interval of one week.

Leaf struck with white fenders


Damage:the whiteflies themselves do not harm the plant, but because of their feces on the lower leaves, sage mushrooms can appear which can severely damage the flower. In addition, white midges can infect a plant with a viral infection. On the right is a photo of a leaf infected with white wing.

Methods of struggle

Step 1.First you need to catch all the adult flies. You can do this in the following ways:

  • Arrange special or homemade traps described in the first instruction.
  • Catch all the midges with a vacuum cleaner.
  • Pour the jam in the saucer, put it next to the pot and wait until the whiteflies do not fall on the bait and do not get stuck in it.
  • In the morning, create a light cool in the room where the flowers are, for example, turning off the batteries or opening the window. The lowered temperature will prevent the flies from taking off. Then follow the procedure described below.

Step 2.As soon as most of the adult whiteflies are caught, take the plant to the bathroom and rinse the leaves of the remaining insects, eggs and nymphs.

Step 3.Now treat the plant with irrigation and spraying with solutions from systemic insecticides ("Actellik " "Confidor "Mospilan" or "Fufanon"), and then create a "toxic greenhouse" by closing the plant in a plastic bag for 4-5 hours.

  • If the whitefly is not so much, then instead of special means you can use garlic infusion, described in the first instruction.

Step 4.If desired, transplant the plant into uninfected land, and discard the contaminated soil.

There is another way to destroy the whitefly in the room colors. If the infected plant can tolerate temperatures below 14 degrees, then just leave it in such a cool for a week or slightly more. Unable to withstand the low temperature, the whitefly and its larvae will die.

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  • . How to get rid of bugs in the kitchen?
  • . How to get rid of moths in the kitchen forever for 5 steps.
  • . Moss in the kitchen! Who they are and how to get rid of them.
  • . Indoor flowers and plants for the kitchen - choose unpretentious, useful and beautiful.
  • . 6 ways to clean a burnt or old saucepan.
  • . How to clean the kettle from scale - 5 home remedies.

For more information on how to get rid of midges in houseplants, see the next video tutorial.

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