Keeping in the kitchen - 17 super-effective solutions and lifhak

  • 17 storage solutions in the kitchen

Regardless of whether a small kitchen or a large, thoughtful storage can make it super-comfortable, and kitchen cabinets, a cupboard and a refrigerator are roomy. In this material you will find 17 practical tips and 85 photo-ideas that will help you organize space from scratch or optimize an already established "system".

17 storage solutions in the kitchen

1. Maintain the main storage location in the work area

Let's start our guide on organizing storage in the kitchen, perhaps with basic principles. And here is one of them - everything you need must be kept at hand.

  • Ideally, the working surface should be between the sink and the stove, and its optimal length should be about 90 cm. Accordingly, all utensils, appliances and products necessary for cooking every day should be stored above and below the work surface, and also under the stove.

What is in demand for this or that thing / product, the closer it should be to the desktop. In this case, the countertop itself should be almost empty.

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In the lower cabinets you need to store large and heavy things, and in the upper - small and light

2. Sort and store items / products by category

Storage by categories and subcategories is another basic principle from which the order and convenience of the kitchen begins.

  • Similar items should be collected in one (!) Place, even on one shelf, but separately from other categories. So you can quickly find the right things and easily put things in order in the cabinets.

Even visually the shelves with sorted supplies and utensils look neat and beautiful. Despite the obviousness of this principle, not all and not always follow him. So, for example, often we store pans mixed with baking forms or pots. And, say, we put bottles with vegetable oil somewhere between dry breakfast and pasta.

  • Of course, this rule has exceptions. So, for example, sugar and salt can be stored as with seasonings and spices, and on a table in a salt shaker and sugar bowl. Storage of fruits and vegetables -
    this is a separate story, because different types of fruits require different conditions. In general, the principle works everywhere and in everything - from storing food in the refrigerator and storing the dishes in the sideboard.

Of course, to get involved in sorting things into subcategories and subcategories is not necessary, otherwise it will be inconvenient to search and clean things.

See also:

  • How to store vegetables and greens
  • How to store fruit at home - general principles, memo and photo ideas

3. Keep things in trays and containers

To store things in categories in cabinets and drawers it is convenient to use all kinds of baskets, boxes, trays and dividers.

Storage by category in boxes

A box for instruments, as a rule, is equipped with a tray with separators. Small tip - it is desirable that the separators in the tray can be easily rearranged, then the sizes of branches will be changed at their discretion

Containers and cans for greater convenience can be marked

All kinds of bars, sticks and rods, reduced and inserted into boxes, turn into convenient dividers, for example, for storing lids as on this photo, boards and baking trays

Storing kitchen utensils in the tray will facilitate cleaning of the countertop

Example of storing kitchen utensils in trays

Especially necessary trays to store trivial trifles

4. If you are designing a kitchen from scratch, bet on drawers and systems

The lower level of the kitchen should be almost completely equipped with drawers, and some upper cabinets do not need to be supplemented with drawers. So you can use every corner of your kitchen, quickly find the right things and put them in places, without squatting.

  • Drawers in the kitchen
  • Drawers in the kitchen
  • Drawers in the kitchen
  • Drawers in the kitchen

5. Keep things mostly not in piles, but in rows

Keep and store things not horizontally on top of each other (stacks), and in a vertical one for friend (rows), then you can easily find and obtain the necessary items, without violating the established order in the closet.

  • For things to stand upright, use dividers, trays, boxes and hooks.

It is most convenient to store cutting boards, trays, trays and molds vertically

This lifhak for storage in the kitchen is simple and brilliant, but not always obvious. Especially when it comes to storing a stock of kitchen towels and napkins - in fact, textiles, unlike boxes and cans, do not stand upright. To solve this problem, simply fold the matter into a rectangle or roll.

An example of vertical storage of kitchen textiles: towels, napkins, potholders, aprons and tablecloths

The principle of vertical storage works in almost everything, only deep dishes and containers can and should be stacked.

6. In a small kitchen you need to use non-standard storage areas

Here are some ideas for storing in the kitchen in non-standard places:

  • Cabinet doors- on them it is possible to paste hooks or to attach wall holders. Truth to store on doors it is possible only easy subjects, differently there is a risk to break loops. It is also important to mount the hooks and holders so that they and the objects they hold do not rest on the shelves, otherwise the door will not close.

Kitchen towels rarely look neat, so the closet doors are ideal for storing them

This lifhak with a clothespin will allow you to always have rubber gloves on hand and never lose them in the bowels of the cabinet


Spice storage on the cabinet door

  • End walls and external walls of kitchen furniture- they are good because they will withstand not only towels and potholders, but also heavy objects: knives, cutting boards, pots and pans. The main thing is to pick up reliable shelves / holders and fix them neatly so as not to spoil the view of the kitchen. Below are the photo-ideas of storage of things on the outer walls of furniture.

Such a storage system is easy to create with your own hands from shelves and brackets

  • Internal walls of cabinets- it is convenient to hang on the hooks measuring spoons and nozzles from electrical appliances, which are not needed very often.

Idea for storing kitchen utensils

  • Place under the hanging cupboards- here you can hang a narrow shelf for storing spices as in the photo below ...

... or screw the lid from the cans to the underside of the enclosure, in order to screw the cans of spices or loose products into them.

The idea of ​​storing spices in cans under a hanging cupboard is easy to implement by oneself


7. Use the corner of the kitchen to 100%

Often in the corner of the kitchen, "dead zones" are formed, which are in no way involved because of their inaccessibility. To ensure that this place is used 100%, you should equip the corner cabinet with a retractable system - baskets, shelves, shelves or carousels.

8. Lifkhak for a small kitchen - a closet to the ceiling

In a small kitchen, you can maximize the useful space by adding additional lockers that extend to the ceiling. Then in the top boxes it will turn out to store things which are used rarely. For example, it can be a festive service, tablecloths, cans for conservation and so on.


Well, if the kitchen set is designed high initially (see. photo above), but if not, fill the top of the cabinet with cute baskets and drawers.

And the third tier can be built with your own hands from the board and supports in the form of bottles as shown in the photo below.

Set with a building for storage of things and products

9. Fold the drawers in the socle base

Another lifhak for a small kitchen - the construction of boxes in the socle headset. It is very convenient to store all kinds of molds, pallets, rolling pins, stocks of wine and even pet food.


10. Use walls and apron

Keep on the railing instruments, all kinds of banks and even the equipment is very convenient - everything is in sight and at hand. On the other hand, the rails often create a sense of clutter and disorder in the kitchen, hide a beautiful apron underneath and complicate the cleaning (because everything that hangs on the wall is quickly covered with dust!).

  • Therefore, we advise you not to get involved in railing systems and hang on the wall only super-demanded objects and products, for example, salt, spices, paper towels, spatula, holder for tablet / phone.

In this collection of photos you can see good examples of kitchen equipment railing.


But to store on the wall on the magnetic holder set of knives can and should be. After all, so little spoil the blade, and the cook is very convenient to choose-to clean the desired device.

By the way, a magnetic knife holder is easy to make by hand. To do this, you only need to cut a few shallow round holes on a wooden board, then paste neodymium magnets into them and finally hang the board on the wall. Voila, the knife holder is ready.

Keep in mind that for the manufacture of such a magnetic holder, only neodymium magnets

See material on the topic: We make magnets on the refrigerator (and not only) from improvised, waste and natural materials

In addition to the rails, perforated boards made of hardboard or steel will help to use walls for storing things. Just paint the board in the desired color, add hooks to it and hang it on the wall. Photo-ideas of the wall structure for storage of things and products are presented in the next slider.


And, of course, shelves will help to organize the wall storage of things. It is advisable that they be matched to the tone of the wall or kitchen furniture. Also, as with railing, with the shelves it is important not to overdo it - they quickly dust and overload the interior.



11. Organize space under the sink

Place under the sink is great for placing garbage cans, cleaners, stock sponges and rags. Here are a few ideas and tips on how to optimize this space:

  • Insert one bar (fit the wardrobe bar) into the cabinet under the sink and hang sprays and spray guns on it.

The idea of ​​storage under the sink

  • Screw a drawer to one of the walls, for example, here is one from Ikea.

  • Hang on the door hooks for towels or organizers for storing sponges, rags and other devices.
  • Use small shelves with shelves and drawers.

  • It is desirable that the trash can also be retractable.

12. Use not round jars and trays, but square or rectangular

Keep dry foods better in rectangular and square jars / containers, as they stand with each other more accurately and more compactly round. The board is relevant for all accessories for storage (baskets, trays, containers), as well as household appliances (coffee machines, stationary blenders, scales, etc.).

13. Buy an organizer for washing

Dishwashing detergent, sponges and brushes are very convenient to store in silicone or plastic organizers. Thus, you will free up the space near the sink and protect the table top / fender of the drying from the dripping drops.

Such organizers are sold to Aliexpress for 150-300 rubles

14. Use furniture with built-in drawers and shelves

For example, it could be a table with drawers under the countertop, a bench with built-in drawers under the seat or a bar counter with shelves in the basement.

15. If the kitchen has a bit of free space - use additional racks, consoles and trolleys

High shelves help out when there is not enough storage space, and there is no pantry in the kitchen.


A narrow, but very roomy rack on wheels

If there is no space for the shelves, try building a storage system around the doorway or window.

The cart is good for its compactness, spaciousness and mobility.

16. Use the inset shelves and shelving

Such a small trick allows you to use the entire height of cabinets and get additional useful space literally from nowhere. You can buy such shelves in Ikea (Varieur series).

17. Store the refrigerator 30% empty

It is very difficult to clean up the fridge in a refrigerator, find the right products, control new "supplies" of food, and remove the delayed illiquid in a timely manner.

  • To make it easier for you to avoid buying another junk or sauce, take it as a rule to store on the shelf of the refrigerator no more than three varieties of the same product.

By the way, this recommendation is also applicable in the grocery store department.

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