We choose for a summer residence a lawn from a bluegrass

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Lawn from bluegrass is a fairly common way of decorating the infield. A dense and even carpet of grass looks very beautiful in the country, in the courtyard of a private house and near an office building. If you decide to transform the territory, then you should pay special attention to the choice of grass. How the meadow grass looks meadow can be seen in the photo below.

Bluegrass is a grass that changes everything around

Previously, the plant was used as a feed for livestock and planted exclusively for these purposes. However, now bluegrass is mainly used to create a lawn. The plant refers to a group of early crops, so, with the onset of the first heat, you can observe how the lawn gradually turns green and acquires an attractive look.

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To make the lawn look brighter in color, it is worth sowing bluegrass thicker.

Covering the soil with a dense carpet, the grass protects it from adverse environmental factors. The plant feels great in different climatic conditions and on any soil in composition. After reaching the grass four centimeters in height, it must be cut. Due to the fact that the leaves grow vertically, the grass is easy to prune. If everything is done correctly, the lawn will be even thicker and spread throughout the territory.

Bluegrass is unpretentious in care and resistant to most diseases. The period of active growth falls on the spring. The plant reaches the adult age in 4 years. Before winter, the lawn is not sheared, but left at a height of 10 centimeters to protect the root system during an unfavorable period.

In order that the grass was always beautiful, do not forget about combing the lawn. The procedure is carried out with a metal brush. This is necessary in order to remove debris and dry leaves. In those places where the lawn became bald, it is worth pouring the soil, thus providing grass space for growth. In winter, if a lawn is formed on the lawn, it will need to be removed to make the plant breathe.

Knowing how old the meadow grass is for meadow grass, you can grow a beautiful lawn. With proper care, the grass cover will rejoice with its neatness for 15 years.

Types of plants

Bluegrass is a perennial grass that has several varieties. All species differ not only in appearance, in the way they are grown, but also in endurance.

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The main varieties of bluegrass meadow:

  1. "Midnight". Grass is used for the lawns of football fields, because it is resistant to various parasites and diseases. The peculiarity of this plant is that it does not crumple and perfectly copes with various loads.
  2. "Sobra". This variety has proven itself both for decorating flower beds and for decorating sports grounds. Plants form an average density of the cover. Also the grass differs with a small width of deciduous plates and a rich shade.
  3. The horses. Suitable plant for creating flowerbeds. This species of meadow bluegrass is characterized by slow growth and good resistance to diseases.
  4. The Dolphin. This is a lawn bluegrass, which is suitable for creating tennis courts.
  5. "Panduro." The variety is resistant to diseases. When properly planted, it has a beautiful appearance and longevity.
  6. "Platini". The grass is unpretentious in the care and has a rapid growth. Due to its endurance to the loads, "Platini" is often used to create football pains.
  7. "Compact". This is an artificially derived variety that is resistant to drought.
  8. "Geronimo". The grass forms a dense canvas. The leaves are bright, small in size.
  9. "Boutique". Beautiful and dense grass, well combined with other lawn plants.

No less popular variety of bluegrass meadow for creating a lawn is "Balin".

It tolerates frosts well, keeping a bright green color. Used grass for decoration of sports grounds. "Balin" is a plant that blooms early and has an average rooting strength.

Choosing the right seeds

The market is now replete with various grass mixtures for planting lawns. But, if you want to create a beautiful site, then it is recommended to choose quality seeds.

Before you buy seed material, you should check its germination. The first thing to do is look at the packaging. The product must be certified in your country and on the international market. In addition, choose the seeds that will be suitable for planting in your area and match the type of lawn that you want to get.


For those who wish to make a classic flowerbed, one type of bluegrass will do, if the sports ground is special. After deciding on the type of lawn, buy some seeds and try to plant them. It is not necessary to do this in the soil, it is possible to put the grains, previously soaked with boiling water, between the layers of sawdust and send to a warm place. In a few days you will see if the seeds will ascend. Instead of shavings it is allowed to use two water-soaked wipes. To determine the quality of seeds, you can pour them on for 10 minutes with water. A good planting material will remain at the bottom, and a bad one will come up.

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How to sow lawn from bluegrass

Experts say that planting this grass is quite simple, and care for it is also not difficult. Before planting bluegrass meadow, you should know the basic rules. If you follow all the recommendations, then the lawn for a long time will please its appearance.

Bluegrass has a powerful root system that can regenerate, even after severe damage.


  1. Before planting meadow grass, it is necessary to prepare a substrate. It is best to choose weakly acid loamy soils. To make a beautiful, dense lawn, you first need to dig up the earth and remove the weeds. Next, procuring, tamping and leveling the soil, and only after that start to sow the seeds.
  2. Carry out the procedure best with a lawn drill, but if it does not, then you need to do it manually. First, the grains are distributed along, and then across, the site. This is done so that there are no bald areas. Together with the seeds it is recommended to sprinkle the soil with fertilizer, which contains nitrogen and potassium. The rate of sowing of meadow grasshopper is from 10 to 15 grams per square meter.
  3. The next stage will be soil compaction already with the seeds for better fixing them. Grains and fertilizer are conveniently distributed by a roller and rake. Depth of planting should be approximately 2 mm.

It is important to provide a future lawn with a lot of light for its rapid growth. Therefore, for a lawn, choose an open area. In the first year, bluegrass grows very slowly, only a month later the first grass blades appear and gradually the surface of the earth becomes covered with bushes. You can multiply bluegrass by dividing the bush. They are located a short distance from each other. There will be only two months between them to leave no gaps.

Lawn from bluegrass: care rules

Irrigation. The first weeks after sowing bluegrass should be watered daily for 10 minutes. This procedure is repeated until the grass shoots. At the same time, it is forbidden to walk around the place of the future lawn. Further watering is carried out as necessary.

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Air temperature. This is an important point in the care of grass. Bluegrass, as a rule, tolerates the temperature fluctuation well. However, if you notice that the grass has become yellow and dry, then it lacks moisture. It is necessary to ensure full-fledged watering, if there is no rain and the weather is dry and hot.

Formation of a lawn. Regular mowing of bluegrass is the key to its growth and splendor. In the case of the appearance of bald patches, it will be necessary to plant new seeds. If everything is done correctly, then in a month there will be new shoots.

Pests. Scary mnatliku only moles, because they undermine the turf and can disrupt the integrity of plants. If this happened, then the situation can be rectified by raking the soil with rakes and sowing it with new seeds.

Fertilizer. To maintain the beauty of the lawn, due attention should be given to the feeding of bluegrass. It is best to choose organic fertilizers. Experts advise that the lawns are fed with useful substances constantly. So you get a beautiful, well-groomed and thick grass that will delight the eye for a long time.

As nutrition, it is better to buy nutrient mixtures that contain herbicides. So you will not only "feed" the lawn, but also in parallel to fight with the weeds.

In autumn and spring fertilizer should be spread over the surface of the lawn with a thin layer. When the grass and soil become wet due to rain or melted snow, the nutrients from the fertilizer will fall into the ground and make it nutritious.

Compatibility with other herbs

Bluegrass perfectly coexists with other cereal plants. Good neighbors such grass will be pasture ryegrass, meadow fescue, white bent grass, red fescue, thin bentgrass and others.

For example, red fescue together with bluegrass is perfect for strengthening the slopes due to the interlacing and spreading of roots. This mix is ​​considered the most successful, as it can grow in different conditions and in virtually any type of soil. In addition, this lawn will be equally functional both in the park and on the football field.

Knowing what bluegrass meadow is and what kinds of it are, you can create a real dream lawn. It is important to observe all the subtleties of seed selection, the technology of planting them in the ground, as well as proper care for adult grass. And then you will enjoy the result.

Sowing lawn from bluegrass - video

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