How to grow chicks if they appeared in autumn

It happens that the hen-hen for some of its internal reasons sits on eggs not in the spring, as it is supposed to, but at the end of the summer. In nature, all events are interrelated, and each of them has its own time, but what to do if this time is broken. How to grow chickens if a chicken hen decided to sit in the fall.? In this case, the autumn chickens will turn out and we will, as in the saying, count the chickens in the fall.


  • Chicks with chicken - autumn care
  • Feeding of chickens hatched in autumn

Any owner knows how difficult it is to cope with the chicken's instinct for hatching. If your farm has such an unusual situation, you can try to grow chicks in the fall. For this, of course, we will have to try, and without special adaptations we can not do this.

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Chicks with chicken - autumn care

First of all, it is necessary to provide the chicken hen with a comfortable place for incubation and to relieve it of temperature loads. In the autumn often freezes, and low temperatures, of course, have a disastrous effect on the health of chickens.

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If the chicken coop is not very warm and small in size, it is best for a large wooden box with a window and a lid. It is placed under an impromptu greenhouse of dense film. We make the greenhouse both for sprouting seedlings, in appearance it will resemble an Indian wigwam. It is better to use a film as thick as possible, for example reinforced, such can be found in hardware stores. The design can be foldable or stationary.

Under this cover, a relatively constant temperature, comfortable for chickens, will be maintained. A well-made greenhouse can be used more than once. Who knows, maybe your hen will get into the habit of breeding chicks in the fall?


If the dimensions of the chicken coop are allowed, you can separate the corner with a fine mesh and put a chicken with a brood there. For additional heating in this case, you can use a lamp. We put it in the same corner to make full use of heat.

On the floor, sawdust or hay, and as a feeder we use a pallet, so that the chicks do not peck the litter.

Drinking in the improvised child's corner, at least, the first month is best not to put, otherwise there is a risk of losing brood. Chickens belong to land birds, and uncontrolled access of chicks to water harms them. Kids enough of the moisture that comes to them with a juicy food, or, if you do not give such food, you can dopaivat chicks themselves once or twice a day. In the water, you can add manganese to prevent intestinal disorders.

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Feeding of chickens hatched in autumn

Separately, mention should be made of the "diet" for toddlers. Autumn chicks are initially in a less favorable position, so the diet should be approached especially carefully.

To satisfy the need of children in calcium will help the egg shell. The diet is formed to a greater extent from sifted cereals or mixed fodder, with the addition of eggs. We also give the chicks cottage cheese, crumbs of white bread, fresh vegetables, fruits, berries. You can give and onions - it strengthens the immune system, serves as a natural bactericidal agent. It is useful to add to the feed sour milk products or vegetable oil. The vitamins contained in them have a beneficial effect on the health of the bird.

When your kids grow up, there will be a need for walks. On the street, especially at a cold snap, they, of course, can not be released. Ideally, it's better to organize walks right in the chicken coop, if the area allows. The wooden floor and additional lamps are reliable protectors from drafts and hypothermia. A large cardboard box is also suitable for chicks.

We should not forget about the prevention of diseases in chicks. To do this, we use antibiotics, for example Enroflox or Baytril. The drug is diluted in water at the rate of ml per liter of water, we give daily from the second to the sixth day, two weeks later we repeat the course.

To strengthen the immunity of chickens, you can give a 1% solution of ascorbic acid in glucose. Pharmacy ascorbic acid is sold as a 5% solution to make it 1%, it is necessary to add 10 ml of glucose to one ampoule of ascorbic. The resulting mixture was given to the chickens once, during the first day.

If you comply with the rules of care and maintenance, even the autumn chicks have all the chances to grow up healthy. The main thing is not to give up, and you will be able to grow chicks in the fall!

How to grow chicks if they appeared in autumn

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