We choose a pump for watering country cottages from a barrel

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To water the plantations from the tank, you need to expend energy on the movement of water. A pump will be used for watering out of the barrel, or water will be carried by buckets - for plants anyway. Exclude heavy manual labor, the right device can pick up every gardener. We will not consider ways of supplying water from a well, watering plants with cold water is harmful. We will pick up devices for barrels and open reservoirs.

Requirement for watering water

A rare summer resident connects the hose to the water main and directly under the pressure feeds to the beds. Cold fluid will lead to root rot, plant diseases. Therefore, first they inject into a container, and after heating the water in barrels, it is carried around the beds. And in order for the heating to go faster, the barrel is painted black.

You can take irrigation water from an artificial pond on the site. But then the pool is not cleaned with the addition of chemistry. The pump for irrigation from a barrel or a pool is chosen according to the characteristics. This takes into account the degree of contamination and the location of the apparatus.

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How to choose the right pump

Depending on the nature of the source, it will be necessary to select the pump according to the parameters. There are pumps working under water, they are installed under the bay and called submersible. Pump them with clean water, for pumping from the outdoor pool is better to take a drainage device. If the pump is installed in the open air and takes a liquid by a hose, it is called a surface hose.

Read also:Submersible pump for wells - special requirements, types of equipment

To properly select water pumps for watering the garden, you need to calculate:

  • performance;
  • head.

We start from the time spent for irrigation of the whole area of ​​the site. Typically, irrigation is required by sprinkling at a rate of 5 liters per square meter. For one hour you need to pump to the beds, m3 per hundred square meters. The pump capacity is indicated by the letter Q and is available in the passport. For a household appliance it is enough, cube / hour.

Performance and pressure indicators are interrelated. The head is folded:

  • height of water lifting;
  • the difference between the pump installation site and the highest point of the garden;
  • distance to the furthest point of irrigation;
  • watering drip, pressure, or free flowing under the root.

The height of lifting water from the tank is the ability to suck the water by the mechanism, the passport value, not exceeding 6 meters. Every 10 meters of the hose length corresponds to a loss of 1 meter of head. Therefore, the head of the pump is distributed on the rise of water in the height difference in the garden, height, raising the free end of the hose and its length. Moreover, each turn of the water conduit brings additional pressure losses.

For a summer residence it is enough to have a garden pump for watering with a pressure of 30 meters. In this case, the supply can be adjusted for drip or pressure irrigation.

Types of pumps for irrigation

Submersible pumps operate only in water and are divided into centrifugal and vibratory. Cope with rainwater collected from gutters must be mechanisms capable of pumping a turbid liquid. It is better to use centrifugal pumps, but it is also superfluous for them to install a filter on the intake port. The vibrating pump pumps only clean water without a suspension, but the model is cheaper than the centrifugal unit.

For swaying artificial ponds, it is better to use a drain pump, which is not afraid of bottom sediments. But the pressure of such a device does not create and is suitable only for the root watering of the lawn or trees.

Pumps for watering the garden from the barrel, installed in the tank, work with a small noise, do not overheat. When installing the device you need to make sure of the tightness of the connector, good insulation of the electrical cable. Submersible pumps used for lifting water from wells "Stream" and "Rodnichok" are used for irrigation from open water bodies. But the apparatus works when submerged by at least 50 cm, can not be applied to shallow water. They supply water from open reservoirs for a distance of up to 400 meters.


Pump "Kercher" for watering from the barrel is used more often than other machines. The German manufacturer has provided all the features of watering with heated water from the tank. A float pump with a lower water intake is more suitable for irrigation systems. The design of the drum submersible pump for the well has a filter on the intake port. The kit includes a half-inch hose with a length of 20 m. The device is equipped with a valve, which allows adjusting the head and spray gun. The pump is carried by a handle, stored in a container. Capacity of the apparatus is 400 watts, capacity, m3 / hour with a head of 11 m.

When working, Kercher does not make a noise, and the float is connected with the blocking of "dry running the device will shut down if the capacity is empty. The pump for irrigation from a barrel can pump fertilizer solutions.

The Gardena 4000/2 Comfort pump is no less popular with farmers. Easy start-up and good functionality make the device useful for watering large areas. The pump creates a pressure of 20 meters and a capacity of 4 m3 / h with a consumption of only 500 watts of energy. But in rural conditions, German technology must work through voltage regulators.

Submersible pumps in the barrel must be equipped with an additional filter. To do this, take the tulle and make a wrap for the pump, to protect it from the slurry.

Surface pumps for irrigation always work noisily. But only a superficial centrifugal apparatus can work for a long time without overheating in the drip irrigation system. Such a pump can pump muddy rainwater, but the suspension will quickly disable the impeller.

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For drip irrigation, it is necessary to calculate the productivity and head of the pump, based on the length of the irrigation tapes, the number of capillaries. It is generally accepted that a normal hole in the tape should pass 1 liter of water per hour. Knowing the number of holes on the running meter of the tape, it is easy to calculate the total flow and select a centrifugal barrel pump for watering the garden.

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Choose a pump for irrigation planting is not difficult, knowing the variety of devices and features of the suburban area.

Customer feedback about Kercher irrigation pump - video

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