Growing cucumbers in a greenhouse - seedlings, seed preparation, care

Recently, gardeners are increasingly using greenhouses. Cultivation of cucumbers in the greenhouse has some features, because this is an early harvest, as well as the opportunity to extend the cucumber season. But it is not always precisely the receipt of the early harvest cause of the appearance of greenhouses or greenhouses on our sites. Climate change, unfavorable climatic, environmental conditions, acid precipitation adversely affect the yield.


  • Preparation of seeds for cultivation of cucumbers in a greenhouse
  • Cucumbers in the greenhouse - which containers are suitable for seedlings
  • How to Plant Sprouted Cucumber Seeds
  • Soil preparation in a greenhouse for cucumbers
  • We plant seedlings of cucumbers
  • Care for cucumber seedlings
  • Cucumber dressing in the greenhouse
  • What gives mulching cucumbers in the greenhouse

A spring film greenhouse is easier to maintain than a temporary film shelter. The greenhouse more effectively maintains the desired temperature regime and moisture regime, it is more convenient to care for the plants there.

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I will not describe to you the greenhouse constructions - their great variety. Now you can buy ready-made designs. You can make a greenhouse yourself - the Internet will provide you with numerous drawings, descriptions, exchange of experience. We will assume that since you are reading this article, you already have a greenhouse. The article will be useful to residents of different regions.

The greenhouse is covered with a film (of course, this does not apply to polycarbonate greenhouses) early, when there is still snow - for each region - its terms. In the Kuban it's about the first decade of February.


Long-term observations of the temperature regime showed that the snow descends inside the greenhouse 5-8 days after its closure with a film. For faster thawing, warming the soil in the greenhouse it is useful to cover the surface with a transparent film (you can old). For 3-5 days the earth will recede, it will warm up to 6-8 ° С. The air warms up faster, especially when the sun is shining. Even at night in the greenhouse it is warmer by 4-8 degrees than outside it.

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Preparation of seeds for cultivation of cucumbers in a greenhouse

The harvest of cucumbers grown in a greenhouse depends on the variety, the quality of the seeds, and the methods for preparing them for sowing. It should be borne in mind that, regardless of the variety, large seeds grow faster, yielding, as a rule, a higher yield of greens. They are selected manually.

You prepare seeds of cucumbers for sowing in a greenhouse or an open ground - there is no fundamental difference. It is better to use seeds 2-3 years ago with good germination. Plants from them give more female flowers and bear fruit well. If you use the seeds of the harvest last year, then 3-4 hours warm up in a thermostat or on a battery at a temperature of 55-60 ° C.

With seeds, a number of diseases are transmitted to plants (angular spot, anthracnose, others). To prevent this from happening, seeds are poured for pickling with a 1 per cent solution of potassium permanganate (1 g per ½ cup of water) for 20 minutes followed by thorough rinsing under running water.

Instead of potassium permanganate, which is now almost impossible to buy, you can use a 2-3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, preheated to 38-40 ° C (sustain the seeds 7-8 minutes) or a solution of boric acid (1/2 teaspoon of boric acid powder per 1 cup of water) - soak the seeds for 2-3 hours at a temperature of 25-30 ° C. Do not forget to wash the seeds under running water.

Growth and development of plants stimulates the hardening of seeds with variable temperatures. To do this, they are first soaked for 12-14 hours at a temperature of 20-22 ° C, then the swollen seeds are placed in a refrigerator for 16-18 hours, then kept for 6-8 hours at a temperature of 18-20 ° C. So alternate low and high temperatures 4-5 days. Before sowing, a day or two of the seeds are kept warm and, as soon as they start pecking, are sown in pots.

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Cucumbers in the greenhouse - which containers are suitable for seedlings

Pots can be used different - plastic cups (large), paper thermocouples for dairy products, peat pots, cans. The sizes of pots for seedlings choose such that before landing in a greenhouse there was no intermediate picking. Cucumbers do not like transplants, they do not tolerate damage to the root system. Therefore, containers for seedlings should be at least 400-500 ml. Then they are installed in boxes - plastic or wooden, pre-covered with a film. Fill with a nutrient mixture consisting of humus and peat (:). You can buy ready-mixed soil.

On a bucket of this mixture or soil add ½ cup granulated superphosphate and 2 cups of wood ash. All mix thoroughly.

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How to Plant Sprouted Cucumber Seeds

In each pot to a depth of 1 cm, one seed is sown. Surface of the soil covered with a film, put where it is warm. As soon as shoots begin to appear, the film is removed, plants are provided with good lighting conditions. The temperature of the first 3-5 days is maintained at 14-16 ° C, and then in sunny weather - 20-22 ° C, and with overcast -17-19 ° C.


On sunny days moderately watered with warm (necessarily warm) water. Feed up with a solution of Mullein (: 0) or mineral fertilizers (superphosphate 20-30 g, potassium chloride 10-15 g per 10 liters of water).

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Soil preparation in a greenhouse for cucumbers

The soil for planting cucumbers in a greenhouse is usually prepared in the fall. Under perekopku make humus or well decomposed compost at the rate of 8-10 kg per 1 square. m and nitrofosca 30-40 g per 1 square. In the spring, digging is repeated, the soil is well leveled, humus is infused with humus (200-300 g) and superphosphate (3-4 g).

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We plant seedlings of cucumbers

So, we plant cucumbers in a greenhouse. The distance between rows is 70-80 cm, and between plants is 25-30 cm. Seedlings are planted in the last decade of March (in the Kuban) or the last decade of April (the middle band of Russia). If the weather is cold, additionally put wire arcs inside the greenhouse and cover the plants with a film.

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Care for cucumber seedlings

When the heat comes, the plants are tied up to the trellis. One end of the twine is attached to a wire stretched in a greenhouse above a number of plants, and the other is lowered down, it is fixed on the stem above the 2-3th sheet. Then, as the plant grows, twist around the twine while pulling at the mustache.

In the lower tier (up to 6 cm) side shoots of cucumbers pinch one ovary and one leaf, higher - in the middle tier - 2-3 ovaries and the same number of leaves. In the upper tier the number of ovaries and leaves is 4 or more. When the main stalk reaches the upper trellis, it is tied with twine to the wire in two places, pinching the top, leaving 4-5 leaves.

During the growing of cucumbers in the greenhouse, the temperature of the air is maintained during the day with the sun 26-30 ° C, with cloudy weather - 20-22 ° C, at night - 17-19 ° C. Optimum humidity of air at the sun of 85-90%, at cloudy weather - 75-80%. To increase the humidity, the paths and plants are poured from the hose through a strainer.

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Cucumber dressing in the greenhouse

Cucumber variety A real man

Cucumbers grown in a greenhouse respond well to fertilizing. At the same time organic fertilizers alternate with mineral fertilizers. From organic use a solution of bird droppings: 8-20 or Mullein: -10, for 10 liters of solution add 15-20 g of superphosphate.


From mineral fertilizers use urea, superphosphate, potassium chloride, wood ash. The ratio of fertilizers depends on the condition of the plants. If the plants are growing rapidly, and the ovaries are formed little, then the soil contains an excess of nitrogen. If this is the case, then for fertilizing use only phosphorus and potassium fertilizers.

The roots of cucumbers are not deep, therefore, watering is carried out after 1-2 days, but with small norms - 12-15 liters per 1 sq. Km. m. Once a month it is useful to feed with microfertilizers (1 tablet of the Riga mixture for 10 liters of water).

Often cucumbers in the greenhouse begin to bloom, and insects (bees, bumblebees and others) do not fly yet. Plant self-pollinated varieties, the so-called parthenocarpic species.

Zelentsy begin to keep up days after 40 after emergence. The fees are first conducted every other day, and then daily. Do not over-grow the fetus.

With proper care (watering, fertilizing, removal of waste leaves) cucumbers in the greenhouse bear fruit until 5-10 September, that is, about three months. During this period from 1 sq. Km. m receive 15-18 kg of fruit.

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What gives mulching cucumbers in the greenhouse

I want to tell you about another method, which significantly increases the yield of parthenocarpic cucumbers.

When the plants have reached a height of 12-15 cm, pour a small layer (2-3 cm) of compost under them, and top zamulchiruyte freshly cut grass, well, if there is a clover - mulch is very good, quality.

What is the point of this mulching?

First, you protect the soil under the cucumber from the weeds, because under the compost and under the mulch the weeds will not grow, but even if they do, they will be weak.

Secondly, compost or mulch will protect the soil from drying out. When watering mulch after a while will be decomposed - thus, the cucumber will receive additional food.

It seems to me that it is necessary to mulch the soil under cucumbers in a greenhouse. Because the mulch keeps from drying out, and it is known that this vegetable is very fond of moisture - the sheltered soil does not require frequent watering. In addition, the rare watering will be more even, the water will not splash, the leaves will not get a spray from the soil containing pathogens. That is, the plants in the greenhouse will be more healthy.

Mulch prevents overheating of the soil in hot weather, preserving the desired temperature for culture.


On the wrapped soil does not form a crust, the water is absorbed better under the mulch. Silent plants better develop the root system. Therefore, mulch, mulching is a very important method of growing cucumbers in a greenhouse.

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