How to decorate or hide the pipeline in the kitchen

  • Hide the pipes during installation
  • We make a gypsum board or cabinet
  • How to hide a gas column and pipes in a cabinet
  • Variants of decor
  • How to hide the battery screen, in a cabinet or box

Typical kitchen layout necessarily includes open pipelines. These are gas, water, sewer and heating communications, which can be located so that they will spoil the most modern and impressive design. There are several ways to decorate such pipes, but in pursuit of a stylish appearance one must not forget the principles of safety.

Hide the pipes during installation

For water and sewage pipes, the most suitable way is to conceal the wiring. That is, we hide the riser in specially made stitches, passing along the floor and the wall. Grooves of the required size are made with a perforator, then pipes are embedded in them, and the remaining space from the pipe to the wall is covered with a putty solution.

To close the riser in this way, you need to follow the basic recommendations:

  • The drain pipe must necessarily pass below the tap;
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  • If the pipes are horizontal, then the cold one is to the left, and to the right is hot;
  • Sewer pipes are placed under the slope towards the riser: for diameters of 32-50 mm - 2 mm per running meter, for products with a diameter of 90 mm - 3 mm.

We make a gypsum board or cabinet

Gypsum cardboard construction can be called universal - it can easily be mounted anywhere in the kitchen and can be of any shape and size.

Attention! In order to close the gas pipe, this option will not work. After all, a gas leak is possible - it can accumulate in an enclosed space, which will lead to an explosion. The gas service, which controls the operation of the respective pipelines, categorically does not allow its complete isolation.


Among the advantages of a drywall box is the ease of installation and relative cheapness. You can do it in any way, so this is one of the best methods to hide pipes for any room. By the same principle, it is possible to create a structure not from GKL, but from chipboard, plywood or plastic.

To hide the riser with this box, you need to do the following:

  1. A frame is made of metal profiles or bars. The guide profile of the frame is installed along the wall parallel to the pipes - so that there is at least 10 cm between them.
  2. Joints profiles horizontally and vertically necessarily strengthened.
  3. The framework must be fixed in 3 places - at the joint of sheets, on the floor and on the walls. This allows you to provide the necessary rigidity of the structure.
  4. The previously assembled pieces of plasterboard are attached to the assembled frame.

In this video of the authoritative master Alexei Zemskov you can see how professionally and qualitatively you make a false wall and a partition of gypsum board.

How to hide a gas column and pipes in a cabinet

The pipeline can also be hidden behind kitchen furniture. In this case, the cabinets are installed without the rear walls - this will allow you to access the communications at any time.

But the gas column is not so simple. As mentioned earlier, for security reasons it is best to put up with it and not to close it. But in pursuit of a neat appearance, the owners often hide the column in the closet as shown in the photo below:

If you decide to build a gas water heater in the cupboard, then this is how you can / can not do it:


Picture 1. A bad example, as both the top and bottom cabinet is closed, although there is space between the walls of the column and the cabinet.

Picture 2. This method is already better, since the partial water heater is open and the cabinet is wider than the column.

A photo 3. It looks very neat, since the lockers here are almost the same size as the water heater itself, and its white color does not discord with the kitchen. The front, upper and lower parts are open, but on the sides the distance is rather small.


A photo 4. The best option, since the column is open (a small locker with a lattice facade) and almost merges with a light wall.

In general, with a strong desire, the column can be moved to the corridor, but for this it must meet the following requirements:

  • The transfer of the column must necessarily be coordinated with the gas service, which you may refuse. For example, in the houses of the old foundation and in apartments with very old columns, the transfer is unlikely to be approved;
  • Dismantling and installation is carried out only by specialists;
  • Keep in mind that for such a service you will have to pay a lot.


But the proof of how the most ordinary water heater can fit into the most ordinary apartment, for example, in Khrushchev.

If you are in the repair stage, do not want to transfer the column and still choose the color of the walls, then it is best to paint the walls in a light color and cabinets also choose white ones. The column in this case will not spoil the appearance of the kitchen, and light walls and furniture also visually increase the space. Here's how to add a white water heater to the kitchen interior Julia and Denis, living in the house of the old foundation in St. Petersburg.


Another trick is to choose not only walls and white furniture, but also a white hood.

See also: Design and repair of kitchen with gas column.

Variants of decor

It often happens that the pipes run along the wall along the entire length of the room or are located in the area of ​​the kitchen apron. It may also be necessary to hide the battery or it is interesting to beat the riser using a suitable decor.

There are several options for interior solutions:

  1. If the pipes pass in the immediate vicinity of the working area, the best decor for them is the system of rails. Railings are a suspension system with a variety of shelves, hooks and necessary kitchen appliances. To turn the riser into a rail, it must be carefully cleaned and painted with paint that simulates stainless steel. Then, around the pipe, put the necessary devices - do not forget that you can not hang anything on communication.
  2. The battery and pipes can simply be painted in the color of the walls.
  1. A thick pipe can be decorated with interior mosaic or art painting.
  2. You can wrap structures with artificial flowers, harness, colorful threads - it all depends on the style in which the kitchen is designed.
  1. A nice option is obtained if you use the decor in the technique of decoupage. You can choose any motif corresponding to the existing interior, and also make the surface shiny or matte.
  1. So you can decorate and the battery - it is clear that the work should not be carried out in the heating season. The order of work here is as follows: at first the pipe is protected and carefully painted, after which the napkin with the chosen motif is glued to the PVA. After the napkins dry up, the resulting pattern is covered with a layer of special lacquer.

How to hide the battery screen, in a cabinet or box

For heating pipes, all these decor options will also be appropriate. But you can hide them in a box or drawer.

In the photo below the master with his own hands and the battery concealed in the cabinet, and made the sill the continuation of the countertop.

There are also special screens for radiators. They are not difficult to do with their own hands. And if you make a niche from plasterboard, the battery will turn into a shelf.

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