Benefit and harm of prunes


Prunes are a fairly common dried fruit, which found application in medicine, cooking and cosmetology.

But in addition to positive qualities, he has a number of contraindications. What is the use and harm of prunes?


Table of contents

  • What is the use of prunes?
  • What heals
  • Harm and contraindications for use
  • How to choose a quality
  • How to cook at home
  • How to store correctly

What is the use of prunes?

The fruit contains many beneficial substances for the body. It includes fats, proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, as well as vitamins and microelements:

  • vitamin A;
  • vitamins of group B;
  • folic acid;
  • vitamin E;
  • vitamin C;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • sodium;
  • magnesium;
  • chlorine;
  • phosphorus;
  • copper;
  • zinc;
  • iron.
Due to this composition, it helps to normalize the work of the housing and communal services, cardiovascular system, organs of vision and increases immunity.

Contained in prunesMinerals are vital to the bodyfor the prevention of many diseases.

Besides,fruits contain glucose, sucrose and fructose, which impregnate cells with energy and are responsible for the functioning of the body.

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All these valuable qualities speak of the undoubted benefits of prunes, which can be taken along with medicines.

Products are advocates. Prunes:


What heals

In addition to the fact that prunes have a good taste,it has a beneficial effect on the whole organism. It is used to prepare various dietary dishes and for treatment.

In the first place, prune drying is advised to takein diseases of the stomach and for their prevention. In a day you need to eat at least five berries. They help to normalize the metabolism in the body, gently affect the intestinal peristalsis.

Therapists and nutritionists advise to use prunes as a medicinal product for various diseases and for their prevention

Dietitians advise taking prunesEveryone who wants to reduce weight and improve the body. Fiber, which is part of its composition, helps to cope with constipation. Regular consumption of prunes helps reduce up to three kilograms of weight in a short time.

Prunes are an excellent alternative to antibacterial therapy. is hewell cope with microbes of the oral cavity, slows their growth, reduces the number of bacteria.

Prunesis indicated for a number of cardiovascular diseases: atherosclerosis, hypertension, thrombophlebitis. Daily use of drying promotes normalization of pressure, strengthening of walls of vessels and capillaries.

Berries prunes stimulate the brain. It contains enough sugars and glucose, which charges the body with energy.

Using prunes, you can get rid of kidney disease. You can use dryingto improve vision. Fruits are rich in carotene, which has a positive effect on the eye muscle.

Nursing mothers can use prunes if the child has a tendency to constipation. Quite often prunes are recommended for the prevention of glandular anemia and beriberi in pregnant women.

The presence of a sufficient amount of potassium allows the use of dryingwith urolithiasis for excretion of bile.

In addition to all of the above,prunes increase appetite, improve skin condition, helps to cheer up and relieve fatigue, positively affects performance. Many women have discovered the rejuvenating properties of prunes.

Aoncologists adviseregularly use prunes to all girls as a cancer prevention.

Prunes are useful for the heart and kidneys, vision and the brain, pregnant and lactating, as well as slimming

Nutritionists recommend prunes to their patientsfor removing slags from the body. Drying serves as an alternative to sweets, well dulls the feeling of hunger and sates.

It is not replaceable with any diets. It is added to vegetable salads and used in a soaked form.

Therapists are advised to use prunes in the autumn-spring period to improve the body's resistance to various diseases. For this, prunes are crushed, mixed with nuts and honey. To such a sweet salad you can add raisins.

Prunes are rightly called a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. Regular intake of prunes reduces the risk of caries!


Harm and contraindications for use

It is clear that such a useful fruitIt can not harm the body if it is used properly. However, prune intake as a medicine should be agreed with the doctor.

In some cases, its use only aggravates the situation:

  • prunes are related to high-calorie fruit, so you can not take it at some stages of obesity;
  • a lot of sugar in the prunes. Patients with diabetes should use caution to dry prunes;
  • breastfeeding mothers should give up fruit if the child's calves become aggravated, and a disorder of the stool appears;
  • The reason for refusing prunes can be an individual intolerance and a food allergy.

In addition, do not eata suspicious fruit that was bought too cheaply. Most likely it contains unacceptable additives and preservatives, which can cause health problems.

With uncontrolled application prunes can do harm, it has medical contraindications

How to choose a quality

A common man in the street is useful to know thatfor quality prunes it is better to go to the market. Shop counters are filled with low-quality goods.

When choosing the drying, it is important to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Taste. The seller, who is confident in his product, will definitely offer to taste the berry. Do not refuse! The taste of good prunes should be sweet, with a slight sourness, but without obvious bitterness.
  2. Colour. Processed fruits do not lose their color, if they are soaked in water. A quality product has a rich black color. If it is soaked, it will become lighter. In addition, if the color of the drying is dark brown, then this indicates a bitter taste. It appears due to a violation of production technology.
  3. The whole fruit, in which there is a bone, finds more useful.

To make a delicacy bring maximum benefit,it must be properly stored.

How to choose prunes:


How to cook at home

For prunesnot all varieties of plum. It is best to make drying from varieties: Hungarian, Renclod, Stanley, Burton, Cromagne.

Before drying, the sink must be prepared. The process should not be delayed for more than three days. Further, the plum will start to wander and the quality of the preform will deteriorate.

You may be interested in the following publications:

  • Description of the variety of the Hungarian plum and its subspecies.
  • How to make prunes at home?
  • Prunes and plums - what's the difference?

Necessary actions:

  1. Wash the sink, sort and take out the bones.
  2. The halves are blanched in water with the addition of soda for about 30 seconds.
  3. After that, the sink is washed and cooled.
  4. Dry the fruit in any accessible way: in an electric dryer or in an oven.

Drying the plum in the ovenpasses in several stages, each of which last at least three hours. First, the plums are dried at a temperature of 55 degrees, after which they are turned over to the other side and cooled.

Next, continue to dry at a temperature of 70 degrees. After that, the plum is cooled and dried at a temperature of 90 degrees.

To prune turned brilliant, at the end of the drying the temperature is increased to 120 degrees.

Homemade prunes from a hard, sour, late plum:


How to store correctly

If the use of prunes should be regular, it is better to stock up on quality fruit in advance. How to save the drying, so that it will bring maximum benefit?

There are several proven ways:

  • in glass containers;
  • in the pouches;
  • in bags with a fastener.

The leader of all the above methods is the storage of prunes in the glass. With the correct preparation of berries,shelf life can last up to 12 months:

  1. Fruits are well sorted and dried in an oven, they cool.
  2. The glass containers are sterilized and dried.
  3. Finished fruits are densely packed in cans, closed with lids.

You can store such prunes in the basement. An important condition is a cold and dark place.

You can store prunes in a can, in a canvas bag or bag with a fastener

If there is no need to store prunes so long, then it can be placed in a tissue pouch. Fruit storage period isfrom 3 to 6 months:

  1. Fruits are picked and dried.
  2. Tissue sacs are kept in salt solution for about two hours, after which they are dried.
  3. Fruits are laid out in pouches tightly.

When stored, berries do not mold and do not lose their useful properties, but they attract rodents. Therefore, the place for storage should be selected closed and dry.

To scare off insects and pests will help buds of fragrant cloves, mint leaves, which are laid out near the container with prunes.

If next there will be products with a specific smell, then prunes will absorb them into themselves.Keep drying separately from other products.

The easiest way to store prunes is in plastic bags with a clasp. Shelf life of the workpieceabout 1 month:

  1. Peel the berries and dry them in the oven.
  2. Drain in bags and fasten.
  3. Keep refrigerated.

To prune breathe, the packages are not fastened to the end.

Keep the prunes separately from other foods, as it absorbs odors

Prunes - a panacea for many diseases. It helps to enjoy beauty, youth and feel healthy. After a detailed study of all the positive properties of prunes, doctors recommend it to daily use.

The properties of the fruit are preserved during processing. From drying you can prepare desserts, compotes, decoctions, infusions, add it to hot dishes. It fits perfectly with any kind of meat and mushrooms, giving them some sweetness.

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