Uninvited guests: what to do if there are bugs in the seamy - 4 steps to get rid of insects


  • 1 Enemy need to know in person
  • 2 How to get rid of bugs
    • 2.1 4 steps to get rid of bugs
    • 2.2 Precautionary measures
  • 3 Total

One day, I discovered that small dark bugs bred in my croup. Unfortunately, many hostesses regularly encounter such a “find”. I decided to tell you what kind of harmful insects are and how to quickly get rid of them at home.

Bugs can appear in any kitchenBugs can appear in any kitchen

Enemy need to know in person

Bugs in semolina or any other croup - not a pleasant sight. And the desire to get rid of them before they spread all over the house is quite natural. To organize an effective fight against insects, it is necessary to determine what type they belong to.

It is highly likely that one of the following types of bugs can live in your kitchen:

instagram viewer
A photo Insect species
was breaking 1 Flour Khrushchaks

Insects of a red-brown shade with a length of a trunk about 3-4 mm. They usually get into the apartment from packages of starch or flour, after which the larvae are deposited in the cereals, in the crevices of the cabinets in the kitchen, in containers with products.

was breaking2 Red Mucoed

Small insects reach a length of 2.5 mm. Once in the kitchen, they usually settle in groats and flour.

was breaking3 Bread grinders

Light brown insects with a body size of 2.5-3 mm. Strongly reduce the shelf life of semolina and other products that choose their habitat.

was breaking4 Food moth

Falls into an apartment with improperly packaged food, feed, etc. The larvae of the food moth reach a length of about 1 cm.

How to get rid of bugs

To finally remove the bugs, you need to take comprehensive measures. It is not enough just to get rid of insects, it is necessary to remove their larvae, otherwise they will return again.

It is necessary to get rid of small parasites in a complex, otherwise the problem will recurIt is necessary to get rid of small parasites in a complex, otherwise the problem will recur

4 steps to get rid of bugs

Regardless of how you get semolina, other cereals or flour, you are not insured against the appearance of unpleasant insects at home. And to get rid of them, you need to go through a few steps.

Picture Instructions for action
epilophylofroyl1 Step 1. Conduct a product audit

Got bugs in the croup? Feel free to throw it away! After that, inspect other products for the presence of insects or traces of their activity, if necessary, throw them away.

Do not overlook even the products in cardboard packaging - beetles can easily gnaw their way through cardboard, cellophane and even foil.

epilophylofroyl2 Step 2. Process other products

Even if the bugs from the cereal are not seen, it does not mean at all that the products are not infected. How to be in this case?

It's time to turn to heat treatment. There may be two options.

  • Pour the cereal or flour on a baking sheet and send it to the oven heated to 50 degrees for 40-60 minutes.
  • "Freeze" foods in the refrigerator for 3-4 days.

    In winter, cereals can be sent to the balcony for the same 3-4 days.

oyloroflyvofyroalyra3 Step 3. Arrange cleaning

After these manipulations, it's time to do the cleaning.

  • Using a vacuum cleaner, thoroughly clean kitchen cabinets and countertops, paying special attention to corners and crevices.
  • After the procedure, discard the vacuum cleaner bag or freeze it for 3-4 days, after emptying it.
  • Steam or freeze the container in which the infected croup was stored.

    Do not use all sorts of powders, bleaches or ammonia products in the process of cleaning with your own hands - they are useless from beetles.

epilophylofroyl4 Step 4. Protect remaining products

In order not to get bugs again, pour the flour, cereals, pasta, dried fruit, pet food, spices and cookies into more protected containers. To properly store bulk goods, use resealable containers from:

  • glass;
  • plastic;
  • metal.

Precautionary measures

So, in what to store cereals and how to get rid of bugs, you now know. But it also doesn’t hurt to know what precautions you can take to further reduce the risk of encountering unpleasant guests in your kitchen.

To never again encounter insects in the kitchen, it is necessary to remember simple precautionsTo never again encounter insects in the kitchen, it is necessary to remember simple precautions
  • Buy a small amount of productsthat can be used in about 2-4 months. This will reduce the chances of bugs in your home.
  • Always pay attention to packaging integrity.. As I already said, cardboard, foil or a package will not stop small insects.
  • Maintain perfect cleanliness in places of storage of loose products. Do not allow crumbs or small food residues to accumulate - they will only attract unwanted guests.
  • You can enhance anti-zing protection.. How to store semolina and other kupy, to negate the possibility of the appearance of insects? Put a few cloves of garlic, bay leaf or a few peppermint chewing gums into food containers. Such a fragrance will easily scare off bugs.
The smell of laurel, garlic or mint scares off bugsThe smell of laurel, garlic or mint scares off bugs

If, despite all the precautions, the bugs appeared again, it was washed away to carefully examine the other rooms. If the problem persists after that, you have to turn to professionals. The price of their services is high, but this is the only option.


I told everything that I knew about how to get rid of small insects in the kitchen and suggested how to keep the cereals so that bugs wouldn't start. By following these simple guidelines, you can protect your products from damage. Also be sure to watch the proposed video in this article - thanks to it, you will learn a lot more useful information on the topic.

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