How to get rid of cockroaches in the apartment: 4 popular methods and 3 types of purchased items


  • 1 Cockroach Detection Factors
  • 2 How to get cockroaches - folk methods and purchased chemistry
    • 2.1 Folk methods: 4 ways
    • 2.2 Household chemicals: 3 common species
  • 3 Results

To see a cockroach in the kitchen is an unpleasant sight. I, unfortunately, had to contemplate these nasty insects, but I set up an ambush for them and found the means that helped get them out forever.

I will tell you how to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment with the help of popular methods and means of purchase.

Everyone can face nasty insects in the kitchen, but not everyone knows how to eliminate them.Everyone can face nasty insects in the kitchen, but not everyone knows how to eliminate them.

Cockroach Detection Factors

The fact that you have Prusaki or other cockroaches in your kitchen, bathroom, or bedroom has the following signs.

On the appearance of insects say black dots (waste products), smell and egg layingOn the appearance of insects say black dots (waste products), smell and egg laying
  • The appearance of black dots. You can notice them on almost any surface in the house. These are waste products of nasty insects.
  • Characteristic smell. The appearance of pests in the house may indicate an unpleasant sweet flavor.
  • instagram viewer
  • Laying with eggs. Their presence suggests that you will not only have to defeat the insects themselves, but also to bring out every single larva. Otherwise, you will need to start the fight again.
  • Personal meeting. Turned on the lights in the kitchen and saw Prusacks running in all directions? Congratulations, cockroaches have become your official cohabitants.
The sooner you start fighting parasites, the greater your chances of success.The sooner you start fighting parasites, the greater your chances of success.

How to get cockroaches - folk methods and purchased chemistry

If you are faced with at least one of the above factors, then it's time to think about how to get rid of cockroaches in the house. This can be done with the help of folk methods and insecticides. I would recommend using an integrated approach - this will increase your chances of success in the fight against uninvited guests.

You can cope with cockroaches without the help of specialists.You can cope with cockroaches without the help of specialists.

Folk methods: 4 ways

Folk remedies for fighting cockroaches can help if pests have just appeared in a private house or apartment. In more advanced cases, they may not be as effective:

Picture Instructions for action
table_pic_att15015495214 Boric acid

Sold in any pharmacy, and its price is available to everyone. Scatter the powder along:

  • all corners of the apartment;
  • plinths;
  • places of accumulation of moisture.

Acid gets on the paws of insects, and when they decide to clean them, then in the stomach.

Be prepared for the fact that quickly cockroaches will not die - the extermination of the population can take 2-3 weeks.

table_pic_att15015495215 Ammonia

Add it to the water for washing windows, floors and other surfaces in the house. The sharp smell of alcohol will scare away cockroaches and they will quickly move out of your house.

The sharp aroma of ammonia will not only be unpleasant for pests, but also for you and your pets. So I recommend after leaving the apartment to leave it for a day, after which you thoroughly air all the rooms.

table_pic_att15015495226 Arsenic

A very dangerous, but at the same time incredibly effective way to control pests. Be extremely careful with its use and make sure that it does not enter the body of your loved ones or pets.

When working with arsenic, be sure to wear gloves and a protective mask. Keep it away from children and pets.

table_pic_att15015495237 Traps

For a couple of minutes, you can build your own excellent cockroach traps.

  • Take a cut bottle, a jar with a wide neck, or a saucepan with low sides.
  • Lubricate the inner walls of the vessel with petroleum jelly, vegetable oil or grease.
  • Put something on the bottom that attracts cockroaches. This may be a slice of bread, sweet cookies or sugar.

So create a few traps, and then put in places of insects. Cockroaches will crawl into the dishes, but they will not be able to get out. You will only wash them down the drain.

Talking about how to get rid of cockroaches at home, not to mention freezing. This method is controversial, as it is quite difficult to implement, but it is still very effective.

Cockroaches are afraid of cold, so you need to ensure at least a day the temperature in the apartment or in a private house at the level of -8 degrees.

Household chemicals: 3 common species

For the destruction of cockroaches are often used a variety of chemicals. Here is a table of the most popular substances:

Picture Cockroach Remedies
table_pic_att15015495248 The sprays

Their composition is usually not much different from each other. You can purchase:

  • Dichlorvos;
  • Raptor;
  • Combat Super;
  • Gett

After processing the apartment with a spray, be sure to leave the room for a few hours.

table_pic_att15015495259 Gels

Cockroaches in an apartment are successfully excreted using gels sold in tubes or syringes. They do not guarantee the instant destruction of insects, but at the same time much more effective sprays. Among the most popular gels:

  • Dohlox;
  • Trap;
  • Global;
  • Raptor.

It will be enough for you to apply the gel with a thin layer on the habitats of your unexpected guests.

table_pic_att150154952510 Powders and crayons

What helps to bring cockroaches, in addition to sprays and gels? Of course, powders and crayons. You can buy:

  • Masha (pictured);
  • Mebelis Zipper;
  • Clean house.

Treat the selected medium along the baseboards and the corners of the cupboards in the kitchen.

All these substances will not help to remove insects once and for all if you do not follow the cleanliness of your apartment. You need:

  • Regularly clean the apartment. So you prevent the appearance of not only the Prussian, but other nasty insects.
  • Take out the garbage in a timely manner. Even the smallest leftover food can attract a crowd of cockroaches.
  • If a leak occurs, immediately eliminate it.. Sources of moisture like a magnet attract unpleasant insects.
  • Wipe the sink at night. Why it is necessary to do this is described in the previous paragraph.

Thus you deprive cockroaches favorable habitat for them.

Regular cleaning and timely removal of food debris - the best prevention from unpleasant insectsRegular cleaning and timely removal of food debris - the best prevention from unpleasant insects


I told how to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment with the help of popular methods and purchased chemistry. You need to choose one or several ways at once, and put them into practice. You can find more visual instructions on the video in this article, and share your successes in the comments to the article.

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