I was almost evicted from the house dust mites


  • 1 Know the enemy in the face
  • 2 Are ticks all harmful?
  • 3 On the warpath
    • 3.1 simple rules
    • 3.2 ready-made solution
  • 4 Summing up
You are still thinking how to kill dust mites? And they are already engaged in an offensive on your health!You are still thinking how to kill dust mites? And they are already engaged in an offensive on your health!

"A little, yes udalenky" this saying we can safely apply to dust mites. Diminutive size does not prevent them to bring enormous harm by undermining human health. Today I want to tell you what dangerous dust mites and how to get rid of them.

Medical Statistics disappointing: 2/3 of children with asthma are allergic to mites waste products. Where lurks a dangerous enemy? Everywhere! Comfortably settle mites are in the carpets, mattresses, pillows, upholstered furniture and toys, and even in books.

Know the enemy in the face

Mites and their waste products can quietly undermine your healthMites and their waste products can quietly undermine your health

insect size is small, only 0.5-0.1 mm. Over the 80 days of his life, each female lays 60 eggs. In total there are about 150 species, divided into two kinds: Euroglyphus and Dermatophagoides. Therefore, in the scientific literature, they are called Dermatophagoidic and piroglifidnymi.

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House dust mites are divided into three groups depending on the characteristics of behavior:

  1. The first group enrolled piroglifidnye barn and mites.
  2. In the second - insects feeding on the first group.
  3. The third - "occasional visitors" who enter the houses and apartments, but do not form its population.
Granary mite dangerous because their waste products left in the flour and grainGranary mite dangerous because their waste products left in the flour and grain

Sinatropny body, Kojima is a tick, always lives next to the man, he prefers humidity of at least 55% and in need of a nutrient base (dead skin cells).

Particularly comfortable tick in the "king's mansion" with a lot of dust accumulation: for baseboards, carpets and bookshelves. Not averse to it, and luxuriate in your down pillows and a blanket.

And myagonky sofa and beautiful cushions, and ticks fed and satisfiedAnd myagonky sofa and beautiful cushions, and ticks fed and satisfied

Dust mites are everywhere! Colony can have between 10 to 10 thousand insects per gram of dust. Up to 100 individuals per gram is safe for humans, 500 - results in glucocorticosteroid seizures, 1000-2000 - provokes chronic rhinitis and allergic reactions in those who have it a genetic addiction.

Not so dangerous dust mites, as substances that contain his excrement. Der f1 and Der p1 - substances secreted by ticks and related categories of digestive enzymes, is a strong allergen.

Are ticks all harmful?

Dust mites in humans can cause severe allergic reactions, up to angioedemaDust mites in humans can cause severe allergic reactions, up to angioedema

Allergies can be a contact, respiratory and food. Barn and house dust mites can cause allergic reactions of all types.

Most often, symptoms allergic rhinitis, dermatitis, rhinoconjunctivitis. So before you drink a little water another antihistamine pill, think, and whether you the cause of all evils known?

On the warpath

The enemy is determined, it's time to figure out how to get rid of dust mites in the apartment.

simple rules

The first means of dust mites - is the purityThe first means of dust mites - is the purity

Set of these rules is aimed at creating the conditions in which the mites have been uncomfortable and uncomfortable:

Photo Remove all unnecessary
table_pic_att15105918856 Tip 1

Minimize the amount of upholstered furniture with a cloth upholstery. As well, throw your favorite sofa?

No, the sofa can leave, just replace the upholstery of leather or imitation leather.

table_pic_att15105918877 Tip 2

Eliminate the need to and carpets (and they went out of fashion for a long time).

Particularly well mites live in carpets, wall-natural, high-quality cleaning that takes place several times a year.

table_pic_att15105918888 Tip 3

Bedding with natural feather replace synthetic, which, by the way, no way inferior.

Let's see, that it is necessary to do:

Photo proper cleaning
table_pic_att15105918909 Washing at high temperatures

To organize linen hot wash to dry in the sun.

The same recommendation is relevant for bedspreads and rugs.

floor cleaning

Wet floor-cleaning should be done using saline.

For its preparation in 5 liters of warm water dissolve 8-10 art. tablespoons of table salt.

table_pic_att151059189110 A vacuum cleaner

To maintain the cleanliness of the vacuum cleaner to buy aquafiltering.

For example, Philips has knows exactly what to kill dust mites. In the photo - upright vacuum cleaner with aquafiltering FC7070 Aqua Trio (the price - 20 000 rubles.)

We will continue to cause unacceptable living conditions for dust mites:

Photo Conditions
table_pic_att151059189311 Humidity

Control during the month of humidity, make sure that it did not go beyond 40%.

Pay attention to the existing air-conditioning, well, if it can capture particles smaller than 30 microns.

table_pic_att151059189412 Cold

Frost and sun - a wonderful day. Yes, it is wonderful, to mites in the mattress went for a walk on the balcony.

Insects are not fond of low temperatures and UV rays.

table_pic_att151059189513 hot temperatures

For small soft toys can be used in the freezing compartment of a refrigerator or freezer at a temperature of washing is not less than 70 ° C.

ready-made solution

And now the answer to the question of how to deal with ticks off his hands to look at specialty stores.

Photo Instructions and recommendations
table_pic_att151059189614 Allergoff

It can be used on all surfaces. The main active ingredient - benzyl benzoate.

After spraying insect mortality occurs within 2 h.

table_pic_att151059190115 Easy Air

One bottle is enough for a room of 25 square meters. Means applied after thorough washing and vacuuming.

It has a neutral odor and harmless for pets.


Emulsion based trihlormetafosa-3 is used for cleaning carpets and floor coverings. It does not require rinsing.

Summing up

Now that you know what dust mites and how to get rid home of unwanted neighborhood. I also need to wish you good health and offer useful and interesting videos in this article.

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